Chapter 23 Skeleton Horse


Everyone in the tactical research room was silenced.

"Why? Why?" The Black Tiger man was numb and could only repeat these four words.

"There should be no need to check, this is definitely the shortest speedrun record on the second level." Su Xiaoxiao said.

"That's right, even for Middle Level awakeners to clear the second floor, it takes no less than twenty minutes."

Instructor Qiu smiled bitterly, "Last year's strongest newcomer, Li Yufeng, took nearly 7 hours to clear the second level."

"Bai Pu is only Level 1 now. He doesn't have a single combat skill, so he is stronger than a Middle Level awakener?" Heihu, who finally came to his senses, said in disbelief.

"It can't be compared like this. Maybe this copy is too suitable for Bai Pu's performance." Instructor Qiu said.

"Why didn't Bai Pu come out... Could it be that he wanted to go to the third floor?"

Qilin, who had been silent until now, discovered the blind spot, and his face turned pale with fright.

The second floor of the Bone Crypt, before the entrance to the third floor.

Bai Pu was slightly out of breath, and his body was covered with shallow bloodstains. However, as time passed and his health recovered, the bloodstains also healed quickly.

Bai Pu once again traced the flesh and blood incantation. During the half hour of tracing the incantation, his health gradually returned to full value.

Behind Bai Pu, two figures, one tall and one short, stood.

The tall figure has thick bones, dragging a huge unsheathed sword with both hands, exuding a mighty aura. He is the Skeleton Warrior.

The short figure has deep eyes, and the intensity of the soul fire is several times higher than that of ordinary skeleton soldiers. He is also covered in tattered robes, and he is the Bone Mage.

The two elite monsters both stood with their hands down, obviously having been transformed into slaves by Bai Pu.

"It is really a bit reluctant to withstand the siege of so many Level 2 monsters. When the level is generally Level 1 higher than mine, the damage caused by the monsters to me increases by 10%, but the damage I cause to them is reduced by 10%! Fortunately, There is the magical skill of [Adaptive Evolution].

"The virtual treasure chests on the second level are all level two, and the harvest is much richer than on the first level. Not only are there skill books, but the drop rate of equipment has also increased, with as many as 3 pieces being released! Unfortunately, they are only standard white equipment."

Standard equipment generally only provides defenses such as armor, magic resistance, etc., as well as some very basic passive abilities. There will be no four-dimensional attribute bonuses, and there will be no excellent active skills.

Nowadays, many Awakened forces have the ability to build standard equipment in batches, so the price of standard equipment is generally very stable. It is only the cost of Psionic materials, plus a small amount of manufacturing costs.

Bai Pu breathed a sigh of relief and summarized his combat experience.

The 50% reduction of special types of damage provided by [Adaptive Evolution] is indeed very powerful. It is not obvious when dealing with weak rotten skeletons at the first level. However, when facing a large number of Level 2 skeleton soldiers and skeleton warriors at this level, the amount of damage reduced is astonishing.

Even so, Bai Pu almost overturned.

Two Necromancers suddenly appeared. One used the cripple spell, which reduced Bai Pu's movement speed by half, and the other used the corrosion spell, which greatly weakened Bai Pu's armor.

Then the two dead bone mages began to chant spells, and two ice fragments hit Bai Pu, causing a high amount of damage that made Bai Pu's scalp numb.

Although [Adaptive Evolution] immediately stores a third form - "Icy Body", which provides 50% reduction in frost damage, it is impossible for Bai Pu to switch to this form and give up the "horny skin" against sharp damage. "! You can only take advantage of the Bone Mage's frost spell.

Fortunately, Bai Pu was prepared in advance. He spent some time before the wave of tactics and activated [Pure Blood Control] to enslave an elite skeleton warrior as a thug.

The enslaved elite skeleton warriors have gained a lot of strength after receiving the 7-point free attribute bonus of [Pure Blood Control]. Their strength alone is as high as 27 points! Under the cover of Bai Pu, it swung its giant sword to kill a bone mage, and then beat the second one to death.

Although the Bone Mage is one level higher than Bai Pu, he is only an elite template, one level lower than Bai Pu. In addition, the near-death state has an improved enslavement success rate for [Pure Blood Control], so at the end of the battle Later, Bai Pu successfully enslaved him.

Now, it can be said that Bai Pu has used all his cards. After inscribing the flesh and blood incantation again, his mental energy was nearly exhausted, his temples were a little swollen, and he just wanted to lie down and sleep.

In the semi-depleted state, the recovery rate of mental power is extremely slow. Bai Pu used up all 60 minutes of rest time, and the mental power did not recover very much.

At this level, Bai Pu used two drops of precious pure blood to enslave two elite creatures, just to prepare for a rainy day and to conquer the third level.

The monsters on the second level are basically Level 2, which is Level 1 higher than Bai Pu. Since Bai Pu strengthens the suppression of elite templates, it can also ensure the success rate of enslavement.

By the third level, all monsters should have reached Level 3, which is Level 2 higher than Bai Pu! Bai Pu wants to exert the enslavement effect of [Pure Blood Control], but the success rate is too low. Even if he beats the monster to the point of death and obtains a favorable enslavement bonus, it will be difficult to succeed.

"Within the scope of my strength, the preparations for conquering the third floor have been reached to the extreme." Bai Pu took two undead slaves and stepped into the entrance of the third floor. "It depends on how far we can go on the third floor. Three Level virtual treasure chest, the probability of good products should be greatly increased... However, my main goal is not the treasure chest, but to prove my worth!"

Bai Pu found the Shence Army as a backer and cleared his criminal record in the police department. The Super Group could not use official power to crush him, so it was bound to turn its open guns into hidden arrows!

In this case, Bai Pu needs to prove his worth and attract the attention of Shence Army to protect himself in the weak stage.

As soon as he stepped onto the third floor, Bai Pu was shocked.


The sound of horse hooves sounded, and a skeletal war horse, whose body was burning with demonic fire and whose eyes were shining with red light, stepped on the wall of the cave and rushed towards it!

Under Bai Pu's command, the skeleton warrior bravely stepped forward and swung his giant sword horizontally.


With a loud noise, the Skeleton Warrior flew upside down and received 35 points of concussive damage!

Shock damage has the characteristic of slowing down. After the Skeleton Warrior stood up, he staggered and lost his position.

The skeletal horse charged straight at the Bone Mage. It seems to have some kind of sensory instinct, knowing that attacking the Bone Mage is the most cost-effective.

Relying on the fact that this was a virtual copy and would not really die, Bai Pu stepped forward to cover.

Then he also flew away, like a small stone hit by a big truck.

Originally possessing [Heavy Armor Mastery], Bai Pu was more difficult to be knocked away or knocked back while wearing heavy armor, but the strength difference between him and this skeletal war horse was too large, and the opponent was carrying The inertia of running at high speed!

Fortunately, with some delay from Bai Pu and the Skeleton Warrior, the Necromancer finally cast the [Cripple Technique].

The speed of the skeleton horse dropped sharply.

Bai Pu called the skeleton warriors to come forward and attack, but in the next second, he heard the neighing sound of Xilulu's horse. The skeleton horse was covered in demonic fire, raised its front hooves and trampled down suddenly!

The Bone Mage's health dropped by 3/4! The skeletal war horse gave a beautiful side kick, kicking the dead bone mage to pieces, turning it into bone debris all over the sky.

Level 2 elite bone mage, in front of this powerful skeletal war horse, one skill + one ordinary kick will declare death!

Naturally, Bai Pu did not sit idle. He rushed forward, grabbed the demon-fire-burning tailbone of the skeletal horse, and tried to climb onto its back.

The skeletal horse ran wildly with its hoofs raised, but Bai Pu held on to its tailbone and refused to let go!

Ordinary people may be dragged away by the powerful power of the skeleton war horse, but Bai Pu has [Heavy Armor Mastery], which makes it more difficult to be knocked away or knocked back! He fell behind like a stubborn weight. The skeleton horse could not start and its speed was greatly reduced.

The skeleton warrior suddenly circled around, his whole body lit up with black light, and the giant sword carried huge inertia and slashed out! This is the famous combat skill of the Skeleton Warrior, the spinning slam!

Peng! A loud noise was heard, and the front legs of the skeletal war horse were severely damaged, followed by a heart-wrenching sound of bone cracking.


ps: Explanation on the plot of the college entrance examination

A: Why write the plot of the college entrance examination?

1. The college entrance examination is a world event, and those who come out on top will have very generous benefits.

2. Bai Pu needs to significantly increase its real-life popularity and gain the attention of the organization, so that the cost of assassinating the protagonist will increase for the super group. The assassination of an ordinary awakened person will cause completely different social attention than the assassination of a top scorer in the college entrance examination.

3. Top geniuses of the same age as Bai Pu will also take the college entrance examination, and there will be collisions in the subsequent exploration of the Spirit World. Writing for the college entrance examination allows geniuses to become familiar with everyone in advance and not appear out of the blue.

B: Is the plot of the college entrance examination copied from Eye of Evolution?

Answer: No, 800 years after the Psionic era, the system and model of the college entrance examination are completely different from those during the Eye of Evolution. They have become more complete and the competition has become more intense.

Finally, I would like to say that originally Lao Ya should slowly show everyone the reasons for writing the plot of the college entrance examination in the subsequent unfolding plot, so as to moisturize things silently. Why can't I sit still now and jump out to explain?

Because it hasn’t been recommended yet, those who are willing to read it every day are basically the old brothers who have followed Evolutionary Eyes. Lao Ya didn’t want to disappoint everyone, so he explained it in advance. Please read it patiently, I believe this book will not disappoint you in the future.

Ashero November 13, 2023

(End of chapter)

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