Chapter 11 Turn me into your slave

Holding the evolved Origin Blood, Bai Pu's mind unexpectedly flashed back to the last thing he asked Qin 12 hours ago——

How to kill Bloodhand Golem quickly without getting into trouble.

This is a very difficult thing to do. The best way to avoid getting into trouble is to use poison. However, as a deformed person, Bloody Hand Column's body is affected by evolutionary instincts, and all foreign substances that are not conducive to evolution will be naturally rejected. .

In layman's terms, aberrations have full poison resistance.

Fortunately, Qin came up with a solution: intensified blood.

This is Bai Pu's blood essence, which contains the power to evolve Origin Blood. The evolutionary instinct of Bloody Hand Golem's body will not reject the intensified blood, but will warmly welcome it and actively absorb it!

Qin made a second preparation of the intensified blood, adding hundreds of millions of blood thistle toxins, and Bai Pu injected it into Bloody Hand Gollon and left quietly.

The death of Bloody Hand Gollum did not leave a treasure chest for Bai Pu, but only gave Bai Pu a reward of 3000 Psionic points. Bai Pu didn't pay attention to these, his real goal had already been achieved!

As for why Bai Pu can guess in advance the main mission of the Sting Team?

It seems difficult, but in fact it only requires step-by-step guessing.

First of all, Bai Pu and the Sting Team are likely to be hostile. This is inferred from Bai Pu's trial mission - the second tube of Origin Blood required to complete the trial is in the hands of the Sting Team!

Spirit World will arrange the trial mission in this way, and there is a high probability that Bai Pu and Stinger Team will be placed in opposing camps in the same area! Bai Pu, who is at an absolute disadvantage and enters the plane world early, has priority.

In particular, Bai Pu eliminated Bloodhand Gollon, the leader of the Blood Ring camp, in advance, causing a serious imbalance in the strength of the two camps in Branden North. After the Sting Team entered, the probability of being assigned to the Blood Ring camp for rescue increased to 99%.

After confirming the opponent's camp, Bai Pu was thinking about what the opponent's main mission would be, that is, predicting the next control method of Spirit World's Will.

After the Sting Team entered this plane, they faced the leaderless Branden Northland of the Blood Ring camp, and couldn't even trigger the second trigger of the main mission! There is no doubt about the importance of the leader of the camp. Bai Pu's words to capture Gollon instead of killing him was to prompt the will of Spirit World to issue the mission of rescuing Bloody Hand Gollon to the Sting Team!

Plan ahead and everything else will fall into place.

"Is this what you want?" Qin's figure appeared behind Bai Pu.

"This is the 'mysterious substance' you call it. It has another name, called 'Evolution Origin Blood'." Bai Pu turned around and said.

Qin carefully took the test tube from Bai Pu's hand, looked at the evolution of Origin Blood, and whispered: "The evolution of Origin Blood is really an appropriate name... So, can you tell me your identity?"

Qin witnessed the exile of the Stinger Team with her own eyes and had doubts about Bai Pu's identity, which was inevitable.

Bai Pu sighed lightly and said: "Sorry, I can't take the initiative to tell you anything."

Qin didn't blame him, because Bai Pu's sentence itself contained a lot of information.

She blinked and said, "It's not that you don't want to tell me, but due to some restrictions, you can't take the initiative to tell me, so you can only rely on me to guess... right?"

Bai Pu secretly praised Qin's intelligence. Indeed, the Spirit World will prohibit awakened people from actively revealing the existence of the real world to the indigenous people. Today, eight hundred years after the Psionic era, this is a taboo known to ordinary people.

Qin's brown eyes stared at Bai Pu and continued to guess: "I have heard rumors about visitors from other worlds before. Could it be that you, like those three people, are all from another world?"

Bai Pu's eyes were calm. At this time, no rebuttal means acquiescence.

"Your world should be wonderful."

Qin Youran was fascinated, "I really want to see your world..."

Bai Pu said nothing.

"Okay! Stop thinking about these meaningless things and come with me!" Qin returned the evolved Origin Blood to Bai Pu and smiled again, "I still owe you a promise, right?"

The prompt message of Spirit World’s will came:

[Main mission II: Cut off the bloody hand, completed. You get an additional 8 days, 11 hours, 58 minutes and 54 seconds of free exploration time. The current total time for free exploration is: 8 days, 23 hours, 32 minutes and 28 seconds. This time will automatically take effect after all your stay periods have expired. ]

[Based on your mission participation, you received a reward: 100 merit points; you obtained the qualification for fusion evolution Origin Blood. ]

Bai Pu and Qin made an agreement that after Bai Pu obtained the second evolution of Origin Blood, Qin would help him complete the fusion.

Sitting on the experimental table, Bai Pu returned to Ward 3072 in a trance. But this time, the doctor responsible for integrating Origin Blood is no longer Dean Zhao, but Qin, an aboriginal scholar from Spirit World.

Qin, who was making preparations, seemed to be in a happy mood and kept humming a Nordic-style tune.

"Qin, you don't have to be angry." Bai Pu suddenly spoke.

"I'm not angry." Qin turned her face and glanced at Bai Pu: "I'm in a very good mood!"

Bai Pu said to himself: "I am very grateful to you for helping me speak in front of the Duke. Whether it was capturing Bloody Hand Column alive or making poison to kill him in the end, you have been helping me."

Qin was silent for a while, then threw away the quill in her hand, her face as cold as ice.

"Yes, I have been helping you! Look what I got? An excellent experimental subject! A man smarter than me! Putting aside the fact that you can disappear at any time, I have really gained a lot. !”

Sure enough, Qin is angry because Bai Pu comes from a "different world", which means that Bai Pu will leave the world of Flesh Plague: Origin at any time.

"I didn't mean to deceive, I just couldn't help myself."

Bai Pu spoke calmly, "In comparison, you have hidden more things from me...haven't you?"

The frost on Qin's face quickly faded, replaced by curiosity: "Tell me, what am I hiding?"

Bai Pu took a deep breath: "You come from the blood ring."

"You are from the Blood Circle."

As soon as Bai Pu said these words, the curiosity on Qin's face disappeared without a trace and became serious.

"Do you know what you are talking about?" Qin's tone slowed down, she sat in front of the experimental table and asked word by word.

"I know."

"Your basis?"

"The basis..."

Bai Pu thought for a while, "There are too many. Your superb level of flesh and blood alchemy, your familiarity with the Blood Ring Fortress, and the unusual relationship between you and Duke William..."

"Expand and tell me."

Qin narrowed her eyes and folded her arms on the experimental table, behaved like a primary school student.

Perhaps she felt that her breasts were too heavy, so she simply lifted them up and placed them on the experimental table as well. From Bai Pu's condescending perspective, it looks quite immoral.

"Let's talk about flesh and blood alchemy first. The first time you saw me, you noticed my abnormal physique before you even examined my body. Even the palace wizard beside the Duke, Mr. Garland, failed to do this. Do it..."

"It's too far-fetched to doubt me based on this alone." Qin said, "Maybe I happen to be a genius in flesh and blood alchemy."

Bai Pu said: "It's not just this. Your understanding of meteorites, your clear understanding of the evolution of Origin Blood, and your understanding of the blood ring control curse seal cannot be explained by the word genius.

"You must have seen with your own eyes and even studied Princess Christina, the ultimate host! You are probably one of the alchemists who accepted Gustav's invitation to consult with the princess..."

Having said this, Bai Pu shut up.

Because he has received the reminder of Spirit World’s will:

[Brandon’s Palace Advisor: Jean’s attraction to you has increased significantly! Current love level: Admiration. ]

"Say, why don't you say anything?"

Qin said with a smile, "Mr. Dior, who knows everything, might as well guess who I am? There will be a reward for guessing correctly..."

She straightened up and got closer to Bai Pu, her breath exuding a temptation, like the sweetness of a ripe peach.

"Considering the unusual relationship between you and Duke William, the answer is already obvious. There is no need to say more. It's just that Yvette didn't recognize you, which makes me a little strange, but it's not impossible..."

Bai Pu leaned back with some difficulty and said helplessly, " are squeezing me."

The sound of "Qin" made Qin stop approaching.

"All right!"

Qin shrugged and made a turbulent wave: "What do you want to show your wisdom to me? A sensible man like you should not be a peacock showing off his feathers because he is in heat."

"I hope you won't do anything when you help me fuse Origin Blood." Bai Pu showed off his cards.

Qin also said frankly: "Yes, I plan to do some small tricks when helping you fuse Origin Blood. The final result is that you can fuse Origin Blood, but you will become a deformed. I will then use the blood ring curse seal, Turn you into my slave..."

A chill ran down Bai Pu's spine. Trialists who have lost their independent consciousness and ability to act independently cannot return to the real world. Qin's plan is really possible.

Qin continued: "After all, what I promised you was to help you integrate Origin Blood and develop power, and I didn't promise anything else; you promised me to be my experimental subject, but you broke your promise.

"You are so smart, there is no point in me deceiving you. I will simply explain it to you." Qin finally stared at Bai Pu's eyes, with a hint of cunning in her brown eyes. "Smart Mr. Dior, how are you going to convince me?"

If it's a word game, Bai Pu actually didn't break his promise, because he didn't guarantee how long he would be an experimental subject.

It's just that Bai Pu can't argue like this, otherwise the discussion will definitely collapse.

"Qin, you should know my origin. Aren't you curious how the first tube of Origin Blood in my body was successfully fused?"

Qin frowned and said, "It should be the scholars from your world who helped you integrate it."

"Yes. However, they are not using flesh and blood alchemy, but a completely different technology."

Qin's eyes lit up.

Bai Pu said softly, "Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. If you turn me into a slave of the Abnormal, all you will get is an obedient doll; but if you help me successfully fuse and evolve Origin Blood, I will be free." If you go back and forth, you will gain a whole world of knowledge."

"A whole world of knowledge..."

Qin smiled and said, "The portion is really quite a lot. But I think it's still a little short of what I lost."

A trace of helplessness and frustration flashed through Bai Pu's heart. Qin is the best person to help him integrate Origin Blood. He has tried his best to convince her, but women are unpredictable.

Qin's fingertips drew a circle on Bai Pu's chest: "So, in order to make up for my loss, you have to give me another promise..."

"What promise?" Bai Pu asked.

"I hope... that after you fuse the second tube of Origin Blood, you can turn me into your slave!"

(End of chapter)

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