Global Evolution: I Transplanted The Supreme Deity Heart

174. Chapter 174 Harpoon Cannon (Both Ordered For 1300 Plus Updates)

Chapter 174 Harpoon Cannon (both ordered for 1300 plus updates)

"Okay, Dio. Don't treat a lady like this." Qin came over to smooth things over and said to the blood spider with a smile, "I apologize to you for Dio's rudeness, young lady."

The blood spider remained silent.

Bai Pu coughed lightly: "Qin, how is the research on inert medicine going?"

"Well, I combined some of the historical data I obtained before, changed the proportions, and made two new bottles of is for the 'Scarlet Wings', and the other is for the 'Archduke of Bergen'. "

Qin adjusted her monocle and regained her academic rigor, "The inventor of the inert potion is really a genius. Starting from the weaknesses of the first generation of aberrations and amplifying their weaknesses can indeed greatly weaken their strength!

"After I transformed the two bottles of inert potion, the one aimed at Scarlet Wings weakened his endurance, while the one aimed at the Archduke of Bergen weakened its power. I believe you can exert it Find out the effects of these two bottles of potion."

Qin handed two bottles of inert potion to Bai Pu, as well as some alchemical potions that strengthened the amplification and restored the state.

The two bottles of inert medicine are both contained in bottles of special colors. One bottle of potion is dark yellow, which is aimed at the Scarlet Wings; the other potion is dark red, which is aimed at the Archduke of Bergen.

Sweden, Karsk Voivodeship, Signa District.

Within a valley.

A group of blood-ringed farmers lay scattered on the cold mud, as if dead. Only the slight rise and fall of their chests could prove that they were still alive.

Not long after, a monster appeared in the valley.

With scarlet eyes and bat-like red wings growing on her back, her skinny body was unusually light, and slightly shriveled spherical fat could be seen vaguely on her chest. She must have been a woman before she was deformed.

The resistance of the air seemed to be non-existent to her. Even the walking posture of the Scarlet Wings was to tap the toes on the ground and "float" forward in the air by taking a big step!

"Damn it, this monster's agility must be eighty or ninety points!"

An awakened person wearing a green scarf and hiding on the side of the mountain swallowed dryly, "Can we really deal with this monster? Will she discover us in advance?"

Another awakened person holding a giant tower shield curled his lips: "You are so scared. There is an illusion cast by Lord Jindee. All you have to do is wait for this beast to eat people and hit the harpoon cannon accurately. It will be a great achievement. !”

Scarlet Wing's perception was not high and he did not notice the danger lurking on the cliffs on both sides.

She obviously hadn't eaten for a long time. When she saw the "ration" in the valley, she screamed with excitement, spread her wings, and rushed over!

The farmers were in a state of lethargy and had no sense of fear at all. Of course, this is also a good thing, because staying awake at such a moment is useless. There is no way to defend or escape from the high speed of the Scarlet Wings! Might as well die in your sleep.

A pair of sharp claws of the Scarlet Wings clasped a farmer's shoulders tightly, and he leaped into the air with force!

The red wings vibrated in the air, and by the time the body was thrown down from the sky, it had become a shriveled empty shell, falling to the ground with a snap like a wrung towel.

The scarlet wings were hovering in the sky excitedly, and their hawk-like red eyes looked down. She did not find the awakened beings hiding on the cliffs on both sides, because the latter had the concealment skills of the illusionist Jindie.

Scarlet Wings did not feel vigilant, so it was naturally impossible for him to carefully search the ridges on both sides before eating. This has nothing to do with priority.

After circling twice, Scarlet Wings selected its target again, swooped down like an eagle hunting, grabbed a farmer again, and flew high into the air!

Scarlet Wings' second feeding obviously sped up. After throwing away the second mummy, it dived down again! But when she flapped her wings this time, her speed slowed down a lot.

"The powerful anesthetic just injected into those mud-legged people has taken effect!"

On the cliff, the awakened man holding a shield whispered, "Hurry up, aim and shoot! Master Jindee said that this guy has strong anti-drug ability and will excrete the ingredients of the anesthetic drug out of the body in a few seconds."

The awakened man wearing a green scarf agreed and pressed his hands on the harpoon cannon!

The harpoon gun, also known as the "whaling gun", is made of powerful springs and high-strength cables, and can fire metal spears with iron chains! The spear tip has a sharp hook barb.

This weapon looks relatively primitive and is generally used by Nordic fishing boats for hunting whales. However, after Hidden Snake's team collected it and modified it to increase the bullet speed of the metal spear, it became a weapon for dealing with winged weapons. A biological weapon!


There was an explosion, and the metal spear shot out with a roar, dragging the long iron chain!

On the opposite cliff, a metal spear was also shot! Obviously there was more than one such ambush, so the Hidden Snake team adopted a double insurance approach.

Scarlet Wings sensed the danger and instinctively wanted to avoid it. However, when she was dodging, she suddenly became confused and actually made a meaningless circle movement in the air, and then flew high into the sky!

This slight delay allowed the harpoon cannon of the Green Turban Awakener to hit the target, and it penetrated the wings of the Scarlet Wings!

On the contrary, the harpoon cannon on the opposite mountain cliff made a mistake in its prediction, missed the air, and fell down.

"It's done. Fortunately, Lord Jindee took action. Her illusion skills are really amazing. She can even interfere with the enhanced leader!" The Green Turban Awakener said excitedly.

Several other awakened people lurking nearby rushed over. The tall and thin man in the lead patted the green turban on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Well done!"

This tall and thin man is wearing a black windbreaker. He is another core teammate of Hidden Snake, Nightwing! He directed several boys to grab the high-strength cable and retrieve the net inch by inch like fishing!

Scarlet Wings struggled to take off again, but it was in vain. Her strength was not her strong point, so she could only fall to the ground again.

A man with snake eyes and a cold temperament jumped lightly from the cliff opposite and appeared in front of Scarlet Wings. He was the Level 6 hero profession, Hidden Snake!

Behind the hidden snake, there was a petite and exquisite woman. She was wearing a soft yellow cloth robe with bright golden patterns embroidered on it. She looked like a blooming golden chrysanthemum. It feels cherished and cared for.

This woman in soft yellow robe is naturally the illusionist in the core group of three people of the Hidden Snake team: Jindie.

"You pull the cable and fix the harpoon cannon, and you must not let go! The strength attribute of the Scarlet Wing is not much stronger than yours. With the combined strength of the three of you, there is absolutely no way to break free! Not to mention this fish The weight of the fork gun.”

Nightwing gave a few instructions, and then looked at the awakened person holding the shield: "File, come down with me!"

The awakened one named File agreed and rushed down the cliff with Ye Yi, just in time to meet Hidden Snake and Jin Die.

At this point, even if Scarlet Wing does not have complete thinking ability, she can still understand that she has been plotted by the group of humans in front of her! She screamed immediately, dragged the long cable, and rushed towards the Hidden Snake who was walking in front!

The speed of this strike is extremely fast, but Hidden Snake's speed is definitely not slow either! He pulled out two daggers with both hands, and with two soft clangs, the scarlet wings flew away, and then he crossed his hands and drew a dark cross!

Scarlet Wing's figure suddenly dodged and moved sideways to avoid it. In a face-to-face encounter, Hidden Snake was able to go back and forth with Scarlet Wings, exchanging moves without getting hurt!

The Awakeners of the Hidden Snake team are gaining momentum. Jindie took out his staff and Nightwing took out his crossbow and attacked Scarlet Wing.

Scarlet Wing dodged again, avoiding the attack while switching targets. Her fighting instinct told her that there was no benefit in continuing to fight with the enemy in front of her who was not inferior to her in speed. It was better to clear the field first and then slowly consume him!

And in the direction of the attack of the Scarlet Wings, it turned out to be a golden butterfly in bright yellow robes!

Additional updates will be delivered on time! Please give me a monthly ticket and have a good start to the new year~!

There are two more updates today, one at noon and one in the evening.

(End of chapter)

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