Chapter 318 Fruit Trees and Fruits

"What exactly is the Saint Weapon, or the fragment of source matter? Why are the Spirit World's will and the divine envoys trying every means to fight for it?" Bai Pu asked.

[Saint Weapon is the carrier of the source material fragments and can peel off the source material. Sefirah is very important energy. ]

As for how important it is, it is not said, nor is the specific role of the sefirah.

Bai Pu also tacitly agreed not to ask any more questions. He turned to the next question:

"This Spirit World war probably didn't start for no reason. It was all about fighting for something important... Could it be that it was also fighting for the source of matter?"

[It is to compete for the substrate. ]

"What is the matrix?" Bai Pu thought of the matrix plane. It seems that the world of original sin is a matrix plane!

He felt like he was getting closer to the truth.

[The matrix is ​​the cornerstone of the birth of the source material. The relationship between the two is like a fruit tree and its fruits. ]

[This is the last question. To learn more, work towards increasing your rank. ]

Bai Pu took a deep breath.

He asked these questions not just to satisfy his curiosity, but out of necessity.

After all, Bai Pu often deals with divine messengers. It is fatal to maintain an independent position without high-end information channels to match.

Just like this auction of Saint Weapon, Bai Pu must first find out the true value of Saint Weapon and the weight of Saint Weapon in the mind of the God!

Spirit World's will, or the few questions answered by the manager, were enough for Bai Pu to recognize the value of Saint Weapon.

The answer is that Saint Weapon is very important to the envoys and can help them complete the "kpi", but for a god camp, Saint Weapon is not the most important.

Because Saint Weapon only represents the "shard of sefirah", just like the fruit picked from the fruit tree.

For a god camp, the most important thing should be the "fruit tree" - that is, the "substrate"! Having enough substrate is like owning an orchard, and you naturally don’t have to worry about harvesting the fruits.

Bai Pu further thought that the world of original sin is a matrix plane, which is probably the main reason why gods compete for this world.

The Lord of Suffering sent the Virgin of Thorns and spent a high price to distort the life of the entire original sin world, probably just to capture the "matrix" of the original sin world.

However, Bai Pu and others are only Middle Level awakeners after all, and are currently not exposed to the battle for the matrix.

It is estimated that at least the strong ones who stand at the top of the Awakening, such as King of Power candidate Daizong, Level 9 Blacksmith Chili and others, may be involved in the war for the matrix! That is the main battlefield of the Spirit World war.

After Bai Pu recognized his position and understood the weight of Saint Weapon, he almost had an idea of ​​the expected price of Saint Weapon at auction.

Saint Weapon can make the gods pay a considerable price, but it will not make them spend everything.

Bai Pu submitted the task using the "Fraud" mask.

[This task can be completed repeatedly. Do you want to continue submitting? ]

The reminder of Spirit World’s will came again.

Bai Pu refused.

The main reason why he submitted the scavenger mission was to express his will to the Spirit World. Bai Pu has not forgotten his roots.

After all, the will of Spirit World issued a scavenger mission to Bai Pu, which means that the process of Bai Pu acquiring several Saint Weapons was probably under the will of Spirit World. In order to avoid Spirit World's will to put small shoes on himself, Bai Pu will take the initiative to hand in the task.

Of course, the will of the Spirit World should be an emotionless existence, and it may not target Bai Pu just because Bai Pu doesn't make friends with Saint Weapon.

Bai Pu's remaining three pieces of Saint Weapon and the "Endless Power" ax were consigned and auctioned by Metalica. Bai Pu has decided to transfer 30% of the proceeds to the Blood Spider, which is an agreed upon thing.

As for the "Glory" necklace and the "Doomsday" spear, Bai Pu has other uses.

After completing the scavenger mission, Bai Pu's professional experience has received a big boost, and he is about to reach Level 6.

From this, it can be seen that the difficulty of this scavenger mission [to seize the source matter fragments] is really exaggerated. After all, it is a head-on confrontation with a lord whose strength far exceeds one's own.

Bai Pu is more concerned about his military rank.

His Spirit World War Honor at this time has risen to 1940/1000!

The prompt of Spirit World’s will came:

[You have participated in the Spirit World War, and your current military rank is: Staff Sergeant. Your honor points have met the criteria for promotion to second lieutenant officer (1000 honor points). Please use the Black Iron Medal for promotion. ]

Bai Pu uses the Black Iron Medal.

[You have been promoted to: Second Lieutenant. Your permission to purchase war supplies has been increased. ]

[You gain the ability to suppress military rank. Facing an opponent whose military rank is lower than your own, you can turn on military rank suppression to prevent the target from using the ability to teleport or return to Spirit World. ]

"This is Hidden Snake's ability to suppress military rank at that time... He was also Level 6. Could it be that he also completed a certain scavenger mission and was promoted to second lieutenant?

"From a strength perspective, it seems that Hidden Snake is not qualified. Unless Hidden Snake encounters a mission of stealth exploration type, which is particularly suitable for his shadow walking professional skill."

Bai Pu thought silently in his heart.

"The summary of passing the test is out." Blood Spider suddenly said.

[Plane World: Original Sin]

[Time taken: 6 days, 16 hours and 1 minute]

[Time: End of the Third Age]

[Scope: Original Sin Continent-Twisted Jungle]

[Based on the tasks and evaluations you completed, you received a Psionic point reward of 10694 points. ]

[You have accumulated 1587 original sin world popularity points. Your popularity level in the world of Original Sin is B level: famous. ]

[You have obtained the B-level title: Betrayer. ]

[Betrayer: B-class title. Passive, when you attack from behind the enemy, the critical hit value is increased by (40) points. ]

Blood Spider is also well-known, and like Bai Pu, he has received the title of "Betrayer".

It took less than 7 days of exploration to achieve B-level popularity, of course because Bai Pu and Blood Spider were deeply involved in an important event in the Original Sin Continent - the exploration of the Lost City, and worked closely with the God's Favorite and the High Level Lord. The Gilded Ones had a fight.

Their names are bound to be widely circulated in the world of Original Sin.

This title does not mean much to Bai Pu, because most of the time, he defeats the enemy's defense head-on.

But the title of traitor is a great improvement for Blood Spider.

The prompts of Spirit World's will continued, and an image of a vending machine appeared in front of Bai Pu. The shelves inside were filled with scarce Psionic items, marked with different honor value prices.

Unlike the last time when Bai Pu was just a sergeant, now Bai Pu is already a second lieutenant officer, and the items that appear are also much higher-end.

Among them, he can buy blue strengthening crystals and a one-star skill book "Savage Strike", both of which can be purchased with the rank of second lieutenant.

There are also two-star skill books, but they require the rank of lieutenant.

Bai Pu's current honor is only 60 points away from becoming a lieutenant.

To be promoted to lieutenant or captain, you can be directly promoted once your honor points are reached. But when you reach school officer and above, promotion at each level is difficult and requires more than just honor points.

What really matters to Bai Pu is [Honor Potion]!

Last time Bai Pu bought [Honorable Life Potion (Private)] and [Honorable Energy Potion (Private)], each spending 100 Honor Points. When drinking the honor potion, it is a good thing that ignores drug resistance and can exert its full effect.

During the fight against the Gilded One, Bai Pu used up both potions. Among them, the life potion replenishes 400 points of health points, and the energy potion replenishes 200 points of professional energy.

I have to say that these two bottles of potion played a big role.

(End of chapter)

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