Global Evolution: I Transplanted The Supreme Deity Heart

Chapter 308 Hand Over Saint Weapon Or Die?

Chapter 308 Hand over Saint Weapon, or... die?

Saint Weapon platform.

With a flash of light, Bai Pu's figure appeared on the platform.

His luck was not bad. In the second room, he obtained a high-sequence rune, which happened to be number 36, which completed the rune he held: Doomsday!

Bai Pu drank the alchemy potion, rested for a while, and after recovering to almost the same state, he collected the runes, composed the "Doomsday" runes, and was sent to the Saint Weapon platform.

On the Saint Weapon platform, the expected trap did not appear.

This platform is like a viewing platform made of pure transparent glass. There is a soft shimmer under the feet, like an invisible floor supporting the soles of the feet.

Looking up, the soft shimmer formed a large protective shield, and the stars in the sky of the original sin world could be vaguely seen.

At this time, only the last of the seven light groups was left on the Saint Weapon platform, and two long stick-like objects could be vaguely seen.

This Saint Weapon in the form of double sticks should be the second in quality among the seven Saint Weapons.

The evidence is the rune word “Doomsday” that unblocks it. Among the seven rune words, the demand for the rune word sequence is the second highest – reaching number 36!

The only one higher than it is the last rune word "World", and the required rune word sequence reaches the highest number 38.

Next to the Saint Weapon platform, the light curtain formed by the low light also displayed the Spirit World codename of the person who obtained Saint Weapon, as well as the name of the Rune Language in order.

First place, Rosen, rune language "World".

The second place, "The Redeemer" Nur, the rune language is "Piety".

The third place, Yemang, the rune language is "fraud".

Fourth place, Metalika, Rune Word "Endless Power".

Fifth place, Maria Eleonora. (Qin's real name), the rune word "Glory".

Sixth place, Blood Spider, Rune Language "Steel".

Each rune has a corresponding Saint Weapon, and high-sequence runes will not appear repeatedly.

Divine Envoy Xia Sha appeared on his own initiative: "Look, the Saint Weapon platform is not dangerous, right?"

Bai Pu shook his head: "It is true that the danger does not come from the Lost City itself. The Lost City should be a very serious place of trial! If you get the Rune Language, you can get a Saint Weapon. The danger should come from getting Happens after Saint Weapon!"

Bai Pu strode forward, took out the "Doomsday" rune language, and pressed it on the Saint Weapon light group!

In an instant, Saint Weapon's light group was unsealed, revealing the true appearance of Saint Weapon inside. Only then did Bai Pu realize that these were two splicable gun shafts, with a dark red blood groove on one end of the gun head.

After acquiring it, this item will only appear as:

[Saint Weapon:? ? ? ]

It's obviously unusable.

The moment Bai Pu touched Saint Weapon, the gilded man's sigh suddenly sounded in his ears.

The gold-plated mark on Bai Pu's forehead suddenly became hot! When he closed his eyes and sensed it, he found that the mark on his forehead actually grew thorn strips, turning into a trace of thorns that seemed to be burned by flames.

The feeling of weightlessness came quickly, and Bai Pu found that he had lost contact with the surrounding space.

Originally, he could return to the real world at any time, but now he can't. It reminds him that he is being teleported!

Bai Pu felt that he had entered a stagnant space.

He opened his eyes and found that the surrounding area was dark, like an abandoned and dilapidated square. Thick thorns grew tangled and extended to the dome of the square, forming a huge cage of thorns.

Bai Pu looked around and saw a person suspended in the air.

Yemang, Metalika, Qin, and Blood Spider are all here.

Qin showed a slightly helpless but happy smile and said softly: "You're still here, Dio. Even if you die here, I won't regret it."

"Where is this?" Bai Pu called to the Shasha envoy.

Divine Envoy Xia Sha only passed on three words: "Hold on!"

At this moment, a slightly older voice from the opposite side boomed:

"Finally, the last Saint Weapon has arrived at this sacred crucifixion. Although the rat that sneaked in has stolen one Saint Weapon, the other six Saint Weapons have all belonged to our Lord. This is finally an achievement that can be accounted for. "

Bai Pu looked up.

Opposite him, a slightly thin and withered old man in black robe was also suspended in mid-air, his body in a stagnant state.


Bai Pu took a breath of air.

This is a High Level lord. Even if Bai Pu now understands the two secrets, he will never be able to match the High Level lord. The gap in strength is too big and the secrets cannot fill it. What's more, most High Level lords also have arcane abilities.

The Gilded Man's eyes slowly scanned the crowd: "Everyone, I used the 'Stigma of Thorns' on your bodies to bring you to the Sanctuary of the Crucifixion of Thorns. This is the place where the great Our Lady of Thorns cleansed the original sin. Our Lady has sealed the Sanctuary. Space, you cannot escape through the power of God.

"Now, please give me an answer: hand over Saint Weapon, join the Church of Thorns, or... die?"

There was an awkward silence.

Bai Pu looked at Qin: "You were summoned by me, so you shouldn't have the thorn mark. Why were you teleported here too?"

An apology appeared on Blood Spider's face.

Originally, Qin didn't need to be teleported, but after the Blood Spider unsealed the Saint Weapon, the Thorn Stigma appeared and pulled her to forcefully teleport, the Blood Spider was very panicked.

Qin realized something was wrong and subconsciously grabbed her, and the two of them were teleported here together.

After hearing the blood spider's explanation, Bai Pu finally understood.

This Sanctuary of the Crucifixion of Thorns is an independent space under the control of Our Lady of Thorns.

Here, Spirit World teleportation is ineffective.

As an apostle of Origin Blood, when Bai Pu summons Qin, her priority is higher than the priority of Spirit World teleportation, and also higher than the priority of Our Lady of Thorns controlling the space. She can be summoned across borders.

However, Bai Pu stopped supplying energy. After Qin lost the sustaining energy, the teleportation that automatically returned to the [Blood Plague: Aberration] world was considered a normal Spirit World teleportation and no longer had the priority of the Origin Blood apostle summons.

This is why Qin is stranded in this dimension.

When the Gilded Man saw no one responded, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said in a hoarse voice:

"Well, it seems that you have chosen the second path. Please ask the great Holy Mother to unblock the space in the sanctuary, and I will offer the heads of these traitors to my Lord - and of course the precious Saint Weapon!"

In the dome surrounded by thorns, the thorn bushes automatically twisted and turned into a human face, and a buzzing voice sounded:

"Gilder, once the spatial confinement is released, these people will have the ability to escape from our world! I will try my best to interfere with the peripheral space and form turbulence, but this method does not last long. You only have ten minutes!"

"Ten minutes is enough for me to kill them ten times!"

The Gilder said confidently.

(End of chapter)

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