Chapter 352 Go down!

Three seconds flew by.

The injection of Bai Pu's blood river fighting energy replenished the energy of the [Volcanic Appearance] shield. He suddenly raised his arm, and a thrilling blood-colored sharp sword energy stretched out from the big sword seven to eight meters long.

"not good……"

There was nothing Fenghuo could do. Although he could still activate [Burning Soul] once, Bai Pu had long been on guard against his move and used two spider demon warriors to block his attack.

Without any Breath of the Fierce mark falling on Bai Pu, Burning Soul naturally cannot be activated!

Landslides and landslides!

With a horizontal slash, the huge sword energy enveloped Fenghuo, Chenge, Wanren and Gucheng.

At the critical moment, Wan Ren roared and rushed forward.

At this time, he no longer had the defense of the rock armor. He only wore the Yellow Gold Level armor, which he regarded as the pinnacle of life. He fit in and rushed forward, hitting Bai Pu's bloody sword energy at its strongest point with his body.


The Mountain Collapsing Mysterious Technique first chopped into pieces the chest of Wanren's Yellow Gold Level armor, but its remaining power remained intact.

Wan Ren turned into white light and was instantly killed!

With Wanren blocking the central area of ​​the Collapsing Mountain Sword Qi, it would be much easier for the other three to withstand attacks from the edge areas.

Gu Cheng, the deputy T, stood in front of Chen Ge. He knew that it was more important to protect Chen Ge at this time.

Feng Huo faced the incoming sword energy directly, but there was no sign of unwillingness on his face.

He only had about 300 health points left, his fighting spirit was dry, and his physical strength was exhausted. Even the sword energy in the peripheral area could not stop him, and he melted away like Wan Ren.

With one sword strike, two people were killed in seconds.

Bai Pu's blood river fighting spirit was also depleted a lot. In his battle with Fenghuo, his blood river fighting spirit was greatly depleted and has not yet recovered.

The team battle has been in the blood river territory, and many mysteries and skills have been used. Now there are only about 200 points of fighting energy left.

Fortunately, he has a specialty in endurance, and his physical ability to continue fighting is amazing, otherwise he would be too tired to lift his arms by now.

"Ah, you don't need me to take action anymore." Xuan Mi's voice sounded from behind.

Chen Song chose to attack Bai Pu.

No one stood in the way, and Xuan Mi finally successfully opened the door to nature. The giant bear Mr. Millais makes a grand appearance with a group of silver wolves and crow spirits.

"Leave these two to you. I'll go meet Skywalker for a while." Bai Pu said.

Xuan Mi actually wanted to attack Wan Zhen, but he was almost killed by Wan Zhen just now.

If it weren't for Bai Pu's divine hand, which accurately predicted and intercepted Wan Zhen's final blow, nothing would have happened to him in this game...

However, Bai Pu is the biggest contributor to this battle, and Xuan Mi must follow his elder brother's wishes.

With a wave of his hand, the giant bear Mr. Millai led his natural companions and rushed towards Morning Song and the ancient city.

Summoners who have time to prepare in advance are indeed powerful. At this time, Xuan Mi alone is more than enough to suppress two people - including the forest sage Chenge who has understood the secret of life.

If you want to cast a powerful spell, you have to concentrate your energy. The crow spirit's endless eye-pecks and the silver wolf's attacks one after another made Chen Ge exhausted.

The ancient city was carried by the giant bear Mr. Milai, then surrounded by several silver wolves, and the crow spirit attacked its face...

Bai Pu went to Wan Zhen with peace of mind.

He went to find Wan Zhen, not to grab someone's head, but to gain combat experience.

Opponents like Wan Zhen in aerial combat are quite rare.

Wan Zhen's expression changed suddenly when he saw Bai Pu rushing over. He activated his remaining Pegasus soul power, flapped his wings behind his back, and quickly took off into the air.

But Bai Pu put one foot on the ground, split the wind path with the tip of his sword, and also leaped into the air!

Gangfeng Falling Blade, which was originally called Wind Slash, were both "self-created skills" that Bai Pu learned by himself.

Bai Pu saw that the rising momentum had been exhausted. He made a stroke with the tip of his sword, following the trajectory of the wind, and made a turn to rise again, like a double jump on a ladder of nothingness in the air.

With this leap, he caught up with Wan Zhen who was rising into the sky.

Activate the secret of Gangfeng in the air and attack with all your strength.

Two-handed swordsmanship Level 7 special effect: Strong wind triggers!

Blow by the strong wind, Wan Zhenfei swayed, his balance was disturbed, and he could hardly open his eyes! He could only instinctively shoot Bai Pu's chain sword.

Bai Pu's two-handed swordsmanship feat is still at Level 9 at this time.

The chain saw sword slid and went straight to the inner circle against the gun shaft.

At the same time, Bai Pu held the sword with one hand, suddenly grabbed the gun barrel with the other hand, and took a deep breath: "Go down!"

With Bai Pu weighing more than two hundred kilograms in full gear at this time, it would be easy to drag down an unbalanced Wan Zhen!

The two of them didn't fly very high before they landed at the same time.

After Wan Zhen stepped on the ground with his toes, he regained his balance and flapped his Pegasus wings again to try to take off.

However, after Bai Pu's toes hit the ground, he also refreshed the number of mid-air turns of [Gangfeng Falling Blade] without any panic!

He held Wan Zhen's gun barrel firmly, then rushed into the air, trying his best to maintain his balance, and slashed at Wan Zhen with the big sword in his hand.

Wan Zhen's whole body was numb. The sky has always been his home field. This was the first time that he was chased into the sky and beaten!

He decisively abandoned his lance, flapped his wings and retreated.

If you are disarmed, be disarmed. It is more important to get free first. Anyway, he still has a spare one-handed weapon.

However, Bai Pu waved his big sword, and the energy of the strong wind enveloped Bai Pu. He turned around in the air, like an eagle catching a chicken, and rushed in front of Wan Zhen again, and grabbed Wan Zhen's right wrist with his hands.

Wan Zhen was almost caught by Bai Pu and his arm was dislocated.

He couldn't help but became furious, pulled out a long sword hanging from the buckle on his waist with his left hand, and stabbed Bai Pu.

"now it's right!"

In the air, Bai Pu and Wan Zhen's swords clashed.

Air combat is indeed different.

Now Bai Pu's Gangfeng Falling Blade castration force has been exhausted, and he relies entirely on Wan Zhen's Pegasus soul power to support the two of them flying.

To maintain balance in the air, Bai Pu could only use the broad side of the sword to block Wan Zhen's long sword thrust.

Wan Zhen didn't dare to go on like this.

The Blood Spider and the two plain-faced men had already joined Xuan Mu, and they had surrounded and defeated Chenge and Gucheng, and were watching eagerly from below.

If Wan Zhen goes down, he will be beaten by five people.

"That's all, we lose anyway."

Wan Zhen sighed and transformed into white light, no longer giving Bai Pu a chance to gain experience in air combat.

Bai Pu was in the air, without the power of flight provided by Wan Zhen. He sluggishly fell down suddenly.

The two of them flew far away and were no longer above the Jinyintai Arena. The landing point of Bai Pu is on the sea.

Although falling in the sea is not considered eliminated as long as he can return to the ring in time, Bai Pu does not want to become a drowned rat.

"What should I do? What should I do? If I were Dong Bo Chengzhi, what would I do?"

Bai Pu tried to maintain his balance in the air and drew out his sword again.

The 10 seconds duration of his Gangfeng Falling Blade has expired.

Now it is out of the scope of skills. Try to use ordinary sword swinging movements to cause the flow of wind and change your falling route!

(End of chapter)

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