Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 178 Prophet? ! Horror Abilities That Are Almost Bug-Like [Please Subscribe, Please Order In

...... These two tech props met my needs perfectly.

"And the price is not expensive, it only adds up to more than 50,000 points."

"With my current 150,000 points, I can still afford it."

Thinking like this, Li Hao did not hesitate to buy both products,


Points - 22,300.

The moment the points were deducted, Li Hao's system inventory was filled with 100% virtual fighting capsule and multi-functional training room.

Empty all of those regular fitness equipment in the fitness area.

Li Hao took out the two technological products of the multi-functional exercise room and the 100% virtual fighting module in the system inventory.

Next second.

A boxy virtual cabin made of some unknown alloy and a 'metal block' hundreds of cubic meters in size appeared in front of him.

Take a look at the instructions for using these two technology products.

After figuring out how to use it, Li Hao immediately asked Jarvis to control the small artificial sun to deliver energy to this hundreds of cubic meters of '15 metal blocks' and virtual capsules.

After getting enough energy, the working indicators of these two technology products are lit up.

Placing the virtual capsule in a small room around the perimeter, Li Hao finds the display of the 'metal block' and clicks the start button.

Duh! Duh! Duh!

A metallic intertwining sound sounded.

This 'metal block' of hundreds of cubic meters, like a transformer, began to automatically deform and expand.

About ten minutes later.

Most of the fitness area is covered by it.

A futuristic high-tech fitness and workout room appeared in front of Li Hao's eyes.

Obviously, this is the 'body' of the multi-purpose exercise room.

3x gravity table, sonic runway, deep-sea press.............

There are all kinds of high-tech exercise props and facilities, covering almost all exercise directions.

It's a 'paradise' for exercisers.

Of course, these high-tech exercise props and facilities can only be used by true superhumans.

For ordinary people, using these high-tech exercise props is a real 'killing tool.'

Using this thing to exercise is completely thinking that your life is too long.

Almost equivalent to suicide.

Didn't say it.

After familiarizing himself with the use of these high-tech props, Li Hao asked Jarvis to take notes.

Subsequently, the test of his body began.

Play weightlifting in a 3x gravity table, run wildly on a sonic runway, play pull-ups in a deep-sea press..............

After a series of jaw-dropping tests, Li Hao also knows his current physical fitness.

"According to the test just now, my strength is now more than 350 tons, and in terms of speed, if I run at full strength, I can also approach the speed of sound (340 / second), but I can't break through the sound barrier and reach supersonic speed..."

"It's hard to say about physical endurance, but what is certain is that it is definitely dozens of times stronger than before, and I have conducted such a high-intensity physical test, so far, I have not even felt tired."

"The nerve reaction ability is at least a hundred times faster than that of normal humans, and the ability to resist blows is also very strong, at least able to resist the impact force of more than 80 tons, and the body's self-healing ability has also been greatly strengthened, a large wound ten centimeters deep, almost only three minutes to heal easily..."

Calculating the physical data he tested, Li Hao was also more and more frightened.

It's so perverted.

After drinking the intermediate gene potion, he went from truly beyond the definition of a human.

It's like Superman in the movie.

As long as he does not use missiles and nuclear bombs and other weapons of mass destruction, he even has the confidence to face a modern armored brigade and win.

Although the armor-piercing shells fired by the tank may be able to penetrate his body defenses, with his speed and reflexes, those shells are unlikely to hit him.

Even with fire covering.

Unless the fire coverage can cover a radius of ten kilometers, it is useless in the face of his ultra-fast movement speed of close to 340 meters per second.

"Good guy, I'm a straight enemy!"

"Is this the transcendent body after genetic metamorphosis evolution?!"

"It's really a hanging sky!"

I understand how powerful my physical functions are now' Li Hao couldn't help but smile with joy on his face.

"After testing the basic physical fitness, next, it's time to start testing the actual combat."

Although you know how powerful your body's basic data is, it is still not intuitive enough.

Li Hao, who has just completed his transformation, also wants to try his 'skills'.

Perhaps more potential extraordinary abilities of this transformed extraordinary body can be unearthed.

Thinking like this, Li Hao couldn't wait to open the 100% virtual fighting compartment and lie down.

Looking at the virtual screen projected in front of him, Li Hao began to set up opponents for virtual battles.

The opponent is set up as a modern tank unit of an army group, and the scene is set in the plain of Ichima Pingchuan.

After the setup is complete, Li Hao directly clicks Start.

There was a change in front of my eyes.

Li Hao entered a plain of incomparable reality.

The fragrance of grass, the gentle breeze that greets you...

If he hadn't known in his heart that this was a virtual projection, Li Hao would probably have thought he had crossed again.

Didn't give Li Hao much time to marvel.

In the distance, a torrent of steel consisting of thousands of various main battle tanks is surging towards Li Hao.

In an instant, countless shells fell towards Li Hao.

Instinctively aware of the danger, Li Hao subconsciously followed his instincts and dodged to the right side of 137.

In just two seconds, it ran out of the area covered by thousands of shells.

Two seconds after Li Hao ran out, the shells fell 'belatedly'.

Countless explosions of fire rose.

There is no rest.

In the distance, tank armies continued to cover Li Hao with a steady stream of high-density artillery fire.


Li Hao is like an unknown prophet.

Each time, at the moment of firing, it left the coverage of the shell.

"This kind of prophet-like ability to perceive danger may only occasionally appear a few times in an ordinary human life, and after the genetic transformation of my body, this state has become almost instinctive, and I use it almost all the time."

"According to the current tests, as long as there is any danger that can affect my life within 5 kilometers, I seem to be able to easily perceive and instinctively find a way to avoid it. ......"

Li Hao pondered this newly tested extraordinary ability while moving at near-sonic speeds, easily dodging the shell coverage of tank armies.

Obviously, this is an almost bug-like horror ability.

Especially in terms of survivability, there is an almost qualitative improvement.

With this ability, unless you encounter a terrorist crisis that cannot be solved at all, it is really difficult to die.

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