Chapter 118 White Dragon Teeth

Black Tortoise Rock is said to be a fortress, but in fact, in terms of area, it is larger than Wangbei City.

Everything in the Black Tortoise rocks has a rough and rough beauty, with few details being carefully crafted. Even the food sold in the shops in the city is large in size and generous in portion, but the cooking procedures are very simple.

Bai Pu and Dong Bocheng were hungry early, so they sat in a food shop called "Yanshangwu". The boss brought a copper pot with steaming dolphin meat and mushroom soup, surrounded by a circle of Black Tortoise Yamahara's specialty rye bread.

Seeing two Martial Warriors carrying knives, dressed in ragged clothes and covered with scars, the boss was even more respectful. In addition to the main course, he also served two plates of crisp and refreshing pickled radish and a dish of fried catfish, our specialty.

Bai Pu picked up a piece of dolphin meat, and saw that the meat was plump and quite elastic. The fragrant juice overflowed after one bite. Paired with the rough-tasting rye bread, there was an indescribable harmony and complementarity.

The wooden mushrooms are soaked in the bubbling hot soup, which is also completely delicious. Take a sip and the sweetness of the wooden mushrooms is mixed with the aroma of the pork meat. It is soft and delicious, and the taste of the pickled radish is even better.

Fried catfish is indeed the specialty of this restaurant. It uses golden tempura (egg batter) to wrap fresh catfish pieces and fry them in hot oil. You can bite into the crispy and fragrant tempura coating. The catfish meat inside is soft and delicious, and the mixture of two completely different tastes makes people say "this is the perfect combination".

Bai Pu grabbed the chopsticks and started to eat. His taste buds were jumping with joy at the first bite. The food here contained a lot of Psionic particles. Bai Pu felt that his heart beat a little harder. The pure blood that was originally exhausted was , is slowly condensing.

Tōhoku Makoto is not a big eater and did not like the poorly prepared dishes on the table. He only ate two pieces of fried catfish. Bai Pu, however, was furious and swept away all the dishes and noodles on the table before letting Dong Bo Chengzhi pay the bill.

Dong Bo Chengzhi shook his head speechlessly: "You have eaten ninety-nine percent of the food, and you still don't treat me."

The reason why Bai Pu doesn't pay the bill is simple. In the world of inner demons, he is an out-and-out pauper, without even a penny.

But Bai Pu had nothing to be embarrassed about. He took out something and said with a smile: "I won't let you treat me in vain... How about giving this to you?"

[Mysterious wooden scabbard].

Dong Bocheng's eyes widened instantly.

"How did you get this...?" Dongbo Chengzhi grabbed the scabbard and looked at it repeatedly, "This is the demonic weapon of the previous head of our Dongbo family - the scabbard of Bai Longya!"

"It turns out it's really just a scabbard." Bai Pu said.

"What do you mean by 'just'!" Dong Bo Chengzhi took a deep breath to remain elegant, so as not to break the skill again, "Do you know that the White Dragon Tooth has been lost a long time ago, and this scabbard is the best clue to find it. ! Really, it was brought out so suddenly, I was not mentally prepared at all..."

Having said this, Dong Bo Chengzhi hesitated for a moment and looked at Bai Pu: "Really give it to me?"

"for you."

Bai Pu said: "But I also have a request."

Dong Bo Chengzhi breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Bai Pu would not ask for it, so he said happily: "You tell me!"

Bai Pu pointed to a row of dolphin hams hanging in the store: "The hams in this store seem to be quite delicious. Buy two for me to eat on the road..."

Dong Bo Chengzhi: "..."

[Young patriarch of the Dongbo family: Dongbo Chengzhi’s favorability towards you has increased significantly. Current favorability level: Friend 3000/10000]

Good guy, a scabbard directly increased the favorability point by 1500 points.

Bai Pu saved Dong Bocheng's life, and his favorability increased in two waves, but it was only 1,100 points.

And the favorability is easier first and then harder. The higher the favorability level, the harder it is to improve.

For example, at the beginning, Bai Pu's trusting attitude without hesitation when he showed Dong Bocheng [The Fragment of Tianlong] earned him 400 favorability points. Now that he has reached the friend level, this small attitude may not even reach 100 favorability points. Can't add anything.

When the favorability level is high, it will be very convenient for the Awakened to dig side quests. For example, if Bai Pu asks now, "I'll help you find the White Dragon Teeth," most likely Dong Bo Cheng will not refuse. This is a side mission.

Because the two are already good friends.

However, Bai Pu had other motives to increase Dong Bo Chengzhi's favorability.

"Dong Bo, no kidding, I have something to ask you for help. Please introduce me."

"What's the matter?" Dong Bo Chengzhi put away the scabbard and raised his head and asked.

"Do you still remember the fragment of the scroll I showed you when we first met?" Bai Pu's eyes sparkled, "You said that apart from the Zhu family in the South Sea of ​​Ashes, only Lord Beiming Jihu could give me guidance. ”

"So that's what happened. Of course I remember it." Dong Bocheng thought for a while, "Well, it should be no problem. The level of your fragmentary scroll is extremely high. It is simply the ultimate in human martial arts. Master Beiming Jihu Would be interested."

Of course he will be interested. I am just worried that he will turn against me and steal my things because he is too interested, so I asked you to be your guarantee.

Bai Pu thought to himself.

"Well, wait a minute, it's not good yet." Dong Bocheng said suddenly.

Bai Pu resisted the words "Give me the scabbard" and asked, "What's wrong?"

Dong Bo Chengzhi stretched out his arms and pointed at his messy hair and dusty face, "I don't want to pay homage to Master Beiming Jihu in such an ugly posture."

Bai Pu and Dong Bocheng went to the soup house and took a good bath.

Dong Bo Chengzhi's blue shirt was not ordinary. It was obviously stained with blood, but with a slight shake, it became as clean as new.

The same cannot be said for Bai Pu. The wild Martial Warrior costume he wears is the phantom clothing of the Spirit World's will. It is now in tatters and has no automatic cleaning and repair functions.

Dong Bo Chengzhi took the initiative to buy a Martial Warrior uniform for Bai Pu. Of course, this set of clothes cannot be taken out of this world.

Seeing Bai Pu put on new clothes after taking a bath, Dong Bocheng nodded with satisfaction: "Finally, your gorgeous appearance has not been wronged. Let's go!"

After coming out of the soup house, Bai Pu followed Dong Bo Chengzhi to the main dojo of Beiming Xuanjing Ryu.

The Hokumei Xuanjingryu Main Dojo is located in the northernmost part of the Black Tortoise Rock, the Hokumei family mansion. It is consistent with the architectural style of Black Tortoise Rock, which advocates simplicity and a rough style with few carvings.

The disciple in charge of communication also has a powerful aura.

Bai Pu secretly threw [Nine Chapters] up, and he was surprised to find that even the bottom disciples were actually the template for elite Level 3!

With a disciple like this, one can imagine the strength of Beiming Jihu, the leader of Beiming Xuanjing Ryu, and he might be at the lord level.

Bai Pu will not use the [Nine Chapter] detection function on Beiming Jihu at will.

Because the essence of detection is to use mental power to quietly gain insight into the target. If the target's perception is extremely sharp, it will realize that it is being spied on, and even in turn, find out the snooper.

So Bai Pu basically threw [Nine Chapters] on the enemy's head.

Facing strong men from the friendly camp, he can roughly sense the opponent's strength level by relying on his aura. There is no need to probe for detailed information. If he is discovered, it will most likely cause the opponent's disgust.

Like Dong Bo Chengzhi, whose spirit has been tempered over time and extremely sharp, if Bai Pu goes to investigate him, he will only be asking for trouble and will also cause bad feelings.

Regardless of the high favorability of a "friend", as long as he does something that is not consistent with his status as a friend, the favorability avalanche will be much faster than the devaluation of the Vietnamese dong in the real world.

Based on Dong Bo Chengzhi's face, Bai Pu soon met Beiming Jihu in the tea room.

(End of chapter)

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