Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 72 The Global Hypoxia Crisis, The Harvest Of Genetically Modified Fast-Cooking Rice 【Please


Li Hao continued to dig the earth to enrich the shelter's metal reserves.

March 9, 2021

To solve the problem of raw materials, the automated metal furnace is running at full force.

After two days of production, the reserve of energy-absorbing alloy plates in the shelter has also become sufficient.

With sufficient energy-absorbing alloy wall panels, Li Hao used a fully automatic multi-functional mechanical building octopus, worked overtime, and finally completely completed the wall replacement and upgrading of the entire shelter

"It's finally done."

Looking at the energy-absorbing alloy protective wall in front of him, Li Hao was also relieved in his heart.

With this "upgraded" shelter wall, even if the surface temperature and radiation are high, as long as it does not exceed the limit of its energy absorption, the inside of the underground shelter will not be affected in any way.

Place the cryogenic defense alloy and memory alloy steel that replaced "one zero zero" into the metal bin Curry.

Li Hao, who has done a good job in disaster prevention, is also completely idle.

Holding Zhao Xueshi to play games, occasionally chatting with sand sculpture netizens.

The little life is still quite comfortable.


The outside temperature continues to warm up, and has returned to -53 degrees.

But the heavy hail rain is also becoming more and more ferocious.

Although the individual size has not changed much, the density is much higher than before.

Moreover, according to the information on the Internet, the scope of the Great Hail Rain has also been greatly expanded, covering more than half of the land of the Xia Kingdom.

However, Li Hao did not pay much attention to this, and paid more attention to some information in the Doomsday Forum that estimated the rate of atmospheric thinning.

After all, the hailstorm posed no threat to him, and was itself just a by-product of the process of climate change.

The sharp rise in solar radiation received by blue stars due to the thinning of the atmosphere is the real big crisis.

If you are not careful, the entire Blue Star will turn into a huge high-temperature "steamer", steaming every life inside.

The degree of danger between the two is not comparable at all.


The outside temperature warmed up again, rising directly to -46 degrees.

March 12, 2021

The last batch of wheat and rice harvested abundantly.

The genetically modified quick-ripening rice that was subsequently sown on a large area has now fully matured after a growth cycle of one and a half months.

Vegetable plantations are planted outdoors plus agricultural plantations, and there are probably more than 7,000 square meters of land sown with genetically modified quick-ripening rice.


The shelter directly increased its food reserves by nearly ten tons.

If it weren't for the construction of a large granary of more than 1,000 square meters before, even if the original food storage room burst, it would not be able to hold so much rice.

March 13, 2021

March 17, 2021

As the temperature rises day by day, the heavy hail rain that has been fierce for more than half a month is finally no longer so ferocious.

It went from the size of a millstone to the size of a fist.

It seems that there is a trend of disappearing completely.

Early morning.

Li Hao had a "rare" nap today and didn't wake up until o'clock.

Get up and move your muscles.

For some reason, he suddenly felt a little stuffy in his chest, as if his breathing was a little unsmooth.

This situation instantly alerted Li Hao.

"With my current physical functions enhanced by low-grade genetic agents, it is difficult to get sick, and there should be no problems in my body."

"Then obviously only external factors are affected."

Li Hao's eyes flashed.

Taking a few deep breaths, Li Hao noticed that his symptoms of stuffiness seemed to suddenly improve.

"It won't be stuffy due to insufficient oxygen supply, right?!"

Feeling this, Li Hao suddenly had a guess in his heart.

Although his physical functions are extremely strong now, he also needs to consume more oxygen.

Spring River Water Heating Duck Prophet.

If the oxygen content in the air becomes less than a certain level, he will be more likely to detect it than ordinary people.

"Oxygen levels in the air of shelters dropping? Could it be that there is a problem with the ventilation system?!"

"No, go check it out as soon as possible."

Thinking of this possibility, Li Hao's eyes froze, quickly put on his clothes, and walked out of the bedroom.

Quickly check all the ventilation ducts, air filters, etc. in the shelter...

Li Hao, however, found nothing.

The ventilation system was working properly and there were no problems at all.

"What's going on?!"

Seeing this, Li Hao was also a little puzzled, and his brows were furrowed together.

"Wait, this may not just be a drop in oxygen in the air of the shelter!!"

Suddenly, as if thinking of some possibility, Li Hao's face changed, and he walked quickly back to the bedroom.

Turn on the computer.

Li Hao opened the Doomsday Forum for the first time.

The question of the drop in oxygen levels in the air has been put at the top, causing concern for many.

Sure enough.

It's not just his shelter, but the oxygen levels of the entire Blue Star have dropped.

This is a global hypoxia.

Looking through this post, Li Hao also has a general understanding of the specific cause of this incident.

In fact, as early as after the end of the world, the "seed" of global hypoxia has been planted.

The giant meteorite fall changed the climate of the entire blue star dramatically.

The ice age came, and the extreme cold caused all plants to freeze to death.

After all, no matter how frost-resistant plants are, it is impossible to survive in ultra-low temperatures of minus tens of degrees.

The extinction of surface plants has prevented carbon dioxide from the blue star's air being converted into oxygen.

In this case, the organism is still constantly breathing, allowing oxygen to be converted into carbon dioxide, and the oxygen content in the air naturally begins to decline. 5.6

After more than half a year of consumption, Blue Star's oxygen reserves are about to be exhausted.

Now the oxygen content in the air has dropped to a rather "dangerous" point.

At most a week, the oxygen content of the air drops to the point where ordinary humans feel stuffy.

In another month, if you don't think about it, if you don't want to do it, humans breathing air, I am afraid that there will be a risk of suffocation and carbon dioxide poisoning.

It is for this reason that the vast majority of people on the Doomsday Forum are discussing the method of communicating oxygen production.

Even the official was involved.

The relatively simple and easy oxygen production methods such as green algae oxygen production method and bacterial oxygen production method are all announced at the top, so that more people can see it.

"The world is about to fall into a hypoxia crisis, and it seems that I will prepare early."

"But the oxygen production efficiency of these simple methods on the Internet is too low..."

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