Chapter 102 I’m here to kill you!

After leaving Hongmanqiu, Youguang and Goshawk finally calmed down a little.

"Hey, where did the bloodstain come from? This green bloodstain... looks very much like the blood of a hundred-eyed ghost!" Goshawk squatted on the ground, with a trace of green sticky blood on his fingertips.

Youguang perked up and looked at the traces of green blood flowing out on the ground. The hundred-eyed ghost must have been seriously injured! It should be a dying demon that escaped from the Red Man Hill battlefield.

"Let's go! Let's catch up and have a look." Youguang made a decision.

This time I set out to beg the demon, but I didn't get any benefits. Instead, I fell into the demon's trap.

Youguang was originally dissatisfied with the harvest, but now that he found a seriously injured demon, he refused to let it go! Not to mention, the Hundred-Eyed Ghost is a demon with special mental abilities, so if it drops equipment, it is likely to be suitable for its own use.

And Youguang has confidence in the strength of the two of them. As long as the monster is alone, he is confident to kill it even if it is intact, let alone being seriously injured!

Tracking all the way, under the mental scanning of the ghost light, the demon's green blood was as clear as if it were coated with fluorescent powder.

Soon, Youguang and Goshawk found the hiding place of the injured Hundred-Eyed Ghost——

A smelly puddle covered with water and grass.

Hidden among the water plants, the ugly and terrifying tentacles and eyeballs of the Hundred-Eyed Ghost can be vaguely seen.

In order to avoid alerting the enemy, Youguang temporarily turned off his mental scanning, and instead turned into a mental shield, wrapping him and Goshawk as they approached silently.

He knew that Baimugui was also a master at mental scanning and detection.

It wasn't until he was about thirty meters away from the Hundred-Eyed Ghost that You Guang laughed loudly, his mental detection suddenly turned on, and he shouted at the same time:

"Suffer death, monster!"

A jet-black magic bullet quickly gathered in front of You Guang and shot toward the Hundred-Eyed Ghost among the water plants with a roar!

[Ming moves]!

The goshawks made simultaneous saves and were ready for battle. Once [Ming Dong Dong] drives the Hundred-Eyed Ghost out of the puddle, he will take action immediately.

However, at the same time as the [Underworld Bullet] shot out, a sudden change occurred.

A thread of spider silk flew from the slanting thorn, and stuck to the body surface of the Hundred-Eyed Ghost with a snap! Immediately afterwards, the spider threads shrank and pulled back the ugly octopus body of the Hundred-Eyed Ghost.


The Ming Dynasty bullet landed in the area where the Hundred-Eyed Ghost originally stayed, and the dark attribute shock wave exploded, blowing up the puddle covered by a clump of water plants! The smelly black water surged in all directions, and the silt splashed, revealing the gray-black underlying soil.

The hundred-eyed ghost was pulled by the spider silk not too fast, and also suffered some shock wave damage from the movement. The surface of the body corroded rapidly, with dark holes appearing one after another, and the blood-red tender flesh could be vaguely seen squirming.

Appearing on the side is the Demon Spider Girl.

When the Demon Spider Girl appeared, Youguang felt something was wrong.

The Spider Girl is a demon, so why does she appear in the Monster Qi area of ​​Black Swamp?

If the Monster Qi area is water and demons are fish, then the demons who have taken the human body are amphibians. Not only can they survive in the Monster Qi zone, they can also leave the Monster Qi zone.

Most of the demons will not stay in the Monster Qi area, but will stay in the nearby mountains and forests, preying on humans and satisfying their bloodthirsty desires.

The next second, an unexpected figure quietly appeared behind Youguang, which answered the doubts in Youguang's heart.

Wearing the transformed attire of a wild Martial Warrior, holding a sharp long knife.

It was Bai Pu.

The Hundred-Eyed Ghost, the Demon Spider Girl, and Bai Pu formed a triangular formation, vaguely surrounding Youguang and Goshawk.

" are colluding with the demon?"

Youguang narrowed his eyes, scanned the area quickly with his mental power, and quickly noticed something unusual, "No, you are not colluding with the demon... but these two demons are both subordinates of You!"

From Youguang's mental power detection, we can feel the mental fluctuations between the Hundred-Eyed Ghost, the Demon Spider Girl and Bai Pu, and they are surprisingly consistent!

The Demon Spider Girl was fine with it, but the Hundred-Eyed Ghost gave him the strongest feeling, as if the Hundred-Eyed Ghost was another Bai Pu.

This means that the Hundred-Eyed Ghost and the Demon Spider Girl are both servants who act according to Bai Pu's will.

"As expected of an awakened person with spiritual specialties, this perception ability is comparable to that of Elite Level Baimugui."

Bai Pu smiled and said, "Youguang, right? You seem to have said in Wangbeicheng that I didn't dare to kill you... Now, I'm here to kill you!"

The awakened ones guarding the camp can attack each other.

As long as no natives of the same camp see it, reputation will not be lost.

The Demon Spider Girl's web of perception has long since detected the surroundings. Not to mention the indigenous people guarding the camp, not even the demons exist. Maybe the demons were summoned to Hongmanqiu and besieged the demon-conquering team.

Youguang's eyes turned cold: "Gangxin, do you think that with the help of two demons, you can defeat me and Goshawk? You're dreaming! You've only been awake for a few months? You're just a rookie!"

Goshawk also said solemnly: "I can't do anything in the city, but you actually wanted to die yourself and came to our door to kill us. Thank you!"

As he spoke, the goshawk suddenly bowed and rushed over like a cheetah!

In the dim light behind him, a dark transparent triangular lens suddenly appeared in front of him.

Professional skills: Dark Prism: After light spells are refracted by the dark prism, they will produce mutation effects, their power will be greatly increased, and additional special effects will be added.

A beam of light shot out from Youguang's head, refracted through the dark prism, and landed on the goshawk!

Then it quickly divided into four channels.

The four rays of light quickly transformed into four Daoist shadows. Each Daoist shadow looked like a goshawk. Together with the goshawk's body, there were five people in total! It's hard to tell the real identity.

[Refraction Illusion: One-star skill. Folds light onto the target, creating the illusion of two. The illusion has 20% of the body's health and has no attack power. ]

[This skill is amplified by Dark Prism and transformed into a two-star skill: Light and Shadow Clone. ]

[Light and shadow clone: ​​two-star skill. Fold the light to illuminate the target, creating four shadow clones. The shadow clone has 20% of the attribute value of the main body, and will attack simultaneously with the main body, but cannot use skills. ]

"What a mutation skill."

Bai Pu sincerely praised him. Facing the five incoming "goshawks", he did not retreat but advanced!

Taking one step forward, Bai Pu stood in the middle of five "goshawks".

On the surface of the golden horn heavy armor, flesh and blood spells burned inch by inch!

The flesh and blood armor trapped all five goshawks in the first place! Wisps of blood-red energy spread from the body surfaces of the five goshawks, blending into Bai Pu's surroundings and turning into a blood-red shield.

It causes 4~9 points of dark attribute damage to surrounding enemies every second, and absorbs the enemy's vitality into a shield, which means that Bai Pu can obtain a shield value of twenty or thirty points every second.

The attacks of the five goshawks look bluffing, but in fact four of the shadow clones can only cause 1 point of damage, which is almost impossible to break through Bai Pu's defense.

The biggest function of this mutant skill [Light and Shadow Clone] is to interfere with the enemy's judgment, so that the Goshawk hidden in it can find an opportunity to output with all its strength.

Bai Pu, however, uses AOE (area damage) to fight together!

Under the strengthening effect of [Gravity Ball], it is not difficult to distinguish the authenticity of the five goshawks - four of the goshawks, whose attributes are only 20% of the original body, are attracted without any resistance, while the goshawks The body is struggling!

What's even more frightening is that [Gravity Ball] is a control effect that continues to take effect. As long as the shield is not broken, the effect will last until the flesh and blood spell disappears, which is a full 120 seconds.

Bai Pu drew out his long knife. He ignored the four shadow clones and took the knife directly to the Goshawk's body!

(End of chapter)

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