Global Evolution: I Transplanted The Supreme Deity Heart

159. Chapter 159 The Heart Of The Attack!

Chapter 159 The heart of the attack!

Seeing Xie Si's body, the teasing look on Qin's face immediately disappeared.

She gently adjusted the hanging lenses and took out a magnifying glass from the collar of her black robe.

At this moment, she turned back into the noble and intellectual scholar, Branden's palace advisor.

"What a magical structure. This corpse is obviously the result of human distortion, but the principle of distortion is completely different from the curse of flesh and blood contained in the cursed meteorite. It seems to be from the inside out, losing control at the spiritual level. The mutation produced by combining a certain dark attribute energy source."

There was a hint of surprise on Blood Spider's face, obviously she didn't expect Qin to have such knowledge.

Losing mental control is actually a ghost. The will of the Martial Artist was defeated by the ghost weapon.

The dark attribute energy source is naturally the supernatural energy unique to the world of inner demons - Monster Qi.

What Qin is talking about is the process of the ghost Martial Artist degenerating into the devil. This is the origin of the demon general Hsikama.

Bai Pu said helplessly: "Qin, the point is not the body itself, but what is contained in its belly."

As he spoke, Bai Pu touched his belt with his palm, and a sharp long knife appeared. He swung his knife to cut open the swollen belly of the hunting sickle, and with the tip of the knife, the small and clear original heart tissue was suspended in mid-air.

The original heart tissue is like a gem. The dirty blood on it rolls down automatically and cannot be retained at all.

The moment she saw the heart tissue, Qin lost her mind.

"What a beautiful heart."

After a while, Qin took a long breath and sighed.

Bai Pu handed Qin the copy [Experimental records on heart-derived living tissue in different biological environments].

Qin looked through the experimental records carefully, her eyes flashed with unprecedented excitement and anticipation, and she looked at Bai Pu.

"You came to me with this you want to transplant it?"

Bai Pu nodded and said with emotion: "After the transplant is successful, the gap between you and me should be further narrowed. I just don't know if I can fulfill my agreement with you."

Qin smiled slightly and said: "Actually, I have a 100% way to achieve the agreement, but it's a bit difficult. I don't know if you can do it."

"Tell me."

Bai Pu cheered up.

Blood Spider was taking notes diligently beside him. Although she was a little dull, she also knew that the conversation between Bai Pu and Qin was not meaningless. They were trying to increase the difficulty of the job transfer task!

Only with high difficulty can there be high rewards.

Especially for job transfer tasks, the higher the difficulty, the better the final reward template will be!

Qin said seriously: "Do you still remember the story I told you about Princess Christina?"

"I remember that she is the mother body of the curse of flesh and blood plague." Bai Pu said.

"She also has a heart tissue of similar size in her body." Qin said, "This magical heart tissue has the ability to fuse with each other. As long as you can go to the Blood Ring Fortress and rescue Christina, I can put her inside The original heart tissue is taken out, fused with your heart tissue, and transplanted into your body together."

Two pieces of heart tissue fused?

Bai Pu nodded: "It is indeed a good way to further catch up with your strength. However, transplanting two pieces of heart tissue should be more difficult."

Bai Pu is also proficient in flesh and blood alchemy and can be considered a semi-expert. Of course he knew the danger involved.

Qin nodded and said: "So, you also need to obtain some powerful aberration samples for my reference. It is best to kidnap a person who is proficient in flesh and blood alchemy from the Blood Ring Fortress to be my assistant."

Following Qin's words, Bai Pu received the prompt message of Spirit World's will.

[Your second job transfer mission: Heart of Attack has been triggered. ]

[Mission: Attack on the Heart]

[Mission goal one (optional): Obtain the original heart tissue from Princess Christina’s body (completion +50%)]

[Task goal two (optional): Obtain up to three samples of aberrations (for each sample obtained, the completion rate will be at most +10%)]

[Mission goal three (optional): Obtain the help of two scholars of Flesh Alchemy (for each scholar's help, the completion rate will be +10% at most)]

[Task Difficulty: SS]

[Task period: 15 days. ]

[Completion reward: Second job transfer template promotion]

[Failure penalty: none]

[Task Tip: You need to obtain at least 60% completion to complete this job transfer task. ]

[Current mission progress: 10% (you have obtained the help of a flesh and blood alchemy scholar)]

Difficulty of SS Level job transfer mission!

Bai Pu felt excited and his lips were a little dry.

If the job change is successful, the result will definitely be a template that surpasses the ordinary hero job.

The task difficulty of SS Level is indeed surprisingly high.

Bai Pu briefly read the mission requirements and knew that mission goal one, to obtain the original heart tissue from Princess Christina's body, seemed optional, but in fact it was a must-have!

Because the total completion rate must be above 60% to be considered complete, and mission goal one accounts for 50% of the completion rate!

Failure to complete the first goal means failure of the entire job transfer mission.

Princess Christina is the lifeblood of the entire Blood Ring Fortress and the host and mother of all aberrations. Even if Gustav, the blood-ringed emperor, has no close relationship with his daughter, he must regard her as more important than his life.

To seize the original heart from Princess Christina's body is almost as difficult as killing the Blood Ring Emperor Gustav.

Bai Pu was not sure whether he could complete this task, so he could only try his best.

Fortunately, according to what Qin said at the beginning, there should be a simpler route to complete the job transfer task, that is, without considering another piece of original heart tissue in Princess Christina's body, and the original heart tissue currently obtained by Bai Pu Change jobs directly!

In this case, the difficulty of job transfer tasks will definitely drop sharply. Bai Pu estimates that it will be difficult to advance to the hero profession, let alone get a strong profession in the hero template.

The simple route can only be used as a guarantee.

Bai Pu decided to give it a try. He asked: "Where should I find samples of powerful aberrations? What level of aberrations meets your requirements?"

Qin said: "I once told you that among the first generation of aberrations, there were a few particularly powerful guys, such as the Archduke of Bergen, the Blood Mist Butcher, and the Scarlet Wings. They definitely meet the requirements. If you can't deal with them, They can also be replaced by aberrations that are slightly less powerful, such as the generals of the Blood Ring Fortress, or people like Colum."

Bai Pu secretly smiled bitterly, who is Colon, the commander of the Blood Ring Vanguard Army! The camp boss in the first act!

Unexpectedly, in the world of [Flesh Plague: Aberration], he is not even qualified to make a sample.

The requirement of mission objective two (optional) is to collect three samples, and each sample will increase the degree of completion by "at most" 10%.

Bai Pu guessed what Qin meant. If he killed the Archduke of Bergen, the Blood Mist Butcher and the Scarlet Wings, the three samples obtained would definitely be the top 10% completion bonus. If you take a step back and kill a blood ring general like Goren, the sample completion bonus you get may only be 7% or 8%.

(End of chapter)

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