Chapter 292 Real Damage

Mulan City, Church of Thorns.

"Suffering's Wish" Chapel.

A full hundred Thorns recruits, including Bai Pu, were neatly arranged in ten rows and ten columns. Everyone was sitting on the ground, waiting for the suffering ceremony.

Bai Pu is one of them.

The expressions of the new recruits of Thorns vary, some are excited, some are fanatical, some are nervous, and some are afraid.

Next to Bai Pu, there was an enthusiastic recruit, a thin girl about fourteen or fifteen years old, with a missing right arm. She sat on her knees, her lips trembling and mumbling.

"Praise the Holy Mother, praise the suffering. Bonnie is willing to open her heart to welcome the coming of suffering. She only asks the great god to show mercy and let Bonnie's right hand recover as soon as possible..."

Bai Pu narrowed his eyes.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Bai Pu felt that this girl was special.

The evidence is...the three priests in the circle, including Father Arius, peeked at this girl more times than the other Thorns recruits combined!

These three priests are responsible for maintaining order. When they are bored, they will also find some fun on their own.

For example, they can taste the potential of Thorns recruits, make bets on who can pass the ceremony, and who can be promoted to the Thorns Saint Warrior.

"Could it be that this disabled girl Bonnie has a particularly strong potential?"

Bishop Aquino enters.

He began with a powerful speech about the clichéd glorification of suffering.

Although the copywriting is poor, it is highly inflammatory when combined with Bishop Aquino's high spiritual power.

With his spiritual talent, Bai Pu vaguely felt that there was some kind of spiritual link between the three priests present and Bishop Aquino!

Through this link, Bishop Aquino temporarily pushed his spiritual attributes to the limit. Moreover, most of these magic sticks also have the passive ability to strengthen spiritual suggestions and conscious confusion.

If Bai Pu hadn't known the truth, he might not have been able to withstand this collective spiritual suggestion.

"You are all devout believers who have experienced many trials. Now you will personally experience the gift of God... Close your eyes and feel it! In your spiritual world, feel the pain and torture!

"Don't worry and imagine. In reality, you may lack the courage to break common sense and embrace suffering. In the spiritual world, you can rest assured to imagine that no matter how severe the suffering is, it will not be reflected in reality!

"This is the suffering ceremony, a ceremony to help you quickly complete your transformation and gain divine grace!"

Each believer closed his eyes.

Bai Pu also closed his eyes, and suddenly he felt that a spiritual force invaded his spiritual world.

This spiritual power obviously comes from Bishop Aquino!

He did not personally put his consciousness in, otherwise the consciousness would be split into a hundred parts. No matter how strong Bishop Aquino was, he would not be able to withstand it, and his consciousness could only dissipate.

The purpose of this spiritual power is to help Bai Pu build a spiritual world.

Generally, the minds of Thorns recruits are unstable and their spiritual world is not stable enough, so they need the intervention of external forces to form a stable spiritual world.

"This...isn't this the genetic mental image?"

Bai Pu suddenly thought of the first level of his talent tree, genetic mental image, which is to expand his spiritual world of fighting against strong men through meditation!

In the spiritual world, the training results of combat expertise will be reflected in reality.

So Bai Pu immediately concluded that Bishop Aquino was lying!

He said that the torture endured in the spiritual world will not be reflected in reality, which is pure nonsense.

The purpose is to allow the Thorn recruits to endure suffering in the spiritual world with confidence and increase the promotion efficiency of the suffering ceremony!

As for how many thorn recruits died during this process, it was not within the scope of Bishop Aquino's consideration.

Bai Pu closed his eyes, but he unfolded his genetic mental image. At the same time, he used the spiritual tentacles of Bishop Aquino and the three priests to secretly observe the spiritual world of other people.

This is a kind of reverse peeping. Bishop Aquino and the three priests are equivalent to the "server", their spiritual tentacles and the connections between them are equivalent to the "network cable", and Bai Pu's consciousness is equivalent to the invading "hacker" ".

Bai Pu's genetic mental image has a very high priority. As a metaphor, this "hacker" is so clever that he can pass by without leaving a trace, and Bishop Aquino, the "server administrator", cannot detect it at all.

As for Bai Pu himself, he naturally imagined himself being whipped with a holy thorn.

Bai Pu expanded the attribute panel, and the skill proficiency of [Steel Skin] on it was indeed increasing.

"Skill proficiency can actually be reflected in reality. This is an additional layer of effect beyond genetic mental images. It should be built more perfectly with the help of the mental power of Bishop Aquino and others?"

This kind of situation is rare. Bishop Aquino's mental attributes at this time are probably close to those of spiritual lords.

Where can Bai Pu find a High Level lord with mental expertise to serve as a server for himself?

His proficiency is increasing rapidly, and Bai Pu even feels as if his skin is gradually becoming tougher. This rapid strengthening and visible progress is quite intoxicating.

However, Bai Pu still counted the seconds to calculate the duration of the "cruel admonishment" of the Holy Vitex (imitation). Bai Pu in the spiritual world cannot endure the loss of life for more than 30 seconds!

If Bai Pu is addicted to the pleasure of becoming stronger, and the duration exceeds the range of his health, leading to the death of Bai Pu in the spiritual world, it is very likely to be reflected in reality, causing the real Bai Pu to also bleed out of blood and die!

Every time 30 seconds pass, Bai Pu "resets" his own state in the spiritual world, that is, he reopens his genetic mental image for meditation.

This was tantamount to using Bishop Aquino's spiritual power for free. Bishop Aquino was always surprised that the spiritual power of this suffering ceremony was depleted very quickly.

But he couldn't figure out what was wrong, because he tried his best to maintain a hundred mental tentacles. He could only attribute it to the fact that this time the Thorns recruits had higher potential.

[Your combat skill: Steel Skin has been upgraded to Level 3. Based on your hidden title: Limit Breaker, this skill is automatically upgraded to Level 4. Please extract special effects. ]

Well, a series of special effects options unfold.

The previous ones are all very ordinary special effects. After all, Bai Pu has experienced some battles since he learned Steel Skin, but they were not many and the intensity was not too intense. At most, he fought against High Level warriors (= bosses). Just a trick.

But under the options, a rare special effect appeared.

[Item G: Skin of Thorns: When the active effect of Skin of Steel is activated, the physical attack you receive will reflect real damage back to the attacker! The number of true damage points reflected is equal to the fixed damage reduction point activated by your Steel Skin active effect. ]

(End of chapter)

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