Chapter 109 He ran, he chased

After killing the first ghost frog, a wisp of blood mist merged into the black shadow's body.

The black mist around the shadow became a little thicker, and the speed suddenly increased explosively. He caught up with the second vampire ghost frog and harvested it with another sickle!

He once again gained an explosive movement speed and went to kill the third ghost frog!

In just ten seconds, the three fleeing yellow-striped ghost frogs were all killed by the attackers!

Awakener? Aboriginal people? demon?

"Who are you?"

There was no change in Bai Pu's tone.

The black figure wrapped in the thick fog froze. In the black mist, two blood-red pupils were like two sparks in the night, staring at Bai Pu from a distance.

"Haha...I am 'Owl'."

The dry voice was like metal rubbing against glass, "Thank you for maiming these ghost frogs so that I could harvest them."

The demon camp is relatively indifferent to internal fighting. It is common for demons who do not belong to each other to devour each other. Owl kills one or two scattered monsters to gain benefits, which will not affect his reputation in the monster camp, as long as it is not a massacre.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. Awakened people in the demon camp will sometimes be attacked by demons from the same camp. If they are eaten, their skills will be inferior to others, and they can only go to the demon's belly to reason.

Of course, this refers to ordinary monsters that do not belong to each other.

If the owl attacks a demon general, or is discovered colluding with humans to act as a "devil traitor", that would be a different matter.

Bai Pu turned around and ran away.

"Run now, it's too late."

The owl's legs are very long, like bamboo grass used to punctuate a boat. Every time it touches the ground, it "floats" forward for a long distance. It looks leisurely, but it is actually very fast! The distance to Bai Pu is also shortening.

The owl even had the energy to speak, disturbing Bai Pu's mind:

"What benefits did you get from the lair of the demon generals and ghosts? Give it to me and share it with me. I don't want more. As long as 70%, how about I spare your life?"

"Perhaps you have a prop to force you to escape, maybe it's a High Level item that takes effect instantly, but are you willing to use it? The things you get from the Gui Ge's lair should not be able to be brought back to the real world, right?"

There is another reason why Owl didn't say it. He is sure that Bai Pu must have used almost all of his trump cards in venturing into dangerous areas. Now is the time when his body is tired and exhausted, and his combat power is at its lowest!

As he spoke, the owl approached behind Bai Pu and swept it with a scythe.

Bai Pu didn't look back, turned the blade, put it behind his back, parried the blow, used the force to fly, and opened the distance again.

"Unexpectedly, this newly awakened rookie has quite low combat expertise."

Owl was a little surprised, and a thought flashed through his mind: "Others say that his top score in the college entrance examination was due to luck, but it seems that is not entirely true...

"But, do you really think you can run away? My mutant skill: Heart of Shura, every time I kill an enemy, my movement speed will be temporarily increased. The current speed is as high as 60 points. Let me see how you run!"

The owl's speed was indeed amazing, and it caught up with Bai Pu again in just a few breaths. This time he learned from experience and did not take action immediately. Instead, he went around to intercept Bai Pu and struck him vertically with a sickle!

Bai Pu's footsteps paused slightly for a moment. It was this imperceptible pause that made the owl's sickle strike miss, and the tip of the knife almost touched the tip of Bai Pu's nose!

Taking advantage of the owl's move to make him old, Bai Pu suddenly slipped around and continued running wildly.

After being teased twice in a row, the owl became angry. He put away the sickle, spent three seconds, and replaced it with a lighter one-handed bone sword. He used his strength again and chased Bai Pu.

Compared with the two-handed long-handled weapon sickle, the one-handed sword is faster to move, and even if it is dodged, the stiffness of the move is very small.

Sure enough, Bai Pu could no longer escape through loopholes. If he wanted to avoid being stabbed by the bone sword, he had to stop and fight the owl!

Bai Pu's choice is... to keep running.

The bone sword fluttered, and the tip of the sword stabbed Bai Pu, but the owl looked shocked.

The damage he can cause... is only in single digits!

"So tough...Does this newcomer have a powerful damage reduction talent?"

When the owl thought of this, it laughed loudly, and the head of a pocket ghost frog hanging on its waist shone with a dark yellow light. His bone sword was also coated with a dark yellow luster.


As soon as the sword was thrust out, thin pits suddenly appeared on Bai Pu's body surface, white mist dispersed, and the sour and pungent corrosive smell came!

This is the additional skill of the owl's accessory: corrosive acid! The effect is similar to that of the Carrion Ghost's acid shot. They both have certain corrosive properties and can also cause temporary armor-breaking effects!

Of course, compared to the Huangquantan water in Guige's lair, the corrosion intensity is definitely far inferior.

Moreover, this jewelry skill must be used with bone or wooden weapons. If it is replaced by a metal weapon, the durability will decrease rapidly or even be damaged.

On Bai Pu's body surface, the mucous membrane coating is opened.

Although this cannot specifically reduce the sharp damage caused by the bone sword, after all, sharp damage is a type of physical damage. Bai Pu has [Strong Strike Armor], so he is not too afraid of it.

Seeing Bai Pu still resisting his attack, the owl's eyes were full of anger!

As an agile damage dealer, the biggest humiliation is when the enemy ignores his own damage!

It is simply more lethal than the contemptuous smile a woman shows after seeing a man's private parts.

So Owl immediately launched his favorite skill: Arc Moon Strangulation!

The bone sword whirled and danced, drawing perfect arc-shaped circles of light in the air.

Like a noose, it strangled Bai Pu's neck layer by layer!

Owl used this move to cleanly cut off the head of Beiming Tieyue, the master of oath seal making of the Beiming family!

Bai Pu's head was broken and blood spurted out.

A cruel smile appeared on the owl's face - but the smile immediately froze, because he didn't feel the sword edge touching the entity!

The headless corpse of Bai Pu in front of him turned into a phantom and quickly disappeared.

This is...Hakumugui's ability: illusion!

Almost at the same time, severe pain hit the owl's chest and abdomen! He gritted his teeth and retreated, raising his bone sword to block his chest. With two clanging sounds, he finally parried Bai Pu's additional follow-up attack, and the two of them pulled away.

The owl looked down and the corners of his eyes twitched.

A sad line of blood was drawn out on his chest! If the force were stronger, the damage in a single attack would be 30 to 50% higher, and it would probably be disembowelled.

The black blood mist around the owl squirmed on its own, seeping into the wound and repairing the broken flesh and blood membrane. In just a few seconds, the bleeding was stopped, and the owl's health slowly recovered.

Thanks to my benefactor [Gate of Dimension] for the reward of 10,000 coins, and also to my benefactor [The Power of Rising] for his daily reward~Thanks to all benefactors for their reward support~

In fact, Lao Ya is very grateful to everyone who can subscribe. Dear benefactors, please pay me my respects~

(End of chapter)

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