Chapter 180 Ambush! Scarlet Wings

Bai Pu shook his head slowly: "Sorry, I still have to retain my strength to deal with the Scarlet Wings."

Dealing with the Scarlet Wings is Bai Pu's most important goal, and for this he can give up some petty gains.

"Ah?" Kuang Chan was stunned, "Didn't the Scarlet Wings go after the Hidden Snake?"

"Scarlet Wings can't catch up. After all, she injured her wings and lost her proud flying ability. For her, revenge is secondary, healing is the first priority. Unless Hidden Snake deliberately wants to lure Scarlet Wings. Yi is chasing and planning a counterattack, otherwise he will definitely not be able to catch up."

Bai Pu said calmly, "According to my character analysis of Hidden Snake, he should be the kind of person who is extremely suspicious and cherishes his life. After suffering this big loss, he should not be interested in Scarlet Red again until we are eliminated. Wings takes action."

"Then do you know the location of Scarlet Wings?" Kuang Chan asked curiously.

"You can probably guess it." Bai Pu praised the [Signa District Observation Log: Scarlet Wings] that was obtained from the Blood Spider.

"Okay then, are you sure you don't need my help?" Kuang Chan looked very enthusiastic, "You have seen how powerful the Scarlet Wings are. In fact, the completion of the job transfer task is the most important. You can put the evaluation later. Make sure you do it first. Let’s talk about it after it’s finished.

"For example, this time, the Hidden Snake team besieged Scarlet Wing. In addition to the main mission of capturing a powerful wild aberrant, it was also because 'Nightwing' needed something from Scarlet Wing to complete the bloodline mission. If he didn't With the help of the team’s strength, no one dares to attack Scarlet Wings.”

"I understand what you said. If I fail this time, I will ask you for help."

Bai Pu drank a tube of healing alchemical potion and restored his condition.

This bottle of alchemy potion is Qin's handiwork. It is suitable for consumption by Low Level awakeners. It can continuously restore 300 health points within 30 seconds, but the drug resistance is only 5 points. It is considered a Supreme Grade recovery potion.

For potions that normally restore 300 points of blood, the drug resistance should not be less than 15 points.

Drug resistance is the "resistance" produced by the awakened person's continuous use of alchemical potions in a short period of time. The higher the accumulated drug resistance, the less effective the alchemical potion will be.

Of course, this is also related to the endurance attributes of the awakened ones. Awakened ones with high endurance have a high upper limit of drug resistance (the weakening ratio of alchemical potions = drug resistance / upper limit of drug resistance), and can drink alchemy one or two times more efficiently than others. Pharmacy opportunities.

Kuang Chan said: "Let me tell you about the trends of the Blood Ring... The main mission of Rank One is to capture wild aberrants and enhance the combat power of the Blood Ring troops. The main mission of Rank Two is not yet available, and it is estimated that it will be There’s a big war.”

"That's right. The main plot of my Rank One segment is to detect intelligence. Then when Duke William, the commander of the expeditionary force, is in place, I should be able to trigger the next phase of the main plot and start a head-on war with the Blood Ring." Bai Pu said.

"Pay attention to the situation. I will share the information with you at any time." Kuang Chan waved his hand and left with the two awakened people in the same team.

Bai Pu glanced at Kuang Chan's back and said nothing.

His health had almost recovered, so he rode on the Swedish warmblood horse, strolling all the way, and ran towards the mountains and forests of Signa District.

Blood Spider also followed him on horseback. According to Bai Pu's request, she will not enter the place where Bai Pu ambush Scarlet Wings, but find a place on the periphery that is convenient for concealment and has a good view to hide. On the one hand, she can watch Bai Pu do the job transfer mission, and on the other hand, Act as an early warning.

Although according to the way Hidden Snake behaves, Bai Pu doesn't think he dares to come back after escaping from the pursuit of Scarlet Wings, but he still needs to be prepared for such a small probability event.

Just after fighting the Overlord and the Hidden Snake one after another, Bai Pu also gained something. His [Windwalking Slash] accumulated proficiency has been raised to Level 2, and [Unstable Shield] has been raised to Level 3!

Limit Breaker +1 level takes effect, Windwalker is Level 3, and Unstable Shield is Level 4!

There is no qualitative change to Windwalker Slash, but the damage is increased, and Windwalker's jumping speed is increased by about 10%. The real qualitative change is Level 4's [Unstable Shield], Bai Pu gets the opportunity to extract special effects!

There is a widely circulated saying that the special effects of the awakened person's combat skills are not only related to the understanding, but also have a great relationship with the "combat and learning experience" of the awakened person!

The so-called learning experience refers to whether you have received guidance from an expert when upgrading your skills.

As for the combat experience, it refers to the battles that the skill has experienced during the process of training (the process of accumulating proficiency)! The more experienced you are in fighting powerful enemies, the higher your chances of extracting powerful special effects.

For example, now...

When Bai Pu saw the series of special effects of [Unstable Shield], his eyes suddenly became strange! He now somewhat believes that the widely circulated statement is correct.

"Very good... The unstable shield has obtained this Level 4 special effect. I am more confident in killing Scarlet Wings!"

About twenty minutes later, a thin red figure walked back slowly.

It was the Scarlet Wings who were chasing after him to no avail!

Although he was "pacing", Scarlet Wings was still very fast. His paws touched the ground lightly, like a pennies punting a boat, and his whole body "floated" forward for a long time with great lightness.

Half of her wings were still limp and drooping, and there were still bloody holes on them, which undoubtedly greatly affected her ability to fly.

Scarlet Wing also held a weak human girl under his arm, and the girl had already passed out.

Obviously, this human girl should be the "taste" that Scarlet Wing prefers. She is not even willing to eat it directly. Instead, she wants to snatch it away and take it back to her lair, where she can enjoy it slowly while healing her flesh wing's injuries.

The direction of Scarlet Wing's distortion is somewhat similar to that of a bat, and she has also inherited some of the bat's habits. For example, her nest is a natural cave formed at the intersection of a rock crevice on a steep mountain cliff.

Under the cliff, there are a considerable number of white skeletons, most of which are humans and a few of which are domestic animals. Apparently Scarlet Wing often "dines" in the lair. Incidentally, this is also an important reason why Bai Pu can accurately find her lair.

It is unrealistic to expect such a deformed monster to have the IQ of "rabbits don't eat the grass beside their nests" to hide their nests.

Scarlet Wings came to the pile of bones under the cliff. In the past, she could fly back to her nest simply by unfolding her flesh wings, but now the severe injury to one of her flesh wings forced her to give up this elegant way of returning home.

Although the cliff is steep, it is still not challenging for the Scarlet Wings who have far higher attributes than the Transcendent people.

She held the human girl with one arm and jumped up with all her strength. With just a tap of her paws on the cliff, she used the force to jump up to several meters high!

Just like Qinggong in martial arts novels, with a few clicks of his paws, Scarlet Wings climbed up to the intersection of rock crevices and drilled into his lair.

After Scarlet Wings entered the lair, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

There is someone in the cave!

Scarlet Wings, who had just suffered a big loss, was very vigilant at the moment. She threw the human girl aside and carefully observed her surroundings.

Suddenly, a bottle flew out from the shadow in the corner!

The bottle exploded after hitting the ground and turned into a thick cloud of yellow smoke, submerging Scarlet Wings in it.

The Scarlet Wings were obviously restrained by this yellow smoke, fluttering half of their wings and making choking sounds!

"Qin's improved inert medicine can be penetrated through breathing and pores, which is really much more convenient."

In just two seconds when Scarlet Wing choked, Bai Pu and Mad Rhinoceros Luz rushed out from the shadows in the corner, crossed Scarlet Wing, and blocked her in front.

Unfortunately, the materials for making inert potions were scarce, and Qin only found one in the alchemy laboratory in Malmö City. Otherwise, if this potion was used as a control method, it might have miraculous effects.

Two seconds passed in the blink of an eye. Scarlet Wings had adapted to the yellow smoke and no longer choked. Her small red eyes flashed fiercely, staring at Bai Pu and Luz.

(End of chapter)

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