Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 75 Precursor Of The Ocean Era? The Grand Sea Ark Plan【Please Subscribe, Please Order】


The outside temperature has risen back to -9 degrees.

The cold air is gradually receding.

However, the weather is also becoming more and more volatile and capricious.

From time to time, torrential rain can fall without warning.

Inside the shelter.

A pickup truck slowly drove into the underground garage.

"Good harvest today!"

Getting out of the car, Li Hao looked at the goods in the truck's cargo box and couldn't help but smile.

This time, he used edible salt to get ten cartons of canned fruit, five boxes of top-quality chocolate, and hundreds of freshwater fish fry.

It was a bumper harvest.

Canned fruit with top quality chocolate goes without saying.

In the apocalypse is a luxury within a luxury.

After all, fruit trees and cocoa trees have a long growth cycle, often taking years to blossom and bear fruit.

In the apocalypse, it is estimated that only a very small number of people will grow these things.

It is estimated that there will be no fruit and cocoa beans for a long time to come.

Hundreds of freshwater fry are also precious.

Just get a fish pond and let these freshwater fish thrive.

The shelter can provide a stable food source for more than 340 people, making the shelter more diverse in food.

What's more, the nutrition of fish is also very high, and the taste is also very delicious.

Thinking of the wonderful taste of grilled fish, Li Hao couldn't help but swallow a little.

The coolest thing is that these are all exchanged for salt.

For Li Hao, table salt is no different from dirt.

Rounded, these things are equivalent to "picking up for nothing".

Have a few clone warriors carry these canned fruits and top chocolates to the pantry.

Li Hao took the hundreds of freshwater fry and walked towards the farm.

At present, the farm's ten breeding areas are home to chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep, and six areas are empty.

These freshwater fry are placed in one of the farming areas.

Enter the farm!

Come to an empty breeding area.

Li Hao started the fully automatic multi-purpose mechanical building Octopus, transforming the area into a fish pond of more than 100 square meters.

Subsequently, live water is introduced, the (BFDB) water temperature is set, and hundreds of freshwater fry are put into it.

After making sure that the fry did not have any discomfort and were very active, Li Hao sprinkled a handful of grain into it as food for these fry according to the farming method taught by the seller.

After doing all this, Li Hao turned around and left the farm.

Return to the shelter bedroom.

Li Hao turned on his computer, ate canned fruit while logging into the official forum to check the latest information.

Although the recent acceleration of temperature recovery has brought the ice age to an end, everything seems to be going in a good direction, but he still maintains a great sense of vigilance.

Because he knew very well that this was not the end of disaster, but the beginning of another catastrophe.

The era of low temperature is over, and the era of high temperature is coming.

The rate of thinning of the atmosphere is a key factor in determining when the era of high temperatures will come and how much the temperature of the blue star will increase.

Not only that, but Li Hao also has another, bigger worry and doubt in his mind.

Why exactly does the Blue Star atmosphere thin?

It can't be for nothing!

You know, the atmosphere of Blue Star was very stable before.

Even if a giant meteorite impact will have a certain impact on the atmosphere of Blue Star, it will never make the atmosphere of Blue Star thin and escape.

Now that the Blue Star's atmosphere continues to dissipate and thin, there are definitely other unknown decisive factors in it.

That unknown determinant may be the real source of the crisis.

After all, from the current point of view, such major events as the blue star heating up and the global entry into the high temperature era are all formed because of this unknown decisive factor.

Who can guarantee that this unknown decisive factor affects only these?!

"What are the unknown factors that cause the thinning of the Blue Star's atmosphere?"

Looking at recent news reports, Li Hao has not found anything, and it seems that the country has not found the cause above the atmosphere of Blue Star.

Just as Li Hao was disappointed and ready to close the official forum.

A bright red super banner appeared abruptly on the official forum.

"Super disaster warning?!"

Li Hao was also shocked in his heart, and quickly clicked in to check it.

"Red Alert! Red Warning! After repeated research and investigation by scientists at the Kyoto Official Vault, comparing the lunar parameters transmitted by the exploration satellite [it was found that a small deflection occurred when it was suspected to be hit by a large giant meteorite fragment before using the ball.

After several evolutions, the deflection of the Moon is gradually increasing, and the gravitational force with the Moon is gradually unbalanced, and the gravitational field begins to be disordered, and it is expected that the sea level of the ocean will gradually rise in the future until it engulfs all the continents of Blue Star.

The state has launched an emergency plan, using ten new large-scale plateau shelters before, using the perfect industrial facilities of large plateau shelters, opening the Sea Ark Plan, which will build tens of thousands of maritime steel giant ships, and several 50 square kilometers of mobile steel islands, which are expected to accommodate 2-600 million people, please do not give up hope, human civilization will always exist, human brilliance will always be there.........."

(Note: 1 square kilometer = 1,000,000 square meters)

"Moon deflection?! Earth-Moon gravity imbalance?! And the Ark at Sea program?!"

After reading this information, Li Hao was also a little stunned.

Unknown factors that cause the thinning of the Blue Star's atmosphere to escape seem to have been found.

Moon deflection!

The deflection of the Moon causes the gravitational imbalance of the Earth and the Moon, causing the gravitational disorder of the blue star, which can no longer perfectly "bind" the atmosphere of the atmosphere, resulting in the thinning of the atmosphere.

This is the real reason for the recent sharp rise in blue star temperatures.

"It doesn't seem to matter anymore, though! The most important thing now is that due to the gradual deflection of the moon, it seems that the tidal gravity has also begun to increase, according to the official information, the sea level of Blue Star is likely to rise to the point where it can engulf all of Blue Star's continents in the future. ”

"Otherwise, the official could not have opened the so-called Sea Ark Plan so solemnly, which means that the Ocean Age is coming, and it is already approaching!!"

Thinking of this, Li Hao's face was also a little gloomy.

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