Global Evolution: I Transplanted The Supreme Deity Heart

Chapter 40 Bai Pu Handed In A Blank Paper!

Chapter 40 Bai Pu handed in a blank paper!

Sitting in the college entrance examination room, Bai Pu felt surprisingly calm.

The spacious classroom has four rows of desks arranged in the order of 7887, with a total of 30 desks.

Classical music came from the radio: "The Sunshine Always Comes After the Storm", followed by routine discipline education.

"As an awakened person, you cannot cheat in the college entrance examination by relying on your special talents or abilities... Each examination room has Psionic monitoring equipment. Anyone who activates the skill will immediately call the police...

"Once again, the fairness of the college entrance examination is very important, and it is related to the world event awards issued by Spirit World! If a cheater gets a ranking above the silver list, Spirit World will not recognize it. If you lose the world event because of this, If you are rewarded, you will be the sinner of China..."

The two invigilators, like clockwork robots, were busy doing security checks, unpacking, and distributing test papers. When the dust settled and all the candidates began writing furiously, the two invigilators breathed a sigh of relief and stood at the front and back of the examination room, entering into the boring time of counting boxes.

There are four papers in the cultural subjects of the awakening paper: history, philosophy, biology, and geography.

Four test papers were handed out at once, and the examination time was from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., a total of six hours.

Eat lunch? To the restroom?

There's no need for it. As an awakened person, I don't even have this patience. It would be embarrassing to tell anyone.

Different from the subjects before the Psionic era, these four subjects all serve the Psionic civilization.

Bai Pu opened the history test paper and unexpectedly found a short answer question.

"Please briefly describe the famous historical figure in Northern Europe in the 17th century: the life of Friedrich William."

The Elector of Brandenburg, the founder of the Kingdom of Prussia, the ancestor of the German Emperor, Duke Wilhelm, I did not expect that we would meet in this way.

Bai Pu felt a little emotional, and then he wrote it down.

"Friedrich Wilhelm, also translated as Friedrich Wilhelm. Born in the Berlin City Palace in Kern... he continued to expand his territory during his reign, forcing Poland to give up its suzerainty over Prussia... He attached great importance to the development of industry and commerce, He dug canals, rewarded culture, and accepted immigrants... He reorganized the army, suppressed local forces, and strengthened centralization..."

Bai Pu writes about Duke William in the real world and in European history.

As for Flesh Plague: Duke William from the Origin Plane, he is a strong man born under the evolution of the will rules of the Spirit World.

In real history, the more prominent and legendary Duke William's reputation is, the stronger Duke William's strength or influence will be in the Spirit World plane.

This is the relationship between the real world and the source plane - the source plane is a plane world that Spirit World will evolve and generate by intercepting a certain period of history and a certain area of ​​the real world as the background, adding some elements of supernatural power.

Therefore, learning history well will be helpful to the exploration of the Spirit World. Although the historical figures in the evolved Spirit World may have changed beyond recognition, they can at least provide some reference.

After finishing the simplest history volume, Bai Pu opened the philosophy volume.

Scenario essay questions.

"Plane World: Dragon Soul: Revival of Ancient Martial Arts."

"Time: late 19th and early 20th century; location: Asia - China."

"Background: In the land of China where foreign powers are rampant, the Qing government is corrupt and incompetent, and the people are ignorant and numb. Ancient martial arts are unable to resist foreign guns and artillery, and are gradually declining. The earth dragon of Qinling has turned around, the Chinese dragon spirit has revived, and the ancient martial arts that is about to end its curtain is full of new vitality. …”

"Situation: Zhu Hongdeng, the leader of the Boxer Rebellion, sneaked into the Qing court and kidnapped the Empress Dowager Cixi, intending to change the Empress Dowager Cixi's policy of "converting pacification to suppression" towards the Boxer Rebellion, so that the Boxer Rebellion could return to the road of supporting the Qing Dynasty and destroying foreign countries, and fight against foreign countries."

"Please advise Empress Dowager Cixi from the perspective of conflicts of priority."

This major philosophical question is to examine the eloquence of awakened people.

Moreover, the question already hints at the "angle of primary and secondary contradictions." This question is very simple, and there is no alternative answer.

Bai Pu's philosophical theories are very solid. Although he usually doesn't like to talk to others, when it comes to debating, his eloquence is absolutely top-notch.

Soon, a colorful "admonishment" was written.

There is also a biology volume at the back, which examines the awakened person's ability to collect precious parts and materials from demonized demonic plants and mutated monsters; a geography volume, which examines the awakened person's vision for exploring terrain and mining Psionic mineral deposits...

It is absolutely true that education serves the needs of the country. The country now needs awakened people who are capable of collecting and mining Psionic materials, which is reflected in the college entrance examination papers.

It took Bai Pu only two hours to complete the test paper, which took six hours to complete. He also checked it again.

I originally wanted to hand in the paper, but the invigilator waved it off. Handing in the paper was not allowed 15 minutes after the exam started.

Bai Pu did not dare to violate the exam rules, so he could only sleep on the table to replenish his energy.

When the invigilator saw this scene, he shook his head helplessly, thinking that he was another scumbag. Although cultural subjects only account for 20% of the score for the awakening paper, you have to take it seriously. If you sleep during the exam, you may not be able to get into the top eight universities.

It's just that sleeping is not against discipline, so the invigilator will naturally not take care of it.

Six long hours finally passed.

"Hey, hey, this candidate, don't sleep!"

The invigilator silently woke up Bai Pu and took away his answer sheet.

Bai Pu stretched his sore arms, strengthened his muscles, and soon became energetic. He followed the crowd and walked out of the examination room area.

The outside was crowded with parents taking exams, all craning their necks and looking forward to it.

Bai Pu had no one to take the exam. He walked to the school sign of No. 17 Middle School. The old principal with gray hair was struggling to raise the school sign of Xicheng No. 17 Middle School above his head. There were also several teachers from the third grade behind him. .

This is a metaphor for the college entrance examination. If the school badge is held high, the students will perform well. It also has the meaning of "scores passing the line", which is the same as before the Psionic era, when parents wore cheongsam and high heels to take exams.

A group of students had gathered around the school sign. Some people are elated, some are sad.

"Candidates in the cultural class, please don't correct your answers. There are other subjects to be tested later!" Teacher Ren held up a loudspeaker. "Candidates in the combat class, please don't correct your answers. Although your cultural subjects have been tested, there will be simulations tomorrow. Fight, don’t let this affect your performance..."

As for the candidates for the Awakening Paper, there is only one Bai Pu in No. 17 Middle School, so Teacher Ren does not have to hold up the loudspeaker to shout.

Even after shouting like this, there were still students from the combat class who quietly came over and wanted to check the answer with Bai Pu.

Bai Pu took the awakening paper, and the written test part of the awakening paper had the same test questions as the written test part of the combat class.

The difference between the two is that tomorrow's virtual battle is much more difficult than the virtual battle of the Awakening Volume.

Of course, in addition to the virtual combat subject, there is also a Spirit World exploration subject to be tested for the Awakening Paper. Students in the combat class who have not yet awakened do not need to take it.

For students in cultural classes, the majors they can choose in the future are logistics and scientific research.

The cultural class test paper only has a written test part, and the content of the written test does not include the tendency to explore the Spirit World. They test Psionic technology, social and humanities knowledge, and are more in-depth and detailed in these two aspects.

Students in the cultural class do not take the exam for six hours at a time and complete all the written examination content at one time. Their written examination subjects are divided into six sessions, each lasting one to two hours. They only took two exams today, and they will take two exams tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

The girl who came to ask Bai Pu for answers was frightened away by Bai Pu's unfocused and indifferent eyes before she even plucked up the courage to speak.

A boy came over and asked Bai Pu the answer to a certain question.

"Don't ask, Bai Pu didn't do anything. He probably handed in a blank paper!" A student whispered, "After our examination room ended, I passed by Bai Pu's examination room... At that time, the invigilator was waking him up."

(End of chapter)

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