Global Evolution: I Transplanted The Supreme Deity Heart

Chapter 316 If You Have Any Requests, Just Ask!

Chapter 316 If you have any requests, just ask!

"Contract? What contract." Obviously, Divine Envoy Cerro didn't know.

"I made an agreement with Yemang that as long as he and Metalika survive, they will give me a Saint Weapon." Bai Pu said.

"What?" The voice of Divine Envoy Cerro was filled with anger.

"This is notarized by the will of Spirit World." Bai Pu added.

"Yemang, how could you agree to such an unequal treaty?" Envoy Cerro asked.

Yemang shrugged: "Master God, you can imagine how urgent the situation was at that time, right? I didn't have time to bargain with him at all."

Bai Pu said calmly: "Yemang originally planned to take advantage of the loophole. After all, the requirement of the contract is that both he and Metalika survive before I need to pay Saint Weapon. Yemang's calculation was at the last minute, a trap. Kill Metalika so that he can get two Saint Weapons alone."


Metalika, who had been silent all this time, finally couldn't bear it anymore and burst out emotionally, asking: "The last Holy Thorn Spear of the Gilded One, why did you use your mental power to interfere with my perception and make me misjudge the direction of the Holy Thorn Spear's shooting! You You just want to kill me, right?”

"I just want you to dodge. I don't have any subjective malice."

Yemang waved his hand and said, "You were hiding in the opposite direction and hit the Holy Thorn Spear. You can't blame me, my friend."

"Hmph!" Metalika stared at Yemang. As a person involved, he was obviously the only one who knew all the circumstances at that time and knew whether Yemang had any malicious intent.

Others don't know and can only speculate that Yemang did have a motive for doing this.

Bai Pu stopped Yemang from getting close at that time because he was worried that he would break his face and inflict another stab on the unconscious Metalika.

"Please do not question my friendship, Mr. Metalika."

Ye Mang said: "I would like to add that you were saved by Mr. Steelheart, so it would be more appropriate for you to pay for the Saint Weapon agreed upon, right?"

Metalika roared: "Don't even think about it!"

Bai Pu raised his hand and said, "Let me interrupt. I don't care how you quarrel. Who was the person who signed the Spirit World notarized contract with me? I just asked him for the Saint Weapon. Mr. Yemang, if you refuse to hand it over Saint Weapon, I can only apply for Spirit World will enforcement."

"Wait a minute!" Unexpectedly, there were three voices speaking.

The ones who spoke were Divine Envoy Xia Sha, Divine Envoy Cerro, and another hidden Divine Envoy appeared. She was wrapped in a black hooded robe, and the graceful curves of her upper body could be vaguely seen.

The three divine envoys spoke at the same time to ask for help, and Bai Pu was unable to communicate and the Spirit Communication world's will was enforced.

Divine Envoy Xia Sha pointed at the black hooded Divine Envoy: "This is the servant of the great Lord of Shadows, Divine Envoy Navi."

As for the presence of three divine envoys, Bai Pu was not surprised. He remembered that there were three divine envoys who eliminated space turbulence at that time, and Divine Envoy Navi was probably a temporary ally of these two divine envoys.

Divine Envoy Navi spoke, his voice a little hoarse, but revealing an indescribable magnetic charm.

She whispered softly: "Gangxin, you are not a preliminary elector, and there are some secrets that you don't know yet. In the future, when the divine envoy is present, please don't mention the notarization of Spirit World's will, or the enforcement of Spirit World's will."

"Okay, but I'm claiming my dues."

Bai Pu said calmly, "If it weren't for me, neither Yemang nor Metalika would survive. I have the right to get the agreed Saint Weapon from Yemang!"

The two divine envoys, Navi and Xia Sha, looked at the burly male divine envoy Cero.

"Yemang, give it to him!" Cero said coldly, "Your performance in the Original Sin World this time was very poor. If it weren't for your father's sake, I would take back your Seed of Light directly!"

Yemang's expression finally changed, and he reluctantly took out an artifact in the form of a mask and threw it to Bai Pu.

Saint Weapon, which was unblocked by Runeword "Deception", still displays a series of question marks on it.

Bai Pu is not worried about Yemang being a fake person, after all, it is notarized by Spirit World’s will.

Envoy Cerro looked at Metalika and his tone became kinder: "Matalika, you performed very well. Now present the Saint Weapon in your hand! I will give you the blessing of light. Seed, from now on you are the Lord of Light’s prepared elect!”

Bai Pu curled his lips slightly. These divine envoys are obviously the work of geniuses who prostitute themselves for nothing, but they still act like they are giving alms from above, which is disgusting.

Metalika seemed a little hesitant and entangled.

Divine Envoy Xia Sha also looked at Bai Pu.

Bai Pu took the initiative and handed over the Saint Weapon that had unsealed the "Steel" Rune Language - a chain hammer: "Master God Envoy, now we are settled."

"Gang Xin, you still have three Saint Weapons, please give them to me." The divine envoy Xia Sha ignored the envoy's majesty and said with a smile on his face, "I will give you satisfactory compensation. If you have any requests, you can ask for it." carry!"

Divine Envoy Navi looked at the behavior of Divine Envoy Xia Sha with some surprise. But she immediately thought that Bai Pu did not have the seed of blessing from the source of water, and he was not a preparatory electorate.

Preparatory electors, or formal electors, are not qualified to make demands when facing divine messengers.

If you do well, the God Envoy will see it. Whether to reward you or not depends on the God’s Holy Heart and the solemn decision...

What is given to you is a gift from God; if it is not given to you, you cannot ask for it!

Otherwise, it means being dishonest!

"Xiasha Divine Envoy, I have two Saint Weapons. I plan to hold a special auction in a month. I will not give them to you directly."

Bai Pu said leisurely, "After all, I have not accurately estimated the value of Saint Weapon... When more divine envoys arrive, I can ensure that my interests will not be damaged."

Bai Pu felt that the "steel" chain hammer, exchanged for the limited guidance of the Xiasha Divine Envoy and the C-level golden prop [Book of Destiny], might be a loss-making deal.

Therefore, the other Saint Weapon and Bai Pu said that they would never exchange with the Shasha Divine Envoy again. Even if they wanted to exchange, they would not be here.

Divine Envoy Xia Sha was surprised and anxious at the same time: "Gang Xin, isn't this the agreement we made in the Lost City..."

Divine Messenger Xia Sha suddenly stopped. She remembered that Bai Pu seemed to have never given her the promise of "giving her all three Saint Weapons" from the beginning to the end.

At this time, Metalika, who had been bearing the pressure of God Envoy Cerro, suddenly squeezed over.

"Lord Steelheart! You are going to auction the Saint Weapon. Can I sell it together with my 'Endless Power'?"

Metalika scratched his scalp and said, "Well, I am willing to pay 30% of the auction proceeds as the commission fee!"

Divine Envoy Cerro was frightened and angry. He did not expect that the cooked duck could fly away. He raised his voice and said: "Matalika! Don't you want the seed of light blessing?"

(End of chapter)

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