Chapter 183 Bombardment

boom! It was like a low cannon roaring.

The three-meter-long, slightly illusory bloody sword blade struck out from it, forcibly splitting the escaping Scarlet Wings into two pieces from behind!

The sword energy contained the power of shock, so the two corpses of Scarlet Wing were not smooth sections, but looked like they had been exploded by high explosives. The wounds were intertwined with jagged bite marks.

[Unstable Shield Level 4 Special Effect: Bombardment: Attach the energy of the shield to weapons or fists and feet, convert it into the corresponding attack form and burst out, and the resulting shock deceleration effect has an additional priority of +1. ]

The principle of this special effect is just two words: cohesion.

The previous unstable shield caused concussive damage to the indiscriminate explosion around Bai Pu.

[Artillery Bombardment] The special effect is to condense the power of indiscriminate explosions to form a concussive hit with precise targets and powerful power!

There are detailed explanations later. If it is a sword weapon, it will generate a concussive sword energy; if it is a fist, it will generate a concussive fist; if it is a hammer weapon, it will generate a cone similar to "earth-shattering slash". The range of vibration is strong.

After the power is condensed, the damage will naturally increase, but what Bai Pu likes most is the priority +1 of shock deceleration. This means that the bombardment effect of [Unstable Shield] is already comparable to the additional priority of a three-star skill!

The emergence of such rare special effects undoubtedly confirms the widely circulated statement, that is, when skills reach a critical level, the special effects that awakened people can realize are related to combat/learning experience!

At that time, Bai Pu chose this rare special effect without hesitation, because the priority was +1 and he needed shock deceleration to weaken the speed advantage of Scarlet Wings.

It's just that the battle went smoother than Bai Pu imagined, mainly because [Blood Mist Butcher's Chainsword] was indeed powerful, and as a result, this move became a finishing move.

Weapons like [Blood Mist Butcher's Chainsword] with a base strength of 30 and a base endurance of 30 are almost the requirements for peak gold equipment, and most Middle Level awakeners cannot reach it!

That is what High Level awakeners can achieve.

Think about it, it comes with 30 points of armor penetration, and after the [cutting] skill hits, it can destroy another 30 points of the opponent's armor! The superposition of the two is 60 points of armor breaking. Among the Middle Level BOSS, apart from the well-equipped aboriginal bosses and the bosses with endurance specialties, how many have 60 points of armor?

Scarlet Wing is an example. She does not wear any additional armor, which means she only has 41 points of armor attached to her own stamina!

After being reduced by Qin's inert potion, his stamina was reduced, and then he encountered the chain sword's total armor breaking of 60 points, which directly broke the armor to a negative value, and ordinary attacks can produce explosive effects.

Bai Pu breathed out lightly.

He likes the feeling of full power now, but he also knows that this power is only possessed by the temporary enhancement brought by the two major innate skills.

If you want to truly control this chain sword, you have to wait until you change your job at least.

Bai Pu walked over, first put the two corpses of Scarlet Wings into the storage space, and then picked up the golden treasure chest of Scarlet Wings.

Like Blood Mist Butcher's treasure chest, Scarlet Wing's treasure chest also has dark gold patterns, which represents her strengthening the leader's status and being just one step away from the lord.

Bai Pu won't open the treasure chest yet. After all, the Scarlet Wings were obtained from the Hidden Snake team.

Although it is a small chance that the Hidden Snake team would intercept them here, it is indeed not safe here.

The Hidden Snake team cannot deal with Scarlet Wings, but it is undeniable that the Hidden Snake team is far more powerful than Bai Pu! It's just that no one can carry it as well as Bai Pu. The large number of people will become a disadvantage. The Scarlet Wings will continue to suck blood, and the skimming and violent refills will be unlimited.

The relationship between the Hidden Snake team, Scarlet Wings and Bai Pu is a rock-paper-scissors mutual restraint.

Bai Pu quickly slipped out of the rock crevice, called the blood spider, and rode away together. It would not be too late to open the treasure chest when he returned to Malmo City.

The blood spider also took the unconscious human girl with him and planned to take her back to live in Malmo City.

Rescuing this girl was just a matter of course - if the girl had not been rescued at that time, the Scarlet Wings would have been able to obtain blood-sucking "food", and the consequences of continuing the violent skidding for thirty seconds would have been serious.

If this girl conflicts with Bai Pu's job transfer mission... Bai Pu asked himself, I am afraid that he will not interfere with his job transfer mission for a stranger in the Spirit World.

On their way back to Malmö City, Bai Pu and the Blood Spider passed by the Signa District.

Suddenly, a figure in front attracted the attention of Bai Pu and Blood Spider.

The man was an aborigine, wearing the light armor of an expeditionary force scout. He was squatting on the ground with his back to the two of them, as if he was inspecting a corpse.

"Is this the scout who hasn't returned yet?" Bai Pu asked.

The blood spider nodded: "Of those dozens of scouts, there are indeed some who returned late and never came back. Some people speculated that they went to a far place and wasted time, while others suspected that they were deformed people who were blood-ringed. Found and killed.”

"Wait a minute, something seems wrong."

Bai Pu frowned.

The sound of the two people's horseshoes and conversation were not deliberately concealed. Logically speaking, the scout had noticed it long ago. Why didn't he turn around?

Even if you are concentrating on checking the corpses on the ground, you still have to turn around and take a look. After all, this is an enemy-occupied area. What if the enemy comes?

Bai Pu's mental power turned into a thin line and stretched out. With a sweep, his face suddenly changed slightly.

The scout slowly turned his head.

The way he turned his head was very special. His entire back remained motionless, only his neck turned back 180 degrees.

Bai Pu and Blood Spider saw his face, and a chill could not help but rise behind their backs.

There was heavy blood on the corners of this scout's mouth, and he was still chewing a piece of internal organs in his mouth!

He was not examining the body just now, but... eating!

"He has become a deformed person..." Blood Spider said in shock, "Don't all the scouts carry Ms. Qin's antidote? Logically speaking, they will not be infected by the curse of flesh and blood."

"There's something different about this aberrant."

Bai Pu said. He noticed that the aberration scout's skin was dark red, with large and small blisters on his face, but his eyes were pure white, with no pupils visible.

Although their movement patterns are similar to those of plague victims, if you look closely, their appearance is quite different.

"I used my spiritual vision. This guy's name is 'Crimson Plague'. The specific attributes are actually similar to those of the Plague Overseer. It is a Level 5 ordinary template." Blood Spider said.

"This should be a new variant of the Qin's antidote has failed." Bai Pu said.

The Blood Spider took out his small notebook and flipped through it, then he had an idea and said, "If we capture it alive and bring it back to Malmo City, can we gain the reputation of the expeditionary force camp?"

"Not just reputation, you will also get merit points, Qin's favorability..." Bai Pu said.

"Why don't you take action?" Blood Spider looked at Bai Pu in surprise, feeling that Bai Pu seemed a little hesitant.

"...Forget it, just do it." Bai Pu waved his hand.

Blood Spider thought that Bai Pu had just experienced a big battle and was exhausted physically and mentally. Anyway, with her strength, she could capture a Level 5 ordinary template plague victim, so she didn't say anything more.

Sure enough, the Blood Spider took action and severely injured the Crimson Plague Death with three strikes. Then he tied it tightly with a rope, even its mouth, and brought it back on horseback.

(End of chapter)

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