Global Evolution: I Transplanted The Supreme Deity Heart

177. Chapter 177 Kuang Chan, You Idiot!

Chapter 177 Crazy Zen, you idiot!

Bai Pu has no doubt that the Overlord can master the polearm.

Advanced equipment (melee) specialties include one method and all methods, as well as advanced Level 4 two-handed hammer specialties. It will definitely be faster to practice pole weapon specialties that also require both hands to control.

In particular, Overlord will not lack the guidance of famous teachers.

Of course, the Level 4 special effects of advanced equipment are unique. Just because there is an additional Level 4 pole weapon, an additional special effect of advanced equipment will not be drawn.

Unless you have the same fate as Bai Pu, first get the Level 4 special effects of two-handed swordsmanship through the hidden title of Limit Breaker, and then get the guidance of the world boss like Beiming Jihu, and pass the test to get an extra chance to draw special effects. Powerful bonuses with dual special effects of advanced equipment!

Bai Pu held a long knife in his hand and jumped forward. Overlord's information also appeared in his field of vision.

[Overlord (Level 4 Hero)]

[Race: Humanoid/Terran]

[Occupation: Huang Tianzhilei]

[Attributes: Strength 70, Agility 25, Endurance 40, Spirit 29]

[Skills 1~6: Power of the Yellow Sky (professional skills), Qi Gathering,? ? ? ]

The Overlord's golden halberd drew a large circle in the middle distance with a feeling of being light and heavy!

Because of the different weapons held by the two, their advantages and disadvantages are also clear. Overlord's golden halberd is a long-handled weapon with a length of nearly three meters. He is most comfortable in mid-range combat. Although Bai Pu's long knife is also a two-handed weapon, the blade length is only a little over one meter, which is more suitable for close combat!

So Bai Pu rushed forward as soon as he got started, while Overlord raised his big halberd and guarded the door to prevent Bai Pu from getting into the inner circle.

Under normal circumstances, Bai Pu should retreat and give way, and then the Overlord can step forward and attack, taking full advantage of the advantage of being one inch long and one inch strong!

However, Bai Pu refused to avoid it!

A spider demon tower shield suddenly appeared in his left hand, blocking the halberd's slash with a clang! Just after the euphorbia was deflected, Bai Pu's tower shield quickly retracted and entered the inner circle, shrouding the Overlord with the bright sword light.

"Quickly switch weapons?"

Although the Overlord was frightened, the halberd in his palm quickly slid down from the end to the middle! The sound of clanging could be heard endlessly, and the two of them exchanged three or four moves within a few breaths, but they were all gone immediately.

But Overlord has changed from offensive to defensive, and a sense of frustration arose in his heart!

Because from the few parries just now, he had already felt that Bai Pu's strength attribute was not inferior to his own! But the opponent's endurance attribute is far superior to his!

The yellow light on Ba King's body flashed slightly, the golden euphorbia flashed with golden light, and the halberd struck out!

This blow not only contains the powerful physical attack power of the Overlord itself, but also contains the electric power that makes people numb and stiff.

Bai Pu raised his long knife to block, his body became numb, and his movements inevitably showed a trace of hesitation. The Overlord took a deep breath, held the halberd in both hands, and launched his proud skill:

Dance of steel!

The euphorbia rolls around like a whirlwind, causing six times of physical damage to enemies within the range within three seconds, and has the additional effect of knocking them into the air!

However, during the three seconds of Steel Dance, Bai Pu did not float into the air as Overlord thought.

Moreover, the sharp edge of the halberd struck Bai Pu, but it was like striking an extremely tough solid rubber tire. Not only did it fail to cause high damage, it actually had the power to push the bullet outward!

"This is a high defense that can only be obtained if the endurance is over 100 points! How could it appear on a Low Level awakener? No, I'm too big of a deal. I should have used the Fangtian Painting Halberd from the beginning!"

The frustration in Overlord's heart intensified. He didn't use Fang Tian Hua Ji (fake) at the beginning because Bai Pu was only a Level 3 enhanced elite, and he was a dignified Level 4 hero! It felt like the big one was bullying the small ones, so I used the golden halberd with a lighter load first.

But it's definitely too late to change weapons now.

Bai Pu dwarfed, rushed towards him like an angry dragon, and slashed diagonally at the overlord who was using his skills and unable to defend himself!

This sword seems to be weak and weak, but the Overlord is also determined to bear it, and a dark yellow shield rises on the surface of the body.

But when the sword was in place, a brilliant light of blood fighting energy suddenly erupted!

The special effect of collapsing mountains was activated, and the dark yellow shield was broken with one slash! At the same time, Bai Pu's blade came back, seemingly following the flow of a certain wind, and slashed at the overlord's undefended chest again!

Looking for the wind!

This knife didn't have time to increase Bengshan's blood fighting energy, but it was still painful to the bone. After all, Bai Pu's strength value at this time was already quite high. He was holding the knife with both hands, which increased the weapon's attack power by 10 points!

Overlord grunted and retreated, but Bai Pu activated the sprint effect of his shoes and followed him like a shadow! The long knife slashed out in succession.

The Overlord's palm could only hold the front part of the halberd, blocking him from the left and right, and he was in a panic for a while.

He was also feeling aggrieved, because his strongest trump card needed to be used together with Fang Tian's painted halberd (fake) in order to exert its maximum power!

Now, under Bai Pu's relentless pursuit, he couldn't exchange for Fang Tian's painted halberd (fake). He could only use this golden halberd to perform his final move——

Huang Tianwei is coming!

A powerful electric arc spread across the Overlord's body, forming a layer of lightning armor that flashed with light! Under the concentrated current, the Overlord's golden halberd appeared to be melting, flowing with the luster of gold.

This move combines offense and defense. If Bai Pu's long knife were to slash at him, the energy of the yellow Celestial Beast thunder would be injected into his body, causing him to fall into a state of paralysis unable to move!

Of course, there is no perfect move. The biggest flaw of this move is that it takes a long time to charge up, making it a living target. If you are good at long-range attacks, you can use high-priority forced knockback skills such as "Heart-Piercing Arrow" to force it back hard. Interrupted.

Bai Pu put his hand on his waist, took out the Spider Demon Tower Shield, and threw it out with a shake of his hand.

Spin Throw!

The spider demon tower shield was wrapped in blood-colored light and hit the surface of King Body. However, the next second, the blood-colored light wrapped on the tower shield was eliminated by the yellow arc, and returned weakly, falling into Bai Pu's hands.

Priorities are suppressed.

As a hero profession, Overlord's basic priority is higher than Bai Pu Level 1. His move Huang Tianweilin may have reached a three-star skill, which is higher than the two-star skill of Spin Throw and has an additional priority of Level 1!

Under the combination of both sides, the effect of the spinning throw was weak, and the Overlord's body did not even shake significantly.

"Looks like I'm going to have to bear it hard."

Bai Pu took a deep breath. He had just deleted the "cold body" form in time and stored the "insulating coating" to resist lightning damage.

At this moment, Bai Pu's body surface immediately gained a sticky protective film. This protective film can effectively isolate lightning-related damage, and even the duration of subsequent paralysis caused by lightning will be shortened by 50%.

However, just when Overlord was about to finish charging up, a sniper bullet with thick white smoke suddenly shot out from his diagonal stab!

The sniper bullet was wrapped in a strong energy flow, and while being neutralized by the monster thunder energy on the King's body, it also broke through the King's energy protection! That slender bullet broke through the skin and penetrated deeply into the Overlord's waist!

A shadow of a giant rhinoceros flashed behind the Overlord, breaking into pieces as it howled. Apparently some kind of life-saving ability had been activated, reducing part of the damage from this blow.

"Kang Chan, you idiot!"

(End of chapter)

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