Chapter 30 Pure Blood Control

The white light dissipated, and the scenery slowly settled.

What comes into view is a dark plain with hazy mist, and the visibility is not high. You can vaguely see the curves of the undulating mountains in the distance, like the back of a giant beast.

The Dead Bones Mountain Range is huge, and with the strength of the Awakened One's feet, it would take several days to traverse the map.

Bai Pu opened the map - this is the difference between the borderland and the Spirit World plane, and the awakened ones can bring real objects into it.

Taking advantage of this feature, the military also set up rest camps throughout the Dead Bones Mountains. The location of each camp is marked on the Bai Pu map.

"My current location should be called the Black Plains."

Bai Pu looked up and looked ahead, "The dangerous and forbidden areas of the Dead Bones Mountains are marked on the map, and the recommended exploration levels of each area are also marked. The outer area is recommended for Level 1 awakened people to explore, the middle area is Level 2, and the deepest level is Level 3…”

The reason why there is such a clear distinction between dangers is because the concentration of "Psionic particles" in the Dead Bones Mountains is different. It is thin on the outside and higher in the middle. In the deepest part, especially in several dangerous places, the concentration of Psionic particles is the strongest.

If the creatures in Spirit World were fish, the concentration of Psionic particles would be nutrients. They instinctively want to gather in the area with the highest concentration, but Spirit World creatures also have territorial awareness. Only the strong are qualified to occupy the area with the highest concentration, and so on.

Of course, this is not an online game. Sometimes unexpected situations will happen, and monsters in the deepest parts will occasionally wander to the middle or even the periphery.

In front of him was a rotten skeleton, dragging a rusty scimitar, staggering around, but did not find Bai Pu.

Bai Pu took a step forward, swung the bone mallet, and smashed the rotten skeleton to death in a few strokes.

The monsters at the junction will not drop any treasure chests, but the Awakened can loot their corpses and remove the equipment from the dead corpses!

Of course, these equipment are in the [unencapsulated] state, and the awakened person cannot complete the steps of Psionic particle resonance, so they cannot be used normally and can only be used as fire sticks.

Bai Pu bent down and picked up the rusty scimitar from the Rotten Skull.

[Rusted Scimitar (Unsealed)]

[Quality: Rough (gray)]

[Equipment position: one hand]

[Equipment requirements: Basic strength 3]

[Attribute: Attack power 1~2]

[Additional skill: Easily folded: Equipment durability is more likely to decrease. ]

[Durability: 9/20]

[Explanation: This scimitar has been severely rusted. Only the ignorant would regard it as a reliable weapon. ]

At the same time, Bai Pu received the prompt message of Spirit World’s will:

[This equipment has not been encapsulated and cannot perform Psionic particle resonance. ]

Although this scimitar Bai Pu can be picked up, the additional attributes will not take effect.

However, the equipment looted at the junction can still be collected, packaged and sold to abandoned equipment recycling companies. The latter can be broken down and smelted into Psionic metal materials.

If you are lucky and find Supreme Grade equipment from powerful monsters, you can spend a drop of [Beeswax] to re-encapsulate it. The encapsulated equipment can be used by awakened people.

Of course, [Beeswax] is also divided into different grades. The high-grade [Golden Beeswax] is very valuable and is no cheaper than a piece of gold equipment. Whether the secondary packaging is worthwhile depends on the situation.

Bai Pu threw the gray scimitar into the storage space, moved on, and found several more rotten skeletons.

The virtual copy [Crypt of Bones] that we entered previously was designed and built based on the junction of [Mountain of Dead Bones]. The monsters that appear in the Bone Crypt, such as rotten skeletons, skeleton soldiers, dead bone mages, etc., are all types of monsters that exist in the dead bone mountains.

The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors of the Bone Crypt are actually designed after the Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 areas of the Dead Bones Mountains.

There is an important difference between the two: the Crypt of Bones is a virtual copy, which can only train the proficiency of combat expertise and skills, and will not increase professional experience, nor can you obtain loot; the Bone Mountains are a real borderland, and you can obtain valuable Professional experience points, that is, "leveling up"; you can also search for equipment and materials.

After walking on the black plain for several hours, Bai Pu entered the Level 2 area, which is the middle section of the Dead Bone Mountains.

This is a relatively open valley, and its name on the map is "Black Mist Valley".

Bai Pu first found the camp in the Black Mist Valley, which was a bunker arranged by the military.

In order to prevent the camp from being destroyed by the new monsters during the closure of the junction, the military deliberately dug downwards when setting up the camp and designed it to be a bunker.

Bai Pu went into the bunker and took a look. It was full of dust and cobwebs, as if no one had used it for a long, long time.

During the three-month closure period in real time, there were no awakened people in the Dead Bone Mountains, and the flow of time accelerated. I am afraid that several years have passed.

The bunker was empty, with only simple camp beds, small square tables and other furniture, all made of stainless steel. Although it is crude, it is still possible to take a rest as a temporary camp. The bunker is very hidden, so there is no need to worry about being discovered by wandering monsters.

Although the awakened person does not sleep for a few days without affecting his combat effectiveness, but when his mental power is exhausted, it will be difficult to recover without a good sleep, so it is necessary to have a resting place.

Bai Pu took the key, turned around and stepped out of the bunker, and locked the iron door of the bunker.

This bunker is temporarily used by Bai Pu.

The military does not allow awakened people to destroy public facilities, and violators will be severely punished. Therefore, this iron gate can prevent other awakened people from taking advantage of it to a certain extent.

"There are a lot of monsters gathered in the Black Mist Valley, and they are basically Level 1 and Level 2, which is perfect for my experience."

Bai Pu strode forward with a handful of stones in his hand. When you see the vague shadow of a monster in the black fog, you throw a stone over to attract the monster.

After learning the [Spin ​​Throw] skill, Bai Pu can throw stones quite accurately even without using the skill. This is the change that combat skills bring to the awakened.

Soon, Bai Pu was followed by a bunch of skeleton monsters. Most of them were ordinary skeleton soldiers, followed by two skeleton warriors.

Horny skin, on! Flesh armor, open!

Wisps of blood-red energy were extracted from the surrounding monsters and absorbed into Bai Pu, turning into a blood-red shield.

Two minutes later, all the skeleton soldiers were dead, and the two skeleton warriors were reduced to residual health.

After Bai Pu killed one skeleton warrior, he beat the second one to a near-death state. The latter knelt down with his sword in hand, waiting for the passage of time to restore his health.

Bai Pu stretched out a finger, and a drop of bright red blood spilled from the fingertip.

Pureblood Royal!


Pure blood dripped on the skull warrior's head, quickly penetrated into the skull warrior's head bones, and spread throughout his body.

The remaining soul fire in the skeleton warrior's eyes trembled greatly, as if he was struggling with his will.

After a few seconds, it stood up and stood beside Bai Pu with its sword in hand.

Bai Pu got the hint and gained 2 life points. Including the skeleton warrior who died just now, there are a total of 4 life points, and the total amount has been increased to 83/100.

Bai Pu added all 7 points of free attributes brought by pure blood to the strength of the skeleton warrior.


There was a sound of bone explosion, the bones of the skeleton warrior's body became larger and thicker, and the soul fire in his eyes became more intense.

(End of chapter)

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