Global Evolution: I Transplanted The Supreme Deity Heart

215. Chapter 215 The Agreed Thing (The Third Update Today)

Chapter 215 The agreed thing (the third update today)

This time, the lucky bag has a double critical hit, giving Bai Pu about 23,000 Psionic points.

The scroll looks a bit old, but it is a very rare skill book.

[Blood extraction: three-star skill. Squeeze the blood from the target's body, causing continuous moderate dark damage and healing yourself with part of the damage value. During the blood extraction process, the target will feel intense pain. The higher the damage per second, the more intense the pain. ]

This skill should be the core skill of Erudite Schroedler. If you practice to key levels such as Level 4 and Level 7, you may be able to draw powerful special effects like "Tide of Blood" or even "Corrosive Blood Explosion".

After all, it is a precious three-star skill, and the probability of extracting powerful special effect options is inherently higher than that of low-star skills.

Not to mention that this skill itself has a certain control effect - when Schroeder used this skill, it caused intense pain to Bai Pu and even affected Bai Pu's ability to move!

If Bai Pu hadn't switched to [Black Rock Body] to resist the damage of this skill and the pain was weakened by half, he might not have been able to kill Schroedler.

Having said that, this skill is still not suitable for Bai Pu's personal use, because it is a spell-like skill, and the calculation of damage relies on the user's mental attributes.

Bai Pu's mental attributes are not high. Using this skill can only cause low damage per second. The pain that follows is certainly not strong and cannot affect the enemy's combat effectiveness.

Moreover, this kind of continuous skill usually consumes a lot of mana. Bai Pu's blood fighting spirit will definitely not be used. He can only rely on mental points to put in hard caps, and he can't last more than a few seconds.

After the scholar's treasure chest was opened, Bai Pu also opened the treasure chests of the two blood ring guards.

The two treasure chests, in addition to bringing Bai Pu Psionic points, only give Bai Pu the most basic single drawing opportunity, and it is drawn among dozens of loot cards!

There is no option to "exclude low-valued cards", and the probability of drawing something good is probably less than 10%.

However, Bai Pu was lucky this time. One of the treasure chests came out with a piece of equipment, a pair of wrist guards, blue equipment.

The wrist guard is called [Wrist of Protection], and it actually has a passive skill that improves combat expertise, which can improve the wearer's shield mastery expertise to Level 2 (the wearer's shield mastery expertise cannot exceed Advanced Level 6).

The special effects of this equipment even made Bai Pu a little excited. Unfortunately, the status of [Iron Bracers of the Immortal King] is too high to afford it.

It can be seen that there is a small chance that blue equipment will be high-quality. This heavy armor [Wrist of Protection] is more valuable to tank-type professions than ordinary gold equipment!

Another blue treasure chest contained a miscellaneous item, which was an ordinary riding whip without any special effects. Bai Pu sold it directly to Spirit World and earned 400 Psionic points.

Two palace maids brought Qin's invitation and invited Bai Pu to take a bath and rest.

A large stone bath with a thick linen on the bottom floor. The steaming water is covered with mist, and you can vaguely see the prepared spices such as chamomile and mugwort floating on it.

There was a thick wooden board placed on the edge of the bathtub, with various fresh fruit bowls and plates placed on it. There were also two maids wrapped only in thin bath towels, holding silver wine bottles, waiting beside them.

Bai Pu stepped into the warm water and immediately let out a comfortable moan. I don’t know what ingredients were added to this pool of water, but it was slowly repairing Bai Pu’s scars.

Of course, this is only a superficial scar, and there is still a gap between it and the Secret Service's spiritual liquid soaking.

For example, if Bai Pu's body is an iron wire that has been bent dozens of times and is covered with cracks, soaking in the bath here can only make up for the cracks on the surface of the iron wire.

The Secret Service's spiritual liquid soaking can restore Bai Pu's body to its best condition, just like a brand new wire that has never been bent.

Then again, enjoying the meticulous service of the maids in the palace gives you a feeling of luxury and relaxation, and conditioning your body is just a side benefit.

After soaking for a while, the maids respectfully withdrew.

Qin was wrapped in a white bath towel and walked over. Her hair was soft and soft, and there was a pleasant floral fragrance all over her body.

Beside the bathtub, the bath towel automatically fell off, and Qin's laughter sounded: "Dior, do you need to wipe your back?"

According to the tradition of the king's bathing, a young and beautiful maid will use her body as a towel to wipe her back.

However, Qin replaced the maid and completed the process well. It's just that the time of rubbing the back was a little too long, and the sound of the water was too intense.

The maid who came to help refill the hot water blushed with embarrassment.

After the bath, Bai Pu wrapped herself in a bathrobe and sat on the velvet sofa. Qin, also wearing a loose bathrobe, leaned next to Bai Pu.

The sofas at this time were filled with naturally elastic materials such as horsehair and bird feathers, which were luxury goods that only nobles could afford.

"How are you thinking about the origin of the heart?" Qin asked, "With your current strength, you should be able to fulfill our agreement, right?"

"Okay." Bai Pu glanced at Qin, "But are you really willing?"

Bai Pu's words seemed to mean something else.

"Of course I want to see your world." Qin said with a smile, "Besides, this is something we agreed on in Branden North, and I don't want to disappoint you."

"Last time in Branden North, I didn't know you well enough. This time when I came to your homeland, I gradually understood the reason why you proposed that agreement."

At that time, Bai Pu was just an ordinary person who had not yet awakened, but Qin was the queen, with a noble status, an enhanced leader, and powerful strength!

It is somewhat unreasonable for such a noble, powerful, and beautiful woman to offer to be Bai Pu's slave. Bai Pu also had doubts at the time, and could only explain it by saying "Qin is more paranoid."

But now, Bai Pu has completely understood Qin's incredible agreement.

Qin left the Blood Ring Fortress in order to find a "qualified person" - a qualified person who can carry the original heart of Princess Christina!

Bai Pu has the potential to be a qualified person, so he naturally won Qin's favor. The rapidly rising favorability and sudden adoration at that time were certainly related to Bai Pu's potential and wisdom, but there must also be Qin's love for Bai Pu. Bai Pu’s expectations are included.

Qin's agreement to "become Bai Pu's slave" expresses her hope for Bai Pu. She hopes that Bai Pu will return to the world of [Flesh Plague] and take over the curse in her daughter's body.

This agreement is very much like the bait that lures Bai Pu to work hard for it - of course, Qin has no intention of deceiving Bai Pu. She uses herself as the bait and reveals everything to Bai Pu sincerely.

After Bai Pu successfully fulfilled her long-cherished wish, Qin also took the initiative to fulfill her promise.

"Qin, I am where I am today thanks to your help. So, you don't owe me anything. If you are hesitant, I can treat that agreement as beach graffiti on the Baltic Sea."

Qin and Bai Pu looked at each other.

As a strengthened leader with mental expertise, she could feel the sincerity in Bai Pu's words.


Bai Pu's answer was Qin's aggressive kiss.

This is the third update today.

Due to force majeure, today's update time is not fixed. I apologize to all my benefactors.

All orders have met the standards for additional updates, but please be graceful for a few days, and we will definitely add more updates when Laoya recovers.

I beg all my benefactors to continue to support me. Don’t support books. Even if you support books, don’t forget to vote~! Thank you!

(End of chapter)

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