Chapter 111 How dare you?

After issuing the bloodline's call, Bai Pu sat down cross-legged to rest.

When he was resting, he conveniently re-engraved the flesh and blood spell on the assault armor.

After his professional skills reached Level 4, every time Bai Pu inscribed the flesh and blood spell, he always felt that he was becoming more proficient in the flesh and blood spell.

After the engraving was completed, after a short rest, Bai Pu's blood fighting energy and mental strength were restored to full value.

It's just that the health value has not been restored to the full value of 760 points, but has been restored to 550 points.

Because Bai Pu is still suffering from the corrosion of the underground acid, the upper limit of health has been reduced to 550.

Only when Huang Quan Tan Shui's injuries healed would his health return to its full optimal state.

"550 health points, combined with my defensive capabilities, should be enough to face elite monsters. However, all of my equipment skills are on cooldown. It is still not enough to face monsters, generals and ghosts."

Bai Pu exhaled softly. The strength of Demon General Guige should be calculated with reference to Dong Bocheng. Even if it is weaker than Dong Bocheng, the gap is definitely not big.

And the gap between Bai Pu himself and Dong Bo Chengzhi... Bai Pu has become very clear during the two days of living together and sparring.

To put it bluntly, if Dong Bo Chengzhi's strength is considered to be 100, Bai Pu may only have 40 points.

Demon Generals and Ghosts should be 80 or 90 points.

"I don't know if my second step of the plan has been realized." Bai Pu breathed a sigh of relief, followed the feeling of the spider girl, and ran towards the direction of the spider girl at a constant speed.

In this way, he and the Demon Spider Girl are running in both directions, and the time required to meet up is shortened accordingly - at least, they should be able to catch up before the Demon General Gui Ge finds him!

Before leaving, Bai Pu opened the five yellow-striped ghost frog treasure chests in the storage space.

First, the routine Psionic points, and a total of 1633 Psionic points were obtained. Since entering the world of inner demons, Bai Pu has accumulated about 10,000 Psionic points. Even if other income is not included, it is far more than the price of a D-class ticket.

In the subsequent card drawing, each yellow-striped ghost frog's treasure chest has only one chance to draw.

Bai Pu drew a blue Elite Level ring, two Elite Level crafting materials called "Yellow Striped Ghost Frog's Tendons", "Yellow Striped Ghost Frog's Soft Skin", and two B-level demonization weapons [ Ghost Frog Flying Knife]!

Needless to say, the materials are temporarily sitting in the storage space gathering dust.

The demonized weapon [Ghost Frog Flying Knife] should also be treated as a disposable prop. It can shoot a flying knife with strong corrosive acid!

The speed of the flying knife is similar to the speed of the ghost frog's tongue, making it difficult to dodge.

The damage is not high, but it can cause corrosion. Once it hits, five layers of corrosion will be superimposed within 10 seconds! Each layer of corrosion effect can reduce the target's armor value by 4 points.

Note that it only counts the area where the knife was hit. For example, in Bai Pu, if the chest is hit by a knife, the entire chest armor will be reduced. If the person is stabbed in the leg, the leg armor will be reduced.

Finally, there was the Elite Level blue ring, called [Ring of the Croaking Frog]. Its added attribute was 3 points of agility, which was better than nothing. Bai Pu put it on directly.

Continuing to move forward, after walking for about ten minutes, Bai Pu's brows moved slightly.

The Demon Spider Girl's bloodline induction is already very close.

And behind the Demon Spider Girl, someone's breath followed slowly. The breath is like the flow of wind, with a fresh and elegant feeling.

Dong Bo is sincere.

Bai Pu looked at the handsome swordsman in blue shirt. Although his face was slightly pale and his blue shirt was damaged and stained with blood in several places, Dong Bo Chengzhi's expression and demeanor were still chic.

"What's wrong with you?"

Before Bai Pu could speak, Dong Bo Chengzhi frowned and asked.

Bai Pu's situation at this time is undoubtedly very tragic. The skin corroded by Huangquantan water has not yet healed. His whole body is covered with scars of various sizes and depths. In some places, even the flesh of the belt has been corroded and dissipated, exposing the exposed skin. Pale bone stubble.

Bai Pu shook his head and said calmly: "Gui Ge's lair is heavily guarded. My strength is not strong after all... It is not easy to come back alive."

"Did you really break into the devil's lair?"

Dong Bocheng spoke in surprise, but he coughed violently, and the blue shirt on his chest was dyed red with blood.

Bai Pu's eyes tightened. Dongbo Chengzhi is an important role in Bai Pu's next script design, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the main force! If his strength is greatly damaged and he cannot face Gui Ge, Bai Pu will have to change his strategy.

Fortunately, Dong Bo Chengzhi returned to normal after coughing up a few mouthfuls of blood. He looked at Bai Pu with complicated eyes and said, "How dare you?"

Bai Pu said: "My demon servant should have sent the letter I wrote to you. In the letter, I have already explained the reason."

Dong Bo Chengzhi took out the letter - it was actually written on a small black scroll of [Black Tortoise Oath Seal].

At that time, Bai Pu obtained two oath seals. One of them was for personal use, and the other was not needed anyway and was simply used as letter paper.

As for the demon servant Bai Pu said who delivered the message, it was the demon spider girl.

Before setting foot on the raft of bones and entering the Yellow Pond, Bai Pu ordered two demon servants to each have a task.

Among them, the task of Baimugui is to ambush at a suitable location nearby and be ready to rescue Bai Pu at any time - this task is for Bai Pu to prepare for a rainy day.

He estimated that he would be able to gain a lot of benefits by breaking into the Demon General's lair.

So according to the spirit world's will, you will gain, you will gain, and the risks and benefits will be equal. You should have been intercepted by Elite Level demons before escaping from the Yellow Pond. Even if Gui Ge couldn't come in person, you should be able to send a message to the nearby direct descendants. subordinates.

Unexpectedly, it was the Awakened Owl that came. It is conceivable that Owl should have already reached a position of considerable trust under Gui Ge's command, even entrusting him with the key task of protecting his lair!

However, the owl failed to stop Bai Pu, and the mission was definitely a failure.

The task given to the Demon Spider Girl is to take the letter Bai Pu temporarily wrote on the [Black Tortoise Oath Seal] scroll to the direction of Hongmanqiu to find Dong Bo Chengzhi.

This step of calculation is more complicated, and Bai Pu is not completely sure. After all, everything is subject to change.

No matter how strong the wise man is, even Zhuge Liang, who is so wise that he is almost a demon and good at divination, can only estimate the forty-nine days of the Great Evolution, but cannot be sure of the one that has escaped.

According to Bai Pu's calculations, if Dong Bocheng intercepts the demon general at Hongmanqiu and rescues Beimingchuan and others, he will inevitably encounter the siege of multiple demon generals.

Of course, Demon Generals do not pop out of thin air. The overall number should be balanced with the number of strong guardians of Black Tortoise Mountain. The Demon Generals that Gui Ge can invite are basically his "neighbors", which further limits the Demon Generals' capabilities. Quantity limit——

Given the vastness of the Black Swamp, it would take a long time just to deliver the message to the demon generals in other areas.

Bai Pu assumes that the number of demon generals appearing is two to three.

Dong Bocheng will definitely encounter a tough battle in Hongmanqiu, but he will not be without resistance.

And with Dong Bocheng's character, he would definitely not sit back and watch Beimingchuan and others die. If Demon General Gui Ge wants to keep this Wind Dancer, the greatest possibility is to use the lives and deaths of Beiming Chuan and others to make Dong Bo Chengzhi have to save him!

As for why Demon General Gui Ge knew that it was Dong Bo Chengzhi who came to help, Bai Pu also figured it out. It must be that the Black Swamp side also had exploration missions, such as Owl.

Because of this, Bai Pu was able to adapt to local conditions and hide near the red vine hill, waiting for Youguang and Goshawk to appear and kill them.

(End of chapter)

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