Chapter 271 Bai Pu broke the defense!


The scores of the two teams were displayed on the big screen.

Xi'an University of Science and Technology scored 58 points vs. Xiliang University with 28 points.

Xi'an Polytechnic University won the first battle!

There was silence in the stands for a moment, then murmurs, then a cacophony of discussion.

"Xiligong's MT is too strong! One versus two, one in seconds?"

"He didn't just kill one in seconds. He blocked the summoner's bullet, accelerated the entire team, and decelerated the entire opponent's team! It can be said that Xiliang University was defeated by him alone!"

"This guy is really not simple. I don't know who is more powerful than Feng Huo in our school."

"You didn't take the wrong medicine, right? Xiliang University is such a rotten fish. What's the point of killing indiscriminately in this kind of competition where novices are pecking each other?"

"That's right. When I played the fish pond game in the virtual Spirit World, I chose R-level character Kadu Daba C. But when I got to the high-end game, I couldn't do it."

On the highest level of the stands, two young men stood behind the railings, looking at the close-up of the MVP, Steel Heart, on the big screen.

Of these two young men, one had red hair and a temperament like fire, while the other had a graceful and calm complexion and a temperament like black ice.

But these two people, whose auras are incompatible with each other, stood and chatted harmoniously.

If students who knew them saw it, their eyes would probably pop out.

Because these two people are the two genius awakeners known as the "Twin Jewels of Xijing"——

Captain of Xijing University, Fenghuo!

The captain of Qianyuan University, Haotian!

Haotian, who was as graceful and graceful as the unchanging glacier, broke the silence with a loud voice: "Fenghuo, do you see clearly?"

Fenghuo, who had red hair and a fiery temperament, shook his head and said: "I couldn't see clearly. The director was not professional enough. He didn't give a close-up shot until Gangxin broke out and killed Xiliang University's assistant in seconds! It should have been when Gangxin broke through the railway track." The defense should be closer beforehand.

"After the auxiliary was defeated, Rail also rushed over to fight with Steel Heart, but at that time he was confused and lost the benefit of auxiliary. He was easily repelled by Steel Heart, which has no reference value."

After listening to Fenghuo's answer, Haotian thought for a while and said: "Indeed, what really showed Gangxin's strength was the wave when he broke through the rail defense and killed the auxiliary. How did he fall down the rail? He really looked like others The discussion is the same, is it because the rails slipped on their own and it was a mistake?"

Fenghuo shook his head decisively: "Impossible. With Rail's stature and extremely low center of gravity, how could he fall by himself... His code name is 'Rail Rail', which means it has the same load-bearing capacity as railway tracks. This code name is not wrong."

Haotian said: "I think it should be that Gang Xin has some special skills that can enter a state that temporarily greatly improves combat skills!"

"Is there really such a skill? I've never seen it before." Fenghuo shook his head.

"Can you fall down the railway track in one second?" Haotian asked, "It's better to drive the 'Bear King Transformation' railway track."

"My burning secret is not suitable for throwing." Fenghuo shook his head, "I can kill the rail in one minute, but I can't throw him in one second."

"It seems that this new top pick named Gangxin is really interesting. We all thought that his foundation was not strong, but now it seems that is not the case. His fighting skills are stronger than we thought. At least he has the upper hand when facing the railroad tracks. , it shows that you have kept up with the level. If you really meet him, don’t overturn." Haotian said with a smile.

"It's impossible. You know how powerful the secret is. As long as Steel Heart doesn't understand the secret, he's not on the same level as us."

After Fenghuo finished speaking, he suddenly looked startled and frowned.

Haotian also frowned almost simultaneously.

Both of them noticed the other's strange behavior and looked inquiringly.

"You... received it too?" Fenghuo asked.

"Yes, it seems you are the same." Haotian frowned and said, "Why are you recruiting at this juncture?"

"Fortunately, we were called up a week in advance." Fenghuo said, "You and I are definitely not the only ones being called up this time. Let's see what the organizer says. We can't give up on this competition just because we were called up. .”

Bai Pu and others left the junction of Pengliu Island and returned to the player area in the stands.

Teacher Cai Cai was very excited. Bai Pu gave her a big surprise.

"Xiliang University is already considered a top-notch team in the third group. If we can defeat them today, we are already halfway guaranteed to qualify!"

Indeed, the remaining two teams in the third group are not as strong as Xiliang University.

After all, Xiliang University has a 4+1 structure - that is, 4 heroes + 1 enhanced elite. Although it is not as strong as the Transcendent Level team with all Level 6 heroes, it is still very strong. The professional mix in the team is quite reasonable, and it also has a rare and powerful auxiliary profession like Tangerine.

The main lineups of the other two universities are only in a 3+2 structure. The three hero professions are also pieced together, and their professional functions also overlap.

"Haha, congratulations you guys!"

The prodigal from the border town clapped slowly, looked at Bai Pu and said, "You really gave me a little surprise. That's good. Only when you enter the top eight will you have the chance to be finished by me personally. "

"You win the first battle first," Xuan Mi said.

The prodigal son from the border town wanted to make a few words of ridicule, but suddenly his face changed slightly and he squinted his eyes slightly, as if he was receiving some kind of message.

He suddenly frowned and said to himself: "It's strange, why are you recruiting at this time..."

Lan Feng next to him asked: "What's wrong?"

The prodigal son from the border town chuckled: "It's okay, I just have to go to Spirit World in a week... I was drafted."

"Recruiting?" Lan Feng said in surprise, "Are you going to the main battlefield of the Spirit World war? But doesn't the Spirit World's will only recruit High Level awakeners?"

"It's not a call for the Spirit World War, but...well, it's hard to say. Maybe I'm too strong?"

The prodigal son from the border town suddenly looked at Bai Pu with some evil intentions, "Gang Xin, you have strengthened your hero so powerfully. Didn't you receive the call-up message..."

Bai Pu did not receive the call-up news.

Xuan Ming on the side said: "Is the recruitment news coming first and then later?"

"Well, it's possible." The prodigal from the border town showed a tooth-itching taunting smile again, "However, those who are recruited first are always more valued than those who are recruited later, right..."

"Boring." Bai Pu closed his eyes and sat still, meditating and practicing in the genetic image.

The prodigal son from the border town was refreshed. He had ridiculed Bai Pu so many times, but this time Bai Pu responded with the word "boring".

What does this mean? It means that Bai Pu has broken his defense!

Dude, it turns out you care about something too!

The prodigal son from the border town proudly hugged Lan Feng's shoulders.

Lan Feng also looked at the prodigal son from the border town with surprise, and then looked at Bai Pu who was "faking sleep" with a little disdain, and chuckled.

(End of chapter)

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