Chapter 25 Bai Pu’s skill set

Crypt of Bones is a copy based on Junction. The injuries, mental power and energy lost by the awakened ones inside are all real, so combat expertise and skill proficiency will improve.

Of course, the awakened person's physique is extraordinary. After leaving the battle, minor injuries can be healed quickly as the health value recovers. The higher the endurance, the greater the resilience. For example, Bai Pu’s sternum that was cracked by the kick no longer hurts.

"No rest." Bai Pu refused decisively, "I want to get the rewards quickly, especially the skill books, and study hard."

"Oh, you are indeed a newcomer, full of energy." Qilin said with a smile, "I used to be so passionate."

"What now?" Bai Pu was very curious. The strength of the awakened people has been digitized, and even the slightest improvement in strength can be seen. What can be more inspiring to strive for than visible progress?

Qilin scratched his head: "I'm a little lazy... I can't help it, my strength has improved too slowly, and I feel like I've entered a bottleneck period. After practicing hard for half a month, I only improved my proficiency in various combat skills by about 10%..."

Black Tiger said: "You still have to go to the real junction or the Spirit World to make progress fast enough. The Earth's Psionic particle intensity is only 1.1, which is still a bit low."

After the two people’s explanation, Bai Pu also understood what the original world strength of 1.5 in the [Flesh Plague: Origin] plane meant.

World strength represents the Psionic particle strength of the world in this plane. It usually means the general strength of the indigenous people, and also includes the danger level of various beasts and ruins in the world. Even the density (weight) of mountains, rocks, water, and the energy intensity contained in plant fruits are affected by the intensity of the world.

The world strength of the earth is about 1.1. High-level awakened people among humans can split mountains and rivers on the earth, make the earth tremble with a casual blow, and leap as light as a flying bird, as if the restraint of gravity does not exist. But in the Spirit World plane with its high world intensity, it is impossible to have such superhuman exaggerated performances.

Bai Pu also figured it out, no wonder Flesh Plague: The stones in the origin plane seem to be heavier and harder than the real stones.

According to Black Tiger, if you practice in a place with high Psionic particle intensity (world intensity), your strength will improve faster.

Qilin sighed and said: "I'm not like you. The berserker can resist and fight, and he can thrive as a lone ranger. I am an auxiliary spiritual master, and I only learn assistance, control, and protection skills. Spirit World is not You can go if you say you can.”

Su Xiaoxiao interrupted Qilin's complaint: "Okay, okay. Little Bai Pu, let's get down to business, how should you arrange your rewards? Those virtual rewards that are not used can be exchanged for honor points."

Bai Pu said: "Can I see the introduction of [Unstable Shield]?"

"Hey, it's a rare skill." Su Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "You didn't have this permission originally, but now that you have received this reward, you naturally have permission to view it, and you can check it on the terminal."

Bai Pu glanced at the personal information terminal, which projected the red light of iris recognition, and unlocked it after a second.

"Hello Master, the intelligent assistant is at your service..."

When you turn it on for the first time, you will inevitably need to set it up. Bai Pu named the smart assistant "Xiao Bai".

Then Bai Pu gave the order: "Xiao Bai, search for information on [Unstable Shield]."

Information was quickly given on the light screen projected by the personal information terminal.

[The following is the relevant information found from the ‘Shence Army Munitions Exchange List’ based on your permissions: ]

[Unstable Shield: Two-star skill. Create a shield to protect yourself for 10 seconds. After a delay of 3 seconds, 伱 can detonate your shield, causing concussive damage equal to the shield value to all nearby enemies. ]

Attack and defense integrated!

Group attack skills!

Shock damage!

Bai Pu's ability to extract information is extremely strong. At a glance, he keenly discovered the advantages of this two-star skill.

Concussive damage is of the "physical damage" type and will be reduced by armor. But there is a benefit to concussive damage, the affected enemies will be slowed down or even stunned! Equivalent to self-control ability.

"Wu Cao, what a great skill."

Black Tiger and Qilin both came over, very jealous.

The star rating of a skill only determines the priority. As for the practicality of skill effects, it is not directly related to the star rating. Of course, the probability of producing high-quality products with three-star skills is much greater than the probability of producing high-quality products with one-star skills. This is also a fact.

"Did you find this skill in the third-level virtual treasure chest?" Black Tiger was eager to try it, "Which monster lost it? I will try it next time I enter the Bone Crypt."

"It's a skeleton war horse." Bai Pu had nothing to hide.

"Skeleton horse? Damn it, it's 'Nightmare'. You can actually kill Nightmare. That horse is a Level 3 enhanced elite. Its owner, the Black Knight, is even more powerful. He is the guard BOSS on the third floor of the Bone Crypt!" Black The tiger's eyes widened.

"Luckily, the black knight is not here, and the horse happened to run near the entrance." Bai Pu said.

"Then I'll try my luck next time..." Black Tiger muttered, "I'm already at Level 4 now, so I'm considered a Middle Level awakener... Well, I should have no problem dealing with a Level 3 enhanced elite."

"Stop dreaming. Even if you kill the nightmare and get the third-level virtual treasure chest, the possibility of unlocking rare skills is very low." Su Xiaoxiao struck mercilessly, "The dungeon rewards must take into account the strength of the challenger. , Little Bai Pu is a Level 1 newcomer. It is his first time to break into the Bone Crypt, so he has such a high explosion rate."

Not to mention the envy of Black Tiger and Qilin, Bai Pu exchanged a few words with Su Xiaoxiao and revealed the arrangements for his rewards.

The two-star skill [Unstable Shield] and the one-star skill [Jump Slash] will be redeemed. Other rewards will be redeemed if they are needed. Others that are not needed, such as standard equipment with duplicate parts and skill books with ordinary effects, will be exchanged. Become an honor point.

In the end, Bai Pu spent all the honor points and used the arrears of 300 honors to exchange for another two-star skill from the military quarters - [Spin ​​Throw].

This skill has the effect of remote interruption. The cooling time is the same as [Jump Slash], which is two minutes. It can be said to be quite practical.

The reason why I choose skills instead of equipment is mainly from the perspective of improving combat power. Compare the two skills [Leap Slash] and the [Collision] attached to the Iron Thorn Shoulder Guard. The cooldown time of Jump Slash is only a short 120 seconds, but the cooldown of Crash is a full 12 hours!

Instead of spending more than 1,000 honors to redeem an ordinary Elite Level equipment, it is better to redeem a highly practical two-star skill book.

Of course, the skills that an awakened person can learn are not unlimited.

According to Su Xiao's novel, although the Spirit World will does not limit how many skills an awakened person can learn, the skill book has a "success rate of comprehension"! In the case of failure to comprehend, the skill book will not be returned.

The more skills an awakened person has learned, the stronger they are, and the lower the success rate of learning new skills. Generally speaking, a Low Level awakener can only learn three skills. If he wants to learn a fourth skill, he may not succeed even if he wastes several skill books.

This is also related to the hidden attribute of the awakened person - understanding. With high comprehension, the success rate of understanding is higher under the same conditions. Of course, understanding cannot allow the awakened person to learn skills infinitely.

Therefore, Bai Pu decided to only learn three skills for the time being: Jump Slash, Unstable Shield, and Spin Throw.

In addition to understanding the reasons for success rate, there is also the tendency to bite off more than you can chew, and if you learn too many skills, your skill proficiency will grow very slowly.

The more important thing is that using combat skills requires professional energy!

Under normal circumstances, the professional energy of an ordinary awakened person with a standard template can support the casting of three to four one-star skills in a battle, and then it becomes unsustainable.

As an enhanced elite profession, Bai Pu's professional energy and blood fighting spirit are about twice as powerful as those of ordinary awakened people. But the unstable shield and spinning throw he wants to use are two-star skills, which cost more.

With Su Xiaoxiao as the munitions manager busy, Bai Pu quickly got the three skill books he wanted.

(End of chapter)

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