Chapter 290 Are you waiting for love?

After the Border Town Prodigal declared victory at halftime, he immediately launched a pursuit!

His Tai Dao blade was unremarkable when it was struck, just wrapped in a light breeze. But when the blood spider tried to parry, this winding breeze would immediately transform into a sharp wind blade, passing over the blood spider. The spider's parrying weapon directly hits the blood spider's body!

The blood spider had to give up parrying and could only dodge every blow from the prodigal son of the border city!

Two heroes with high agility will definitely be at a disadvantage if one of them can only dodge and even avoid parrying weapons.

"Haha, why don't you run away? Are you waiting for love?"

The prodigal son from the border town shouted happily, "If you don't run away, I'm going to kill you! You won't be able to run away even if you want to!"

This is actually a psychological attack tactic. The prodigal son of the border town has been fighting until now and wants to kill the blood spider immediately. Of course, he cannot be merciful.

The reason why he didn't make a big move was just to save professional energy for subsequent dealing with the two opponents, Father Arius and Bai Pu.

The blood spider gritted its teeth to support itself, and at the same time, from the corner of its eye, it quietly glanced in the direction of Bai Pu.


Seeing that Bai Pu had killed Lu Ge, the blood spider was refreshed. She raised her hand and put a dragon hunting mark on Bai Pu, and then ran towards Bai Pu!

When moving towards the target marked by the hunting dragon, the movement speed will be increased by 25 points!

The blood spider and the border town prodigal are about the same agility, and these 25 points of movement speed can definitely widen the gap.

The prodigal son from the border town chased him for a few steps, then realized that his pursuit was hopeless. He was about to turn back when suddenly the phantom of the blood river washed over him.

When the Blood Spider was escaping in the direction of Bai Pu, Bai Pu was also striding over. This wave was indeed a two-way rush.

When killing Lugo, Bai Pu did not fully expand the territory of Blood River in order to save Blood River's fighting spirit, only about half of the area.

This caused the border town prodigal to misjudge. He thought he was still safe, but in fact he had entered the coverage of the Blood River territory!

As we all know, the enemy's deceleration is equal to our acceleration.

If the enemy slows down while we speed up, it means the enemy is imprisoned.

Father Arius was overjoyed when he saw Bai Pu kill Lugo, and thought to himself that the imitation of the Holy Vitex Flower was worth it!

Seeing Bai Pu's blood river phantom wrapping around the prodigal son from the border town again, Father Arius couldn't help but roared: "This blasphemer ran away last time, this time we must cut off his head!"

"Okay, as long as you help me hold the other one down." Bai Pu was referring to the morning song standing on the big tree.

Father Arius is a long-range legal profession. To deal with Chensong's professional counterpart, his tentacles gathered together and the cracking light shot out.

Chen Ge hadn't recovered yet - the secret spell "Wild Growth" she had used to attack Bai Pu just now was very expensive.

Facing the fierce cracking light, she did not dare to take it hard. A tree vine wrapped around her waist and floated away - it looked like the forest was actively protecting him.

Bai Pu strode forward, caught up with the border town prodigal in a few steps, and slashed with his sword.

The prodigal son in the border town had no choice but to give up the blood spider and start fighting with Bai Pu. But the blood spider got the output space, immediately put away the double daggers, raised the hand crossbow again, and started firing, which annoyed the prodigal in the border town.

Bai Pu also felt the pressure when he really started fighting with the prodigal son from the border town.

At least Bai Pu's normal state is difficult to win. Border Town Prodigal's two-handed swordsmanship is advanced to Level 7, while Bai Pu's is advanced to Level 6.

Bai Pu launched a wave of gene fusion, pushing his two-handed swordsmanship expertise to Advanced Level 8. As for keeping the pure blood first, it takes 48 hours to generate a single drop.

However, Bai Pu also encountered the same dilemma as the blood spider, that is, it was difficult to parry - the damage from the wind blade would fall on Bai Pu through the parrying weapon.

Bai Pu fought several rounds with the prodigal son from the border town, and got three skin-curling wounds on his body.

The prodigal son from the border town secretly complained that he didn't have much professional energy left. Looking at Bai Pu's thick-skinned appearance, I'm afraid that his energy bar would be empty and he wouldn't be able to polish off Bai Pu's health bar!

But Bai Pu changed his tactics first!

He no longer dodges or parries, and responds to all attacks from the prodigal son from the border town.

What you get in exchange is the right to take action without any scruples!

Bai Pu is already very powerful, and the +8 chain saw sword can deal explosive damage. Even the Level 7 warriors with nearly 5,000 health points were quickly killed by Bai Pu. How can a prodigal from the border town dare to get involved?

He slashed out several swords lightly, but Bai Pu slashed furiously with his sword, and he hurriedly put the sword away and retreated.

"Damn it, if my True Qi wasn't almost exhausted, how dare you be so arrogant?"

The prodigal son from the border town was angry, "Where's Chen Ge, come and save me! If I'm gone, it won't be easy for you either!"

However, what he was waiting for was a confession from Father Arius who was free.

——Morning Song has slipped away.

It has to be said that in this twisted jungle, "Forest Sage" Chen Song's strength has greatly increased, at least his ability to save his life has greatly increased! Seeing that the opportunity was bad, she managed to sneak away under the cover of the forest.

The prodigal son of the border town has used up his control, and now in the hallucination of repentance, he can only watch Bai Pu slash at him with a knife!

The chain saw sword was still wrapped with thick blood-colored energy, and it slashed down with the power of collapsing mountains.

Mountain collapse special effects!

"How can he attach energy to normal attacks? His expertise is clearly not Level 7..."

The border town prodigal activated the divine power of the divine envoy, and when his figure faded and disappeared, this question was still lingering in his mind.

After Bai Pu "killed" the prodigal son in the border town, he took over the territory of Blood River. Fighting for a long time when the Blood River territory is open will consume a lot of blood river fighting energy.

The Church of Thorns was no longer in the way and killed most of the attacking Thornslayers. Only a few of them escaped under the cover of the trees, and Bai Pu and the Blood Spider were too lazy to chase them.

"You did a great job! I believe this battle can teach the blasphemers a bloody lesson!"

Father Arius returned to his human form, nodded with satisfaction and said: "Especially the blasphemer Lugo who uses a bow and arrow. His name is in the church's sinner record book!"

"We collect money to do things, and I'll give this head to you."

Bai Pu's words were concise and concise, and the language translation function of Spirit World's will also translated his words in a concise and elegant manner.

"Ha ha!"

Father Arius was still aching for the imitation of the Holy Thorn. After hearing Bai Pu's words, he felt much better. He unceremoniously ordered two Thorn fanatics to cut off the head of Lugo, the "border town prodigal", and prepare to take him away. The church asks for credit.

Bai Pu does not want to take this credit, mainly because his reputation cannot be raised, and it is useless to take it. It is better to use it to dispel the bad feelings of some priests.

It’s convenient to pick up a handful next time.

(End of chapter)

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