Global Evolution: I Transplanted The Supreme Deity Heart

156. Chapter 156 Dior Brothers! You Have Become Stronger!

Chapter 156 Dior Brothers! You have become stronger!

Compared with last time, Yingwa has not only grown into a militia leader, but his strength has also been greatly enhanced. He is already a Level 4 elite template!

This is obviously the effect of the world's beacon law. After all, Yingwa has crossed the sea from a world with 1.5 strength to a world with 2.7 strength!

Otherwise, no matter how fast Yingwa grows, he will not be able to grow from a weak Level 1 militia template to a Level 4 elite template in just one or two months. Of course, his template can be upgraded to an elite because of his own intelligence. Factors such as hard work, high understanding, etc. are individual cases and cannot be simply attributed to the role of world benchmarks.

However, the Death Plague Overseer he faced was also an ordinary Level 4 template, and its strength was greatly enhanced.

There are about seven or eight plague-dead overseers in this farm.

The militiamen had an advantage in numbers, and the farmers in the original farm, seeing the arrival of the Shinra Expeditionary Force, also waved their hoes and joined the ranks of attacking the dead.

Several militiamen besieged a plague-dead man. The stronger militiamen were in front, and other militiamen were responsible for the attack, but they still had the upper hand.

Even if they were scratched by the plague, the militiamen were not afraid and ran directly to Yingwa. The latter applied a little potion to them, and the poison of the plague was removed.

"As expected, Jean also came to Scandinavia."

Bai Pu smiled.

These potions must be potions that Qin collected from Bai Pu's blood and developed to resist the toxins infected by the plague. At first, Bai Pu donated 1,000 ml of blood for this purpose and fell asleep for four hours on the spot.

Potions can now be distributed to the militia, which shows the high output. As a preparer, Qin must be on the battlefield in person.

Of course, there were other key factors in Bai Pu's judgment that Qin would come, and he didn't need to explain it to the Blood Spider for the time being.

"This should be a good opportunity to connect with the Shinra Expeditionary Force. Do you want to go?" Blood Spider asked in a low voice.

"There's no rush." ​​Bai Pu stared at the defeated victims one after another with a calm expression.

Just when the Shinra militia gained the upper hand and killed several victims of the plague, suddenly a heavy, bloody figure strode out of a rather elegant brick house to the west of the farm.

This is a blood ring heavy hammer warrior!

He was probably the owner of the farm and was responsible for giving orders to the plague victims.

After all, the plague victims have almost no thinking ability, and it is unrealistic for them to manage a farm. This is Bai Pu's inference based on known intelligence: this farm must have at least one powerful deformed soldier making the final decision!

As soon as the Bloody Ring Hammer appeared, it immediately changed the balance of victory and defeat in the battle. First, the defecting farmer cowered, and then the Bloody Ring Hammer roared, and the surrounding plague victims were covered with a layer of blood. The blood light has obviously been blessed with some kind of enhanced state, and its movement speed and attack speed have been greatly increased!

Several militiamen were caught off guard by the sudden outbreak of plague victims. They were bleeding and about to die.

Yingvar rushed over to put out the fire, but the Blood Ring Hammer sneered, and the mace with strong barbs whizzed past, forcing Yingvar to get out of the way.

"This is the time to show up."

While Bai Pu was speaking, he had already appeared with a long sword. He strode towards the battle group and shouted loudly: "Brother Yingwa, don't panic! I'm coming!"

Bai Pu charged the Blood Ring Hammer and threw a Nine-Chapter Exploration.

[Blood Ring Hammer (Level 4 Elite)]

[Race: Humanoid/Terran]

[Attributes: Strength 35, Agility 21, Endurance 28, Spirit 14]

[Skills 1~5: Command Roar, Continuous Forging, Heavy Armor Mastery,? ? ? ,? ? ? ]

Bai Pu ran to the middle and directly launched the Wind Stepping Slash to cut into the battlefield!

He raised the knife in his hand and lowered it, and the heads of the plague victims rose into the sky, killing them one step at a time.

The blood spider didn't make a move.

According to the agreement between her and Bai Pu, this time she will mainly observe and learn. Unless Bai Pu asks her to help, she cannot compete with Bai Pu for kill contributions.

Yingwa was overjoyed when he found out that it was his good brother "Dior Fu Lei" who came.

Seeing that his good brother was so powerful, Yingwa was determined, brandishing his sword and shield, and got into a fight with the Blood Ring Hammer.

Now Yingwa is not in a hurry, and the Blood Ring Hammer is in a hurry to escape.

"Brother Yingwa, go take care of the wounded! Leave this guy to me!"

Bai Pu quickly killed several plague victims, and pointed his sword at the blood ring heavy hammer warrior. His body shook slightly in a wave-like manner, switching from [horny skin] to [fluid skeleton].

The Blood Ring Hammer roared, swinging the hammer and hitting Bai Pu's head. This hammer actually struck with a light and agile feeling, implying changes, which shows that the blood ring heavy hammer warrior's combat expertise is not low.

However, Bai Pu's two-handed swordsmanship at this time has reached Level 5 (Limit Breaker +1)! Not weaker than the Blood Ring Hammer. Counting the two major special effects "Looking for the Wind" and "Collapse Mountain", it even exceeds it!

Bai Pu was determined to prove his strength and did not adopt a strong attack strategy of exchanging injuries for injuries. Instead, he faced the giant hammer head-on!

His long knife struck the handle of the hammer, and the tyrannical force exploded, causing the Blood Ring Hammer's hammer to lose its accuracy.

This is the advantage brought by the powerful strength attribute. When the combat expertise is similar, it is undoubtedly easier for the party with stronger attributes to gain the upper hand!

The Blood Ring Hammer Master is a strength specialist, and even his strongest strength can't defeat Bai Pu, let alone the others.

Bai Pu struck out with two swords in a row, knocking the blood-ring heavy hammer warrior back and widening the gap! Then there was a diagonal slash with the knife, and then it was flipped back, and at the same time, blood-colored light wrapped around the blade.

Blood fighting spirit is injected, and the special effects of mountain collapse are activated!

After two loud tremolos, there were already two more sad wounds on the chest of the blood ring heavy hammer warrior. Although Bai Pu's two swords did not break the breastplate, the sharp energy mixed with the edge of the blood fighting spirit had already broken the chest. It hits hard.

The Blood Ring Hammer fell to his knees with a plop.

Bai Pu held the knife in both hands and slashed horizontally. When the long knife touched the opponent's neck, the blood fighting spirit exploded again, and the mountain collapse effect was activated again, directly cutting off half of the blood ring heavy hammer warrior's neck.

A blue treasure box appeared, and Bai Pu picked it up easily.

After this battle, Bai Pu has proven his strength. After mastering the special effects of collapsing mountains, his explosive power has been greatly improved. In two or three rounds, he can kill Level 4 elites.

Of course, Bai Pu's blood fighting energy was also slightly depleted. At this time, he still had 70-80% remaining, so he could recover relatively quickly.

If there are multiple Elite Level enemies, you must also be careful not to consume excessive blood fighting energy. If the stock is too small, the recovery of blood fighting energy will be very slow.

Yingwa had already simply bandaged the injured militiaman. When he saw Bai Pu killing the Blood Ring Heavy Hammer, he couldn't help being surprised and happy. He ran over and said, "Brother Dio! You have become stronger!"

Bai Pu smiled, but before he spoke, Yingwa noticed the farmers who put down their hoes. He patted Bai Pu on the shoulder and said, "Brother Dio, we will talk later."

The farmers had some uneasiness on their faces.

Legally speaking, these farmers are all subjects of the former King of Sweden and the current Emperor of the Blood Ring, and they are also enemies of the Shenluo Expeditionary Force.

Out of anger, they defected and killed the Blood Ring soldiers who enslaved them, but it is still unknown how the Shinra Expeditionary Army viewed them.

Yingwa really grew up a lot, and immediately stood on a mound and delivered an impassioned speech to the farmers.

"The expeditionary force is here to liberate Sweden!"

"We only target monsters with blood rings. We will not kill you, let alone seize your land!"

"The benevolent commander of the coalition forces, Lord Duke William, has given an order that as long as you provide military supplies to the rebels on time, you will never be treated harshly! On the contrary, the rebels will protect you as long as you are alive!"

"If you want to join the resistance, we welcome you! Let us overthrow the brutal Gustav and rebuild our homeland together!"

This speech moved the farmers on the farm to tears. They had been looking forward to this day for so long! They all raised their farm tools and cheered loudly.

(End of chapter)

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