Global Evolution: I Transplanted The Supreme Deity Heart

Chapter 357 Talent Tree! Second Floor! Open!

Chapter 357 Talent Tree! Second floor! open!

Bai Pu frowned.

Everyone said this, which shows that there is indeed a deviation between Bai Pu's perception and everyone's perception.

"Is it that Xilou's method... dragging me to another secret space silently?"

Bai Pu frowned and thought, then rejected the idea, "No, if he really drags me into the secret space, he won't have to worry about the battle being noticed by others, and he should not hesitate to use props such as battle shackles to try Kill me."

"Then there are two other situations... The first one is that the teammates' perceptions were 'confused' silently. Xilou and I were clearly beside them, but they didn't notice it at all."

"The second one, Xilou and I, both entered a certain high-priority stealth state... My perception was not enough, so I did not get the prompt of Spirit World's will."

Bai Pu breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't know what the status of Xilou was in the Star-Zhailing Tower, but just the hand he showed today set off alarm bells in his heart.

Bai Pu suffers from persecution delusions and always thinks of someone coming to harm him. He remains very wary of strangers from the outside world.

Not to mention the behemoth of the Transcendent Star Alliance, which is an enemy in the first place.

"We still need to become stronger as soon as possible!"

Bai Pu recited silently.

For the safety of himself and his teammates, Bai Pu explained everything about the appearance in the west building to his teammates.

"Why don't you go back first and I'll stay in Xijing for a while." Bai Pu said. If he returns with his teammates, he may be ambushed by the Star Reaching Tower on the way, which will harm his teammates.

"No, we came together, of course we have to leave together."

Teacher Cai Cai patted her chest and said, "No matter how powerful the Super Star Alliance is, our school is not afraid! I'll make a call right now."

The principal, Mr. Cai Xiang, took it very seriously after learning about it and personally explained it to the "regional committee" of Jiangnan Region.

The Jiangnan District Committee also learned in the past few days that Xicheng University of Technology won the championship in the college competition, and immediately dispatched a High Level awakener team represented by instructor Xiang Yinghua to escort the Xicheng University of Technology team back home. hometown.

Saint Weapon's auction is scheduled for one week, and the auction will be held at the junction. Even if Bai Pu leaves Xijing, it will not affect his transactions with Fenghuo and other preliminary voters.

The Xili Engineering School team, escorted by military experts, left Xijing and returned to the Jiangnan region.

After returning, Bai Pu first went to the Secret Service Bureau. Using the authority of an A-level secret agent, he applied for a spiritual liquid soak to completely repair the hidden wounds accumulated inside his body in recent times.

After completing the soak, Bai Pu immediately used the tournament championship reward: Psionic Infusion.

A thick milky white mist penetrated from Bai Pu's pores.

Bai Pu felt lazy and indescribably comfortable.

But then, this feeling of comfort disappeared, and was replaced by a strong heat, flowing between the limbs and bones.

This heat is like the first time I fused Origin Blood, the taste is indescribable.

Fortunately, Bai Pu's ability to withstand pain at this time is extraordinary. He endured the process of Psionic infusion without saying a word.

[You performed a Psionic infusion. Your base attributes are improved. ]

[Your base strength +3. ]

[Your base agility +7. ]

[Your base endurance +2. ]

[Your basic spirit +12. ]

Bai Pu feels comfortable all over, and his basic attributes have increased by 24 points! It's almost as if his attributes have increased by upgrading two levels in a row.

The 24 points of basic attributes are even more exaggerated than the 20 points of the top scorer in the college entrance examination.

However, Psionic injection gives random attributes after all. When strengthening, the main energy flows to the lower shortcoming attributes, that is, agility and spirit.

Compared with free attribute points, the value must be discounted.

Another good news is that under Bai Pu's persistent pure blood watering, the clay tablet with rune writing on it has finally been charged.

[Charged divine text: a special item that can open the second level of the Heart of Evolution talent tree after use. ]

The tips for Spirit World's Will are very simple.

Bai Pu's palm covered the clay tablet and he was asked "whether to use it", and he chose yes.

Suddenly, Bai Pu's heartbeat accelerated, and a strong blood river fighting energy was injected into the clay tablet!

The divine writings on the clay tablets shone brightly, converging into a flow of information filled with mysterious characters and symbols, pouring into Bai Pu's body, all the way to Bai Pu's heart!


Bai Pu's heart felt like being hit by a sledgehammer, and bursts of Venus appeared in front of his eyes, accompanied by a blackening dizziness. If it weren't for his strong endurance, he would have been unable to hold on and passed out.

The clay tablet turned into dried fragments and slowly disappeared.

Bai Pu received further hints from Spirit World’s will:

[You used a charged divine text. The second level of your Evolutionary Heart talent tree is opened. ]

[On the second level of the Heart of Evolution talent tree, each enhancement option requires 3 legendary points to activate. ]

[A: Dual Evolution: Allows you to activate two adaptive evolutionary states at the same time, and obtain the enhanced effect of mimicry after activation. (inactivated) ]

[B: The Origin Lord is coming: your Origin Blood point limit is +1, and your pure blood point limit is +3. All your Origin Blood apostles and pure-blood slaves can join your mind connection and communicate with each other in your mind. You gain the talent skill: Advent. (inactivated) ]

[C: Enhanced Meditation: When you use genetic mental imagery for combat training, your combat skills and proficiency in mysteries will be reflected in reality simultaneously. (inactivated) ]

The three enhancement options on the second level are much stronger than those on the first level.

The easiest one to understand is item C: intensive meditation.

Bai Pu thought of the original sin world and the suffering ceremony presided over by Bishop Aquino, which could cultivate skill proficiency.

But after the option to strengthen meditation is turned on, Bai Pu can practice skills in meditation, and even practice mysteries! The effect is stronger than the suffering ceremony!

Bai Pu can also guess the effects of the other two options.

Item A continues to strengthen adaptive evolution and can use two evolutionary states at the same time.

As for the mimic enhancement effect, it is estimated that in a certain enhanced state, the corresponding attribute or secondary attribute bonus is obtained, such as the molten body state, the fire damage bonus is obtained? Of course this is just speculation.

Item B [The Coming of the Source Lord] is the most interesting. Is this a chat group? Bai Pu is the leader of the group, and the group members are all Origin Blood apostles and pure-blood slaves - it is of great strategic significance.

As for the "Advent" skill that Bai Pu would obtain, he looked up it.

Since Bai Pu's military rank at this time was already second lieutenant, Spirit World finally gave a more positive reply.

[Arrival: Your slaves can spend sacrifices to locate and request your arrival. If you respond to the call of the slave, you will temporarily descend to the target plane world, and the duration is directly related to the energy level of the sacrifice. ]

(End of chapter)

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