Chapter 335 What a pity, you met me!

The atmosphere became ambiguous, and Bai Pu felt that he could no longer flirt with her.

He coughed and said, "Senior Xuan Mi's game should have started. Let's go and watch it together."

The Blood Spider nodded, lowered her head, and followed Bai Pu out of the cabin like a newly minted daughter-in-law.

At this time on Yueyue Island, the battle between Xuan Mi and Lan Ling has begun.

Xuan Mi pulled off the green vine necklace from her neck!

[Necklace of Power of Nature] is a professional equipment that Xuan Mi obtained outside the dream forest. In addition to the basic attributes, this necklace only has one additional skill.

[Natural Crystallization: Passive, this necklace will continuously absorb the wearer's natural energy dissipated to form spiritual power crystals. Taking off the necklace voluntarily will consume all the crystals and immediately summon an equal number of natural partners. Number of crystals accumulated so far: 3 (including 1 Rank Three crystal and 2 Rank Two crystals). ]

The necklace that Xuan Mi took off had one large and two small ones, with a total of three crystal clear crystals floating in the air!

The three crystals emitted powerful natural energy, and after landing, they turned into three portals, and then three creatures walked out of them.

Lady Kerela the Poisonous Creeper.

Mr. Dalic, the one-eyed ferocious wolf.

A half-human, half-deer dryad, Miss Ailendra.

The summoning was completed instantly, and Xuan Mi did not consume any energy during the process - of course, to maintain the existence of these three summoned creatures in the future, he still needs to continue to consume natural energy.

Xuan Mi then raised her hand to cast a spell, condensing natural energy and summoning the Gate of Nature! The swirling light gate slowly condensed.

Seeing this scene, Lan Ling's eyes twitched under his silver mask.

"Damn it, why do I always encounter opponents with weird ultimate moves like this, and why do they just activate them when they encounter me?"

Lan Ling sighed helplessly.

His profession is [Phantom Warlock], and he uses illusions and clones as his main fighting methods.

The advantage of this profession is that it has a good life-saving ability. You don't need to be distracted by practicing shield and displacement skills. You can choose all attack spells for combat skills.

This was also the reason why he was confident of interrupting Xuan Mi's summoning process.

However, Xuan Mi now used the accumulated natural energy to summon three natural partners, including a leader-level partner.

It's like playing chess, if your opponent has an extra pair of rooks, how can you still play?

Blue Spirit can only fight a summoner who is at his strongest!

He dodged the tree demon's spear and activated the mirage clone at the same time. Four identical blue spirit clones appeared at the same time.

"This guy has also improved." Seeing that Lan Ling had one more clone than in the group stage, Xuan Mi couldn't help but sigh.

Including the main body of the blue spirit, there are a total of five blue spirits, all maintaining the same action, which is to read the spell, cast the spell, and chant the basic magic - fire bomb!

Swish swish swish!

Five flame trails shot out at the same time.

These five fire bombs are all real spells. However, the attributes of Lan Ling's mirage clone are only equivalent to 35% of the original body! The power of the fire bomb will naturally drop significantly, to about half of the power of the main body.

But this is already an amazing clone skill. On the one hand, it can interfere with the opponent's judgment, and on the other hand, it can increase the overall power of the shot.

Four clones are equivalent to increasing Lan Ling's spell power by 140%!

Fire bombs are currently the best solution for Blue Spirit, because the opponent has a leader who can throw spears from a distance. If you cast those powerful spells, the reading time will be too long and it will be easy to be interrupted by the opponent one by one.

Among the natural partners summoned by Xuan Mi, the poisonous vine Kerela is the main defense, protecting Xuan Mi in the center.

Ms. Kerela's physical defense is strong, but weak to fire!

If this elite vine dared to block Xuan Ni's knife, Lan Ling was very confident that his five-fire bomb burst tactic would be able to severely damage it, and the subsequent burning damage would be enough to kill it.

Facing the surging fire bombs, Xuan Mi showed no emotion.

Dryad Miss Elindra took a step forward, and a green ring of natural energy spread around her body! Those five fire bombs were like candles in the wind, four of them dimmed instantly.

Only the last one hit Miss Elindra, but it only left a few slightly scorched marks on her deer body covered with green leaves.

[Natural Resistance]!

Dryads are the darlings of the forest, the elves of nature, and are born with strong elemental resistance.

They can also actively request the help of the Forest Mother (activating the active effect of natural resistance) to generate an energy ring that resists elemental magic, greatly weakening the incoming magical energy.

Xuan Mi is also very lucky. In the Dream Woodland, there are several leader-level natural companions who are willing to respond to his call, but when it comes to resisting spells, the tree demon Miss Ailendra is undoubtedly the number one.

Miss Ailendra is a long-range shooter. Under the blessing of the forest mother, a wooden throwing spear of the most suitable length and size will automatically be generated in her hand!

Just now, Lan Ling's spell also exposed the position of the main body, and Miss Ailendra threw a lightning-fast spear at an accelerated speed.

This is obviously another attack skill.

A clone stood in front of him and took the blow, instantly turning into fragile glass and dissipating with a soft sound.

Lan Ling had no choice but to cast a large-scale mirage, forming a mirage-like illusion in the field! He and the remaining three clones scattered and hid in the mirage mist.

The mirage that Lan Ling chose this time was a sea of ​​flames.

Because it is formed by mirage, this sea of ​​fire is not harmful in any way, and you can't feel any burning when you touch it.

Lan Ling doesn't rely on mirages to hurt people.

The purpose of the illusion is to cover up his spellcasting!


There was a sound of breaking through the air, and four fireballs the size of washbasins roared towards Xuan Mi.

In the blazing sea of ​​fire, the sound of Blue Spirit's casting of a large fireball was well concealed.

This time, the fireball technique was shot from four different directions, front, rear, left and right.

No matter how powerful the tree demon is, he is only one person, and his ability to block fireballs from two directions is already his limit.

"It's really amazing."

Xuan Mi even had time to praise, "What a pity, you met me!"

After this honest man praised his opponent, his next sentence seemed to be lacking in enthusiasm.

From the gate of nature, crow spirits jumped out one after another! These crow spirits crashed into the remaining fireballs.

At the same time, elite silver wolves jumped out one after another, forming an army of summoned creatures around Xuan Mi!

Lan Ling no longer dared to show up. He could only disperse his clones and hide in the mirage alone, waiting for Xuan Mi's energy to be exhausted, unable to maintain the existence of the army.

Mr. Dalic, the one-eyed ferocious wolf, trotted all the way to where Lan Ling was just now, sniffed here and there on the ground, and soon let out a long howl.

A group of ferocious wolves, led by Mr. Dalic, pounced on the blue spirit in the mirage!

(End of chapter)

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