Chapter 309 Live well!

The confinement of space is released.

The phantom of the divine envoy Xia Sha appeared and hurriedly said: "Steel Heart, hold on, you can return in less than ten minutes! I and other divine envoys have briefly united to investigate the space turbulence and find the return path!"

"What should we do about the Virgin of Thorns?" Bai Pu pointed to the dome calmly.

"Our Lady of Thorns is a divine envoy like me. Her human body indirectly attacks you, which is against the law. But don't worry, she can't attack you directly."

Divine Envoy Xia Sha hurriedly sent over a large list of information and said, "I will send you the detailed information about the Gilded Ones. Live well!"

Information about the Gilded One appeared in Bai Pu's vision.

[The Gilded One (Lord Level 7)]

[Race: Humanoid/Aberrant]

[Attributes: Strength 50, Agility 66, Endurance 100, Spirit 180]

[Skill 1: Twisted True Body: The Gilded One reveals his terrifying true form, transforming into a twisted form covered in molten gold, gaining 21,000 extra health points and a fixed 30 points of damage reduction. After transformation, the Gilded One's spiritual attributes and strength attributes are swapped. ]

[Skill 2: Gilded Brand (caster form): The gilded caster applies a brand to monitor the target. Actively activate the gold-plated brand, which will cause 30 points of scorching damage to the target every second for 60 seconds. During this time, the target will continue to suffer pain, with occasional interruptions in movement. ]

[Skill 3: Boiling Resentment (caster form): The Gilder injects boiling resentment into the target's heart, twisting its will and attacking all nearby creatures crazily for 20 seconds. ]

[Skill 4: Cannon Torment (caster form): The Gilder summons a pillar of molten gold, binding an enemy for 10 seconds, causing 100 points of scorching damage per second. ]

[Skill 5: Molten Gold Field (Distorted True Body Form): The Gilder releases his pain and forms a large molten gold field. Enemies within the molten gold field will suffer 50 points of scorching damage per second, and the physical strength and energy consumed in combat will increase by 100%. ]

[Skill 6: Molten Gold Armor (Twisted True Body Form): The Gilder's body is covered in molten gold armor, and his armor and resistance are doubled. Molten gold armor can absorb (300) points of damage per second, and the gilder can use holy power to replenish it. ]

[Skill 7: Holy Spear Kill (Twisted True Form): The Gilded One takes out the Saint Weapon: the Holy Thorn Spear, piercing an enemy, causing him to suffer continuous bleeding damage and unable to move. ]

[Skill 8: Accumulation of Pain (Distorted True Form): Every skill of the Gilded One will consume health points. All lost HP of the Gilded One (whether consumed by itself or not) will be accumulated, and when it reaches 20,000 points, Mount Doom will be cast. ]

[Skill 9: Volcano of Doom (distorted true form): The Gilder turns into a volcano spewing molten gold, scattering it to all surviving enemies in the molten gold field. Each shot of molten gold causes 1000 points of scorching damage. ]

As expected of an angel, the priority of detection is high, and now he has seen through the gilded man's underwear.

The preparatory voters present all received information about the Gilded Ones.

Most people took a breath of air-conditioning and secretly cursed the pervert!

9 skills are not too many for a High Level lord, but it must be considered that the Gilded One is an abnormally upgraded lord. He has few skills, but he is extremely powerful.

What troubles Bai Pu the most is the "Molten Gold Armor". This abnormal skill absorbs 300 points of damage per second. It is similar to Meshat's tidal shield + ice armor combination skill, and they are both types that can be replenished in time.

But how much defense does Moshat have?

How much defense should the Gilded One have?

100 points of endurance is not much. As a lord template with non-endurance specialties, the HP extended by endurance is a little more than 3,000.

But the twisted true body has 21,000 points of extra health bonus...

This is a monster with nearly 25,000 HP, more than 200 points of dual resistance, and 30 points of fixed damage reduction!

In this way, the 300 points of damage-absorbing shield per second becomes even more terrifying. It can be said that even if Bai Pu and the others attack with all their strength and the damage falls on the Gilded One, they may not be able to break through his molten gold armor!

But what’s even more terrifying is that the Gilded One is not a tank-type lord, but a damage-output type lord!

It is an extremely difficult task for Bai Pu and others to survive under him, let alone hope to defeat him!

The Gilded One had already launched an attack. With a flick of his finger, the dark golden holy power turned into a twisted gray snake and hit Metalika.

Boiling resentment!

Metalika's eyes turned red instantly, and he roared wildly and swung his giant hammer at the nearest Yemang!

The giant metal hammer seemed to be carrying countless metal debris, and a huge cone-shaped hammer crashed down.

Ye Mangpiao backed away and said helplessly: "Matalika, wake up and don't force me to kill you..."

The Gilded Man held back two preliminary voters with one move! He popped out his finger, and a drop of molten gold shot out, aiming directly at Qin.

Gold plated brand!

Qin had just smashed out two potion bottles at this time. Facing this drop of molten gold, she had no ability to dodge at all.

Seeing that he was about to be hit, Bai Pu turned around and used the dark gold tower shield to block the molten gold.


The dark gold tower shield emits wisps of mist. The drop of molten gold is a magic spell. It actually penetrates through the dark gold tower shield and penetrates deep into Bai Pu's wrist!

Gold Plated Brand·Activate!

Bai Pu takes 30 points of searing damage every second for 60 seconds. Put on Qin, this skill has an output of 1800 points.

However, Bai Pu has already shed the title of double-edged sword. After being attacked, he has activated the adaptive evolutionary ability to deal with scorching damage: a body of molten fire, with fire emanating from the pores all over his body.

The searing damage is halved, the duration is halved, and then reduced by Bai Pu's 90 points of resistance, plus the 12% damage reduction of the equipment...

Even if the Gilded One has two levels of suppression, the 1800 points of output that lasts for 60 seconds will only cause 208 points of scorching damage in the end, which is equivalent to 7 points per second.

If this skill were to fall on someone else, the total damage would probably exceed a thousand!

For Bai Pu, more than two hundred points of continuous damage is nothing. The most annoying thing is that the gold-plated brand will cause irregular interruptions.

For example, when Bai Pu performed Gangfeng Falling Blade and jumped in the air, the active effect of the gold-plated brand suddenly caused the movement to be interrupted, and he could only fall down in embarrassment.

For Qin, the restraint is even more serious. If the spell is interrupted during casting, the spell will go into cooldown, but the blood magic consumed will not be returned!

The Gilder noticed Bai Pu and said coldly: "You blasphemous sinner, confess your sins under the golden pillar!"

The gilder pointed his finger, and a giant pillar of molten gold fell from the sky!

The punishment of burning!

This golden pillar was made purely from the "Holy Wave Power" of the gilder. When it hit Bai Pu, it felt like it was majestic and suppressed the soul.

Just like the verdict of the Inquisition in the Middle Ages, it is cold and solemn. If you are guilty, you will be punished!

(End of chapter)

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