Chapter 191 Breaking the Queen

Halfway through the sprint, Bai Pu jumped up high, launched the Wind-Stepping Slash, and crashed down!

Under the turbulence of the whirlwind, the two blood ring elites were knocked into the air, and the other dead plague victims were thrown high into the air.

On Bai Pu's body, the shadows of a manticore and a giant cat flashed, and two major accessories skills were activated! He aimed at the blood ring heavy swordsman among them, and slashed down with the long sword in both hands, faintly filled with the light of rich blood fighting spirit!

Collapse of mountains!

The long knife made tragic wounds on his body, and even the blood ring heavy armor he wore was cracked by one blow!

Immediately following was a blow from Xunfeng's special effects, and then three rays of light from the sharp long knife!

Inflicted five damage instantly, three of which triggered critical hits!

Even though the blood ring heavy swordsman had 30% level suppression damage reduction, he could not withstand such terrible damage. From his neck to his chest, there were blood marks that were deep enough to show the bones, and he was already seriously injured!

Seriously injured and losing most of his combat power, this blood-ringed heavy swordsman's only fate is to be killed by the manticore poison!

Another blood ring hammer warrior was the first to hit the ground. As soon as he got up, he roared and launched a counterattack against Bai Pu! The heavy hammer wrapped around the bloody arc and struck Bai Pu's waist.

[Serial forging]! This powerful skill is divided into two stages of damage. If Bai Pu parries, the second stage will be activated faster by the force of the rebound, attacking Bai Pu's head with stronger and more severe damage!

Bai Pu chose to hit the first section forcefully. His body was like a flowing snake, absorbing half of the force of the blow!

With the strength of the Blood Ring Hammer, Bai Pu took a step forward, tapped the sword lightly, and broke the second damage of [Continuous Forging]. At the same time, he kicked out and knocked out the Blood Ring Hammer. He staggered with a kick, and then stabbed twice!

Blood blossoms bloomed on the shoulders of the Blood Ring Heavy Hammer. One of the swords struck another critical blow, and the sound of the bones being severed was clearly audible!

As for the attacks of other plague victims, Bai Pu didn't even bother to dodge them. Even without the targeted damage reduction of his talent, their attacks could only cause single-digit damage based on Bai Pu's current high armor.

The long knife swept in a circle, and the head of a plague-dead man was chopped off. Bai Pu then parried the heavy hammer swung by the blood ring heavy hammer man, took three steps back with the help of elasticity, and killed him again. Killed another plague victim and chopped off half of his body!

The small group of Blood Ring troops, including two Blood Ring elites and ten dead plague victims, were all killed by Bai Pu within a few minutes! Bai Pu also harvested two blue treasure chests, as well as some white materials, Psionic points, etc. dropped by the plague victims.

"Nole, go in this direction."

Bai Pu handed Nolay a horn and said, "Go to the beach and blow the horn. Someone will come to pick you up."

Nole was not horrified by Bai Pu's display of strength. In fact, it would be really funny if a warrior who could kill the devil Blood Mist Butcher and put his son to rest could not defeat a blood ring team. He quickly asked: "What about you?"

Bai Pu pointed in the direction of Kalma Fortress, from where he could already see the swarming Blood Ring troops appearing.

"I'll take care of you."

"Then... I wish you good luck." Nole did not question Bai Pu's fighting ability, nor was he like the ignorant girl in the movies and TV series, who insisted on staying and holding back until the end even though she was weak.

Nole knew that he was incapable of fighting head-on, so he took the horn from Bai Pu and fled to the seaside in a hurry.

Opposite Bai Pu, the blood ring army of Kalma Fortress has come out of the city to pursue him! You can see seven or eight elite warriors wearing Blood Ring's iconic heavy armor, as well as a large number of plague victims.

However, judging from the scale, this army should not be the main garrison of Kalmar Fortress, only about a hundred people.

Bai Pu held a long knife and strode forward to greet him.

On Bai Pu's body surface, a layer of bloody shield quietly opened - [Unstable Shield] is accumulating the power of explosion in advance!

As if they felt the threat, the speed of several elite warriors slowed down slightly. But Bai Pu also activated [Flesh Armor] at the same time!

Gravity ball special effects are in effect! The incoming blood ring army was passively attracted towards the direction of Bai Pu!

Bai Pu lowered his waist and sat on his horse, and all the energy of the blood shield was concentrated on his right fist! The bloody light in his right fist was so rich that it felt like his eyes were burned just by looking at it!

Then, Bai Pu punched out of the air.

Boom, a low tremor sounded, like the roar of a cannon.

A bloody fist that was several meters wide and ten meters long was blasted out with the sound of artillery fire!

The two blood ring heavy hammer warriors located directly in front of their fists were knocked backwards like two small stones. Their breastplates were sunken along with their sternums, and blood kept coughing out from their mouths!

The plague-dead person in the path directly in front of the fist was directly shocked to death by a single blow.

Because of this [Unstable Shield - Bombardment], regardless of whether the carrier is a fist or a sword, the area directly in front is the area with the highest damage and the most power.

Where the fists were shrouded, the blood ring soldiers in other areas were also trembling and staggering backwards!

They were all affected by the powerful shock force and fell into a state of deceleration. The priority of this slowdown is as high as 6 points, which even offsets the resistance reduction brought by their own high level!

Bai Pu took advantage of the duration of the accessory Manticore's Sting to rush into the crowd with a long knife and launched a wave of killings!

He didn't even need a last-ditch attack on those seriously injured plague victims who fell to the ground. He could suck them to death within dozens of seconds with only 9 points of dark magic damage per second (for severely injured enemies) from [Flesh Spell].

The main targets of Bai Pu's attacks are Elite Level enemies such as Blood Ring Heavy Swordsman and Blood Ring Heavy Swordsman.

Although the combat expertise of the blood ring elite soldiers is Level 1 higher than that of Bai Pu, the constant adsorption force of [Gravity Ball] makes it difficult for them to adapt, which itself will reduce their combat efficiency!

According to Bai Pu's estimation, the 24-point speed impact of the gravity ball can at least offset the skill advantage brought by one or two levels of combat expertise.

More importantly, Bai Pu is a tank, and a tank with professional skills activated and in the hardest state! On his body surface, the shield formed by the flesh and blood spell is astonishingly thick, and it is constantly being replenished.

The attack of the blood ring elite soldiers fell on Bai Pu, which could only cause ripples on the surface of the shield, but could not break this endless shield at all!

This means that Bai Pu can completely ignore their attacks, seize their stiffness when attacking, and pour out the damage mercilessly!

In the short two minutes that the flesh and blood armor lasted, Bai Pu had already killed most of these enemies.

The cooldown time of [Unstable Shield] just passed, and Bai Pu immediately started the second shot.

During the 3 seconds waiting time for detonation, Bai Pu relied on the shield accumulated by the professional skill [Flesh Armor] to resist the attack, and did not waste the shield value of [Unstable Shield].

This time, Bai Pu chose to slash with a long sword!

A bloody sword energy swept across, cutting the three blood-ringed elite soldiers into six pieces, and the blood was splashed on the ground along with the organs.

However, before dying, a blood-ring heavy swordsman blew the magic bone whistle, and the shrill whistle echoed around the perimeter of Kalma Fortress.

The entire Kalma Fortress was in commotion like a honeycomb being poked with a stick, and more Blood Ring soldiers began to gather.

"time to go."

Bai Pu picked up the treasure chest and activated the sprint acceleration ability of [Si Leather Boots] to escape.

(End of chapter)

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