Global Escape: My RV and My Robot Army

Chapter 156 News about Della Technology (Please save! Please recommend! Please vote for me!)

The explosion overhead blew down a large amount of debris, including the corpses of snipers.

"Damn, we're under attack, fire back!"

Zarazzo shouted, and upon hearing the sound, the thugs who had just rushed out of the camp immediately turned to support and headed towards the main entrance.

The rifle in his hand began to fire, and a dense rain of bullets hit Lin Ming and others.

But everyone reacted quickly, and the JK armed men stood in front, and the thick giant shields were opened in conjunction with the optical matrix.

The thermal weapon, which was invincible in the past, now does not cause any real damage except for sparks on the shield.

And while they were changing their ammunition...

"Smoke bombs, cover the team's intrusion!"

Lin Tianci gave an order, and the Physalis SJ warriors on the roof immediately replaced their special arrows.

Whoosh whoosh!

The arrow was thrown down and nailed into the shelter, and after a few "bang bang bang" sounds, a large amount of oil smoke spread out.

The pungent smell made the thugs cover their mouths and noses and unable to open their eyes, but the armed men wearing filtering helmets were unharmed.

Coupled with the detection of magnetic flying insects and ground-burrowing springtails.

[Sound wave detection turned on]

[Fluctuation detection starts]

Swish, swish, swish!

A humanoid silhouette appeared in everyone's sight. They shared information as if all members had turned on perspective and were not affected by the smoke. They put on melee weapons and immediately rushed out.

"Come after me!"

Lin Ming took the lead and killed directly in front of Zarazzo.

As a person with super powers, how could he just sit there and wait for death? He pulled out the short knife from his waist and was about to fight back.

But who would have expected that the CD-armed gamma-enhanced electric claw slashed through him, and the dagger in his hand was cut off along with his arm.


"Kneel down for me!"

He knocked him down with a sweep of his leg, and then hit him hard on the back of the neck, causing him to faint.

Then, a large number of armed men rushed in. As the main entrance was breached, Lin Tianci, who had been waiting for a long time, activated the burrowing worm weapons. Then under his leadership, everyone jumped.

[Jump enhancement]

I saw several yellow and black figures flashing past.

The GM armed men connected the two buildings with spider silk. As it rippled past, the JD armed men stepped forward. Under the effect of the enhanced jumping ability, they and the GM armed men rushed across tens of meters to the window on the tenth floor of the electronics building. .

Bang bang bang!

The windows were broken, and Lin Tianci and a group of armed men broke into the corridor of the electronics building from high altitude.

Seeing them, the thugs who were shooting in front of the window were dumbfounded.

"You...who are you!"

"The one who sends you to hell!"

Lin Tianci shouted, and when the bullets flew towards him, he stepped hard.


The concrete slab on the ground was kicked through and raised to form a bunker. Rifle bullets could not penetrate it, but the armed men had already rushed into the room in the corridor.

Bang bang bang!

Several loud noises came from various rooms. The thugs were a little panicked when they saw no one. Suddenly, the door beside them was kicked open, and several GM armed men and JD armed men came out and cut their necks and throats directly. .

They actually relied on the demolition ability of JD Armed Forces to break the room partitions and achieve precise bypass.

"All the guards in the main control room have been cleared."

"Very good, follow the original plan."

Lin Tianci said, he did not continue the assault, but came to the main control room where the position had been locked.

The main door was hammered open with one punch. The thugs inside wanted to resist, but were easily killed by the armed men with one knife.

Then the GM armed men approached the monitoring system and connected the data lines in its core drive. Then the monitoring of the entire electronics building was immediately interrupted.

Then a magnetoelectric flying insect was placed in the center of the commanding heights, electromagnetic interference was turned on, and the entire shelter fell into a state of communication paralysis.

...frontal battlefield...

"Hey, tell me, what's going on with the enemy?"

The stubborn thugs were still using walkie-talkies to communicate, but all they heard back was the sound of sizzling electricity.

Moreover, the various shooting points sharing the surveillance footage in real time were also blinded because the surveillance system was hacked by GM machinery.

Then look at the fog outside...

The militants have the ability to contribute information, but they don't.

Gunshots and fighting sounds continued inside, and the thugs couldn't tell which was the friendly force and which was the enemy.

For this reason, even though they occupied the commanding heights, they did not dare to shoot at will, and could only sniper with the SJ armed men on the building next door.

However, the SJ militants didn't care about these shooting points at all. With the cover of the optical matrix, they kept firing smoke grenades into the shelter, so that in the end the entire battlefield was shrouded in thick oil mist.

In an instant, the remaining 200 armed forces of the Skeleton Gang suffered heavy casualties.

And this is the horror of the absolute crushing of weapons technology combined with Noah's tactical planning.

The scene returns to Mazara's office.

Seeing that his firearm did no harm to the three armed men in front of him, he immediately mobilized his powers.

But unexpectedly, Lin Yun's reaction speed was extremely fast, and he pushed him against the wall with one hand using telekinesis.

Feeling that his body was unable to move under the pressure, Mazara said with difficulty: "Who...are you?"

"We don't need to answer any of your questions. On the contrary, you have to answer whatever I ask you now."

As Lin Yun spoke, 002's nerve tentacles pierced into the back of Mazara's neck, and he still said stubbornly: "You bunch of despicable sneak attackers, I won't answer any of your questions!"

"That's not up to you. First tell me your relationship with Dela Technology."

"You're dreaming!"

Mazara knew that he couldn't explain anything at the moment, otherwise he would be dead without value.

But Lin Yun smiled slightly.

"Oh, it turns out that when the meteorite fell in North M, you were hired by Dela Technology to clear the surrounding residents and infected people, and brought the meteorite to Dela Technology."


Mazara was shocked, and then he realized that the threads connecting his brain were stealing his consciousness.

And every time Lin Yun asked, his brain would subconsciously respond to the relevant pictures, so Lin Yun didn't need to search his memory, he could just look at it directly.

"Okay, next question, where is Della Technology, tell me everything about them."

"No, pull this damn thing off!"

Mazzara said, but the answer was reflected in his mind unconsciously. Lin Yun read quickly and then got a lot of information about Della Technology.

Della Technology, originally headquartered in Country A, was later disintegrated into three branches and entered the new world.

First branch: Zhao Family of China, Executive Officer Zhao Yunwu.

Second branch: Wen Lan Family of Country Y, Executive Officer Charles.

Third branch: Country A, Executive Officer Anthony.

The three branches developed separately, and the meteorite, which was also Tang Mingyao's body, fell into the hands of Anthony of the third branch. He cooperated with the second branch and used the Skeleton Gang to collect experimental materials to carry out research on genetic drugs.

The incident happened three days ago. The second branch rebelled and launched a surprise attack. The third branch counterattacked and destroyed the second branch.

But Charles of the second branch decided to burn everything together and detonated the bunker of Della Technology in Country A, and the test site was destroyed.

At this time, the third branch headed by Anthony lost its foothold and was forced to hide in the new world. As for where it was, Mazara didn't know.

But he knew that Della Technology's strength was greatly reduced due to the internal strife, which was why Mazara dared to ask for supplies at a high price before.

After learning all this, Lin Yun couldn't help but sigh that it seemed that Della Technology was not having a good time.

However, at this moment, Mazara used all the strength of his body to mobilize his supernatural powers.

"Stinky woman, I will make you pay the price, ah ah ah!"

It was a wild roar, as if calling for something.

In response, Lin Yun did not stop him, but just let him summon it at will.

This also saved her from cleaning them one by one...

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