Global Evolution: I Transplanted The Supreme Deity Heart

Chapter 35 Bloody Treasure Chest (Testing The Waters And Pushing For More Updates)

Chapter 35 Bloody Treasure Chest (Testing the waters and pushing for more updates)

[You have suffered continuous poison damage, and your talent skill: adaptive evolution has stored a new form: inactivated blood image! ]

[In the inactivated blood image form, your heartbeat speeds up, your blood temperature continues to rise, your immune system operates strongly, your ability to inactivate foreign toxins increases, the damage caused by toxins is halved, and the duration is halved. ]

This is the fourth adaptive evolutionary form, which is very useful in fighting toxins. However, Bai Pu did not choose to switch, because switching to the new form would render the original [horny skin] form ineffective, and would be effective against the sharp damage caused by fish intestines. No more deductions.

Bai Pu directly activated the professional skill: flesh and blood armor!

[Flesh Armor] is very weak against a single enemy. The speed of shield replenishment is 1 to 5 points per second, which cannot keep up with the enemy's output. It can only temporarily delay the bleeding effect.

So Bai Pu also activated the third innate ability of [Heart of Evolution]: Gene Fragments!

Spend 50 points of life source to temporarily fuse the combat gene fragments of the dead strongman, and target... Bloody Hand Gollon!

[䱱Temporarily fused with the fighting gene fragment of Bloody Hand Golem. ]

[You temporarily gain (8) Strength points; your Fighting feat is temporarily raised to Advanced Level 5. ]

In an instant, Bai Pu felt like he was enlightened, as if he was the Blood Ring General of Branden Northland, a lion looking down from all directions!

You know, Bloody Hand Column is the leader of the Blood Ring camp in the Branden North region! Equivalent to the regional boss, if he hadn't been unlucky enough to meet Duke William, he would have been a very difficult nut to crack.

"It's my turn!"

Bai Pu's voice was calm and powerful. He turned slightly to avoid Yuchang's next dagger stab, and grabbed his opponent's wrist!

This grab is so clever, it looks like the fish intestines stretched out their wrists into Bai Pu's hands!

Yuchang's eyes widened, and he immediately pulled back with force. But with a pull, he felt something was wrong even more. Bai Pu's right hand was like an alloy handcuff, tightly clasping his wrist, making him unable to break free for a while.

A tall figure rushed over like a whirlwind, and the hilt of the sword hit Yuchang's lower back. Immediately afterwards, the skeleton warrior charged up and prepared to launch a sweep.

[Skeleton Warrior's Skill: Ruthless Assault causes 37 points of bludgeoning damage to you. ]

"Why does he have an elite monster as a thug?"

It seemed as if the lower back of Yu Guang was about to be broken, and a thought of surprise flashed through his mind.

Suddenly, Yuchang's wrist became as slippery as oil and broke away from Bai Pu's control. He endured the pain that felt like breaking in his lower back and rushed out to the left, barely avoiding the Skeleton Warrior's charged sweeping attack.

However, Bai Pu's bone hammer had been waiting for a long time and swept over from right to left! It looks like the fish intestines are actively hitting the bone mallet.

This hammer hit the fish's intestines and stomach so much that it almost vomited acidic water!

Yuchang felt a little horrified. This was simply beyond his comprehension - why does Bai Pu have such a strong sense of combat and a view of the overall situation? There is also a power that is not inferior to those with strength expertise at the same level!


Yuchang made a decision almost immediately. He ignored Hanguang, who was struggling to read and cast spells and attack with energy bombs, and chose to escape. His heels suddenly shot out rocket-like tail flames, and his whole body jumped forward seventeen or eight meters!

"Want to run?"

Bai Pu switches to the form of [Inactivated Blood Image], reducing the poison damage to 4 points per second and shortening the poisoning duration to 5 seconds! He activated [Unstable Shield], chased for a few steps, and immediately launched [Leap Slash], leaping over Yuchang's head, blocking him in front of Yuchang, and then turned around with a sweeping swing.

Yuchang saw the blood-red shield on Bai Pu's body trembling slightly, and it was obvious that powerful energy was gathering and bursting out! He had no intention of fighting and turned sideways to leave. However, the next second, a cold energy hit him, chilling him to the bone. And the battle prompt message of Spirit World's will made him feel like he had fallen into an ice cellar!

[An unknown enemy casts a cripple spell on you. Your movement speed is reduced by 34%, and your attack speed is reduced by 34%! (Based on your level suppression, 16% resisted)]

The greatly reduced movement speed made Yuchang unable to get rid of Bai Pu. He could only watch the blood-red shield explode. He only had time to protect his head and face with his hands as a symbolic defense.


With up to 57 points of concussive damage, as the bursting air waves spread, the fish intestines were like a small boat in the angry waves, spinning and knocking out!

The concussive damage also has a deceleration effect, which is superimposed with the [Disablement Technique] effect, which makes Yuchang stagger even more, making it difficult to even move his legs!

Bai Pu chased after him and punched out with a roar!

At this time, he has integrated the fighting gene fragment of Bloodhand Golem. The most powerful and familiar way of attack is fighting! This punch had a spiral force and hit Yuchang's chin with a bang.

Kaka! Yuchang seemed to hear the sound of his cervical vertebrae rupturing, and his whole body was thrown high into the air, and blood spurted out with a "poof".

At this time, the skeleton warrior who strode over had already finished charging up his strength. His tall body spun in a circle and his giant sword swept across!

Swinging slam!

Yuchang's eyes bulged, and this sword wiped out the last of his health.

Fish Gut fell to the ground, half of his body was broken, and blood flowed happily like a river. His bloody prop [Battle Shackles] has instead become a noose that binds him and cannot escape! There are still 23 seconds left.

"You...why?" Yuchang asked hoarsely.

Bai Pu didn't answer and ordered the skeleton warrior to raise his sword.

Yuchang smiled miserably, and shouted with his last breath: "It's not over... this is just the beginning!"

The skeleton warrior slashed down with his sword.

Awakener: Fish intestines die!

Above Yuchang's corpse, a treasure chest with a blue background and wisps of blood-red threads was quietly suspended.

On the other side, Hanguang, who was entangled by the Bone Mage, was unable to support Yuchang at all. Seeing that Yuchang was on the verge of death, she became even more frightened and chose to leave without waiting for Yuchang to die.

[You killed a hostile awakened person in self-defense and counterattack. You will not increase the blood value. Current blood value: 0. ]

[You obtain the bloody treasure chest. ]

[The blood value of the relevant deceased is 4 points. When you draw the bloody treasure chest, it is easier to draw high-valued items. ]

Bai Pu walked over, his footsteps solid and powerful. This was the first time he killed an awakened person, but somehow he was very calm and didn't feel much discomfort.

Placing his palm on the bloody treasure chest, Bai Pu chose to open it.

Wow, inside the treasure chest that glowed slightly with blood red light, many blood red cards on the back were swirling and tumbling.

[Based on the blood value of the deceased, you can filter to exclude one of the following options. ]

[A: Psionic points carried by the deceased (number of cards: 2). ]

[B: Equipment worn by the deceased. (Number of cards: 8). ]

[C: Items in the deceased’s storage space. (Number of cards: 14) ]

Bai Pu chose to exclude item C without hesitation.

Immediately, more than half of the blood-red cards swirling and tumbling in the treasure chest turned into smoke-like Psionic particles and dissipated, leaving only 10 cards left!

Immediately after these 10 blood-red cards flew out and floated in front of Bai Pu.

[Based on the blood value of the deceased, you can filter and exclude (4) low-valued blood cards (in order from low to high). You can also choose not to exclude and extract directly. ]

[The current number of draws available is: 2. ]

Bai Pu chose to exclude cards with low valuations. There were 4 more bloody cards that turned into light smoke and disappeared.

In front of Bai Pu, only the last 6 bloody cards were left.

"This should be the most valuable item on Yuchang's body. It's basically all equipment."

Bai Pu reached out and pointed out, and the first bloody card on the left flipped over, revealing the image of a dagger.

Test the waters and push for more updates! Please turn on the update reminder, there will be updates after promotion!

(End of chapter)

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