Chapter 196 Arrival

The black vines on the cliff in front of us can make the ferocious crocodiles dare not cross, indicating that the vines themselves are a terrifying threat.

Bai Pu could only order Kuangxi Luzi to test first.

Luz worked hard and strode to the cliff, grabbing the vines on the cliff with one hand.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Nothing unusual happened.

Lutz tested the toughness of the vine and found that the black vine was extremely tough, like steel!

Lutz immediately climbed up the vine. He only had one hand and his speed was slow. When he climbed to a height of three or four meters, he suddenly roared in pain and fell down!

Bai Pu stepped forward and lifted up Luzi's armor. You could see that there were several abnormal bulges under his skin. They were still twisting and crawling, as if there were terrible parasites hidden inside. Same!

Bai Pu flipped his wrist and used the long knife to accurately pick out the skin, like a scalpel, tearing through the raised skin and flying out the disgusting little guy inside.

With the torch that Yvette just lit, you can see that this is a kind of scary insect, about the size of a little finger, with a hard carapace and sharp jaws. At this time, it was just picked out of the body of Lutz They came out, covered in blood, and let out a sharp scream!

Bai Pu's long sword flashed again, and with three swipes, he killed all these insects.

"The vines themselves are not dangerous. What is really dangerous are the beetles that accompany the vines."

These flesh-devouring beetles survive by clinging to the vines. Once they encounter flesh-and-blood creatures that dare to intrude on the vines and damage their living environment, these beetles will burrow into the opponent's body and eat them clean!

According to Luzi's physical sensation just now, when the beetle bites the skin, it will secrete a powerful anesthetic toxin, which will make the person who is bitten numb all over and unable to use any strength. They can only watch the beetle bite. Breaking the skin, crawling and biting wantonly inside the body.

"What, what should I do?" As a knight, Yvette inevitably showed a look of fear.

"Fortunately these beetles are relatively fragile."

Bai Pu lightly stepped on the carcass of a beetle, making a crackling sound, and walked towards the stone wall: "I'll do it first this time."

Having said that, Bai Pu directly activated his professional skill: flesh and blood armor!

A strong adsorption force emerged, and a spectacular scene suddenly appeared. Countless small black dots nearby rushed to "fly" towards Bai Pu, crawling on the blood-red light shield on his body and biting it!

Bai Pu instantly turned into a big ball covered with beetles.

But within a few seconds, I saw small black dots falling down, like raindrops!

Bai Pu's flesh and blood armor integrates offense and defense. It not only has protective capabilities, but also absorbs health points from surrounding enemies, causing dark magic damage!

Even an uninjured target will receive 4 points of damage per second. After being injured, the damage will increase gradually, climbing all the way up to 9 points per second!

These beetles mainly rely on their numerical advantage and powerful paralyzing toxins. This large-scale and sustained group attack ability is their nemesis.

The best thing is the [Gravity Ball] special effect. These beetles are unable to resist at all. Even if they are unwilling, they will be attracted by Bai Pu.

"My ability lasts for 120 seconds. Please hurry up and catch up. Within 120 seconds, we must climb to the top of the cliff." Bai Pu said.

Yvette hurriedly followed, and Luz the Wild Rhinoceros followed closely behind.

After Bai Pu took the lead to climb to the top of the cliff, Yvette also climbed up. Lutz, the slowest, could only climb halfway up the mountain because he only had one arm.

Fortunately, Bai Pu still had a rope in his hand, and with a strong pull, Luzi the Wild Rhinoceros was dragged up.

So far, Bai Pu and his party have experienced two death levels: the swamp crocodile group and the black vine beetle.

"Take a rest for fifteen minutes." Bai Pu breathed a sigh of relief and began to engrave flesh and blood spells. In such a ghost place, he must always ensure that he is in the strongest state, and not a single trump card can be wasted.

"There seem to be very few glowing plants out front." Yvette said.

Originally there was light on the road because there was unknown luminous moss underground here, which gathered in clusters on the rock wall and on the ground, forming a weak light source.

However, after climbing up the black vine cliff, the glowing moss in front became less and less, and the light became dimmer and dimmer.

"Lutz and I were at the front." Bai Pu said. He has the ability to mentally scan, which is his other pair of eyes.

Bai Pu and others continued to move forward, and anomaly creatures such as flesh moths and giant geckos lying on the cliff appeared in front of them.

What these creatures have in common is that they are very ferocious and violent. They will not retreat when they find humans, but rush to attack!

Mad Rhinoceros Luzi suddenly launched the ring of shock to slow down the incoming monsters. Bai Pu relied on mental scanning to determine the location of these monsters, and then slashed them out with one knife!

Fortunately, these deformed flesh-and-blood monsters were quite weak before the deformation. Although they became powerfully aggressive after the deformation, they were still considered weak. They could not last long under Bai Pu's knife and died one after another.

Every time he kills a flesh-deformed monster, Luzi the Wild Rhinoceros will cut off the monster's fat and delicious parts with his sword, and chew them raw without any taboo!

This rough method of energy replenishment was actually quite effective for the aberrant, and his broken arm gradually returned to normal.

After walking in the dark for a long time, Bai Pu suddenly felt that the path ahead was narrowing, from a spacious underground hall to a medium-width corridor, and traces of man-made carvings gradually appeared on the rock wall.

"We're almost there."

Bai Pu couldn't conceal his excitement. The moment he completed the job transfer mission, it was already a matter of life and death. He took a deep breath and stepped into the corridor.

"Be careful!" Yvette warned in a low voice.

In the corridor ahead, pairs of scarlet light spots suddenly appeared! Those scarlet light spots all appear in pairs, but they are pairs of ferocious and vicious eyes!


A huge chirping sound was accompanied by the sound of flapping flesh wings, and a black storm suddenly blew up in front of Bai Pu and others!

This black storm is made up of bats the size of fists. The eyes of each bat emit a bloodthirsty red light. When it falls on Bai Pu and others, it bites away, with fangs the size of rice grains. Deeply embedded!

Bai Pu snorted heavily and directly opened the "flesh and blood armor" that had just been engraved!

With Bai Pu as the center, the black storm was forcefully absorbed, forming a black and red ball around him! These bats rushed to bite, but they could only bite out ripples from Bai Pu's flesh and blood armor shield.

The bats on the outside cannot lie on Bai Pu, but can only lie on the bats in front. This kind of ferocious guy didn't care whether it was the same kind or not, it just started to bite, and for a while, the chirping Anomaly screams filled the underground tunnel, giving people a splitting headache.

Snap, snap, bats fell to the ground one after another, but then a large number of bats flew over in an endless stream.

"Keep moving, we can't stay here!"

Bai Pu strode forward and was still the first! Yvette and Luz followed closely.

Soon, Bai Pu's mental detection detected the end of the corridor ahead! It was a man-made stone staircase with moss growing on it.

"You go first."

Bai Pu stopped suddenly, and the storm formed by the bat swarm behind him was still chasing after him. He turned around suddenly, waited until Luz and Yvette had passed him, and then suddenly lunged forward.

A fist wrapped in bloody light, and a low and roaring fist was unleashed!

Unstable Shield: Bombardment!

For a time, a large number of black bats were violently shocked to death, falling to the ground with a crackle, and soon accumulated a lot!

The black bats that followed were attracted by the bloody corpses of the same kind in front of them, and they rushed over and fell on the pile of corpses to feast.

Taking advantage of this gap, Yvette and Luz had stepped onto the zigzag circular stone steps and pushed open a rusty iron door above their heads. Bai Pu followed closely, and the three of them stepped out of the secret passage together.

Royal Alchemy Academy, arrived!

(End of chapter)

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