Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 24 Super Cold, The Ice Age Is Coming [New Book Asks For Everything]

December 15, 2020

The system publishes a new task.

【Farm construction】

【Mission Description】: The day when the meat food is finally eaten, without stable protein intake, the human body will gradually become weak, ask the host to build a chicken and duck farm to provide meat for underground shelters.

【Mission Rewards】: Fast-growing earthworms (can accelerate the growth of chickens and ducks and increase their nutritional value)

In order to accomplish this task, Li Hao decided to post the purchase of chicken and duck seedlings on the trading forum on the Internet.

After all, the surface of the ground is now cold and scary, whether it is chickens, ducks, or other animals, I am afraid that they will die a long time ago.

It's impossible to pick it up for nothing.

Of course, even if he could pick it up, he didn't dare to eat it.

Those are all irradiated animals that have been exposed to radiation, and the radiation content in the body is absolutely high and scary.

It may now be only in some shelters that unradiated chickens and ducks survive.

That's why he put his hopes of accomplishing the task on trading forums.

After the news was released, although this information attracted the attention of many people, no one traded.

Obviously, there are very few people who have chicken and duck seedlings in their hands now.

Under the global catastrophe, food shortages, who will feed these little things.

I am afraid that most people will choose to directly slaughter and eat meat.

As for how to supplement protein in the future.

The official posted a vermiculture manual and eating method on the Internet, just for this purpose.

For a long time to come, earthworms will be the main source of protein for the vast majority of people.

"In a short period of time, I am afraid that this task will be difficult to complete."

Knowing this, Li Hao shook his head and sighed.

However, fortunately, his canned meat is still abundant, and he does not need to eat earthworms to supplement protein.

Otherwise, he really couldn't stand it.


December 16, 2020

Inside the vegetable planting room, the first batch of vegetables was harvested.

Li Hao and Zhao Xueqi harvested and refrigerated the fresh vegetables together.

With this batch of fresh vegetables, the food reserves of the underground shelter are once again much richer.


December 17, 2020



December 18, 2020

December 19, 2020


Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, the time came to December 25, 2020.

8:00 a.m.

Li Hao comfortably eats potato chips from the pre-disaster tun while surfing the Internet and chatting with sand sculpture netizens.

Although the internet speed was slow, he still enjoyed it.

It gave him a sense of returning to life before global catastrophe.


Next second.

A news suddenly popped up on a computer web page.

This is an official announcement issued in person.

"Warning! According to the monitoring of the remaining meteorological satellites in space, a super cold snap has appeared, sweeping the world, please take warm precautions in major shelters to reduce damage..."

"Super cold snap is coming?!"

Li Hao frowned.

This is not good news.

According to the temperature tester, the temperature outside has now dropped to -30 degrees.

Then there is a super cold snap, and the temperature will definitely drop faster.

In such a cruel environment, those simple shelters without cold insulation may be difficult to survive.

People who freeze to death will definitely not be in the minority.

"Fortunately, I had expected that the cold layer of the shelter built with low-temperature defense metal would have no effect as long as it was not an ultra-low temperature below -150 degrees."

Li Hao's heart is solemn and at the same time, he is also happy.

Now the outside temperature is only -30 degrees, which is far from the ultra-low temperature of -150 degrees.

"However, the super cold snap is sweeping the world, so for the sake of caution, it is better to go out and re-detect the temperature changes outside."

"If the temperature plummets too quickly, then you need to prepare the cold clothing you need to go out."

After thinking about it, Li Hao put on a down jacket and a layer of radiation protection clothing, and walked towards the outside of the shelter.

Get out of the shelter gate.

Li Hao came to the surface and looked around.

I saw that the outside weather changed from light snow before to goose feathers and heavy snow at this moment.

The north wind howled.

The white snowflakes flew as if to bury the world in ice.

In such a "pale" environment, Li Hao's eyes could not even see through these snowflakes and see the scene three meters away.

Hair fingers with poor visibility.

Take out the temperature tester and turn it on.

0 degrees.

-10 degrees.

-20 degrees.

-30 degrees.


-51 degrees.

The temperature on the temperature tester showed a rapid drop, quickly crossing -30 to -51 degrees, and it was still falling at a fairly fast rate.

"Overnight, it dropped by 21 degrees?!"

Li Hao's face changed.

Although he does not know much about meteorology, he also knows that this super cold snap, which can reduce 21 degrees overnight, is absolutely extremely terrifying.

Add to that the world's previous continued drop in temperature.

The combination of the two has an impact on human civilization that is definitely not inferior to the giant meteorite fall.

In other words, the second global catastrophe after the giant meteorite has begun.

This time it's the Ice Catastrophe, the Ice Age.


This extreme low temperature would wipe out almost all life on the surface.

This is the complete destruction of the old biosphere.

Even if humans don't take shelter with well-equipped measures against the cold.

In less than ten days, humanity will be completely extinct.

Of course, the dumbest move.

And human beings, as highly intelligent creatures, obviously cannot wait for death just like this.

However, the impact of this natural disaster on human beings is undoubtedly huge.

What the future holds for humanity, no one can tell.

Thinking like this, Li Hao suddenly felt that his body was a little cold.

It seems that this down jacket full of duck down cannot stop the cold from the outside world.

Feeling this, Li Hao was shocked in his heart and hurriedly retreated to the underground shelter.

Confirming that he showed no signs of frostbite, Li Hao immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that it is necessary to add an extra cold protection function to the anti-radiation life suit, otherwise it will really not be able to withstand this terrifying low temperature."


PS: The new book asks for all the data

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