Global Evolution: I Transplanted The Supreme Deity Heart

Chapter 47 Zhao Si Is Possessed By Evil!

Chapter 47 Zhao Si is possessed by evil!

Bai Pu was not wasting his investigative skills, but wanted to verify his guess through this green-armored commander.

"It's exactly what I thought. Since the plane scenes of Three Kingdoms: Red Cliff are to test the candidates' Spirit World exploration performance, the difficulty should naturally be in line with the average level of the candidates.

"I belong to the same batch as those candidates who have perfect scores in virtual combat. The average level should not be lower than Level 4, so the level of the aborigines should be Level 4 or above!"

"The attributes of an ordinary navy commander exceed those of Level 2 elite creatures. Although the combat expertise is definitely not as good as that of elites, it still cannot be underestimated. After all, there are hundreds of thousands of low-level soldiers on this battlefield. What kind of corresponding There are definitely more than 10,000 people! The difficulty of the scene can be imagined." Bai Pu's eyes were dark.

Entered the camp and received meals.

It is worth mentioning that the food served by Sun Wu Sailor was actually good. It consisted of steamed corn rice and pickled fish soup. It was salty and delicious, and Bai Pu ate two more bowls.

Of course, this is also because Bai Pu's group of sailors were rewarded with their first meal just after they got off the ship.

While on duty on a warship, I ate cold dry food, drank filtered river water, and slept on the bumpy river surface. It was really hard work.

According to Zhou Yu's military rules, it often takes ten days (ten days) for sailors and soldiers to take turns to disembark from the ship to rest. The first meal after disembarking is definitely better.

After dinner, Green Armor Chief Zhang Neng led Bai Pu and other sailors to the pre-designated camp to rest.

Suddenly, a group of people gathered around the roadside, seemingly watching the fun! Within the crowd, faint scolding sounds could also be heard.

Zhang Dalang leaned over, listened for a while, then ran back quietly and said to Bai Pu: "There was a sailor who was up to no good. He actually stopped the military prince and suggested a military strategy. He was beaten by the captain."

Bai Pu was awe-inspiring, this "evil" sailor was obviously an awakened candidate like himself.

The military system of the Jiangdong Navy is from lowest to highest: Wu, Shi, Team, Tun, Qu, and Bu.

Five people form a "Wu", and two teams form a "Shi", led by the Wu leader and the Shi leader respectively.

Wushi is a "team", with a team leader; two teams is a "tun", with a team leader.

The commander of the village is a general of a hundred people. There are five villages, that is, five hundred people combined into one "qu", led by military princes.

If you think about the gap between the military commander and the low-level soldiers, there is a whole Level 5 gap, and you will know how ridiculous it is for the low-level soldiers to stop the military commander from making a speech - it is just like a big-headed recruit stopping the battalion commander to teach him how to fight. It must be necessary He was criticized by the squad leader.

Especially in the Three Kingdoms plane, there is a strict hierarchy. Soldiers at the bottom are often illiterate, and their opinions are impossible to be taken seriously by the higher-ups!

In the Three Kingdoms scene, the corps commander obviously did not engage in persuasion and education when dealing with the assassins, but instead used verbal abuse and beatings with sticks!

"This awakened candidate may not be able to bear it..." Bai Pu thought silently. As soon as you enter the plane scene, you are eager to show off yourself, which shows that the other person has an impatient personality.

It is normal for a person with an impatient personality to lose his mind after being insulted and beaten by the team leader!

Suddenly there was a cry of swords and swords, and the crowd onlookers let out a low exclamation!

The crowd broke apart like a wave, and a Daoist figure rushed out with a knife! There were traces of blood on his blade.

"Zhao Si is crazy!"

"He killed the corps commander, go and call the military lord!"

The awakened person "Zhao Si" was obviously good at agility. He ran to the wooden fence of the camp and jumped!


There was a dull sound from the bowstring, and an arrow shot out, hitting Zhao Si right in the back of the heart!

The strong force caused Zhao Si's figure to be thrown high, and then fell heavily! Blood flowed freely like a river. This arrow actually penetrated Zhao Si's defense and killed him on the spot!

The archer is slowly putting away his bow.

He wears a red scarf on his head and half of his body is green leather soft armor. Only his wrists, waist, knees and other important parts are protected by silver armor rings.

He didn't even wear a bra, and his strong chest muscles were wildly exposed, and the copper bell hanging around his neck was particularly eye-catching.

"It's General Gan..."

"As soon as General Gan takes action, Zhao Si will definitely have no way to survive. I don't know what kind of evil he has been possessed by!"

Bai Pu keenly discovered one thing, that is, when "Zhao Si" was penetrated by the feather arrow, a phantom escaped from his body, then turned into white light and disappeared.

This white light is very familiar to Bai Pu, it is the light transmitted across borders!

Obviously, the candidate did not really die, but broke away from the plane scene and returned to reality.

Then the corpse of "Zhao Si" left on the spot should be a blindfold set up by the will of Spirit World, which saves the aborigines from discovering the abnormal sight of the corpse turning into light and disappearing, and thus questioning other awakened candidates!

The "General Gan" that the soldiers call him is dressed like this again. He is probably General Gan Ning who was born as a "Jin Sail Thief".

Bai Pu does not regret using the "reconnaissance" skill early on Zhang Neng, the top leader of the Green Armor.

The reconnaissance skills can only obtain part of the target's information. The stronger the target is compared to Bai Pu, the less information the reconnaissance skills will obtain.

It is estimated that if it is used on Gan Ning, he will only know a name at most, and even the attributes may not be fully checked, let alone the skills.

"What is certain now is that Gan Ning can kill Level 4 elite awakeners instantly."

Bai Pu rubbed his forehead, "The problem is, the Chibi battlefield is full of stars. Although Gan Ning is strong, there are not ten but eight generals who are stronger than him in this battle!"

Not to mention Bai Pu, a small Level 2 awakener, even a Level 4 candidate can only be regarded as cannon fodder on the Chibi battlefield.

Not to mention that the biggest advantage of the Awakened is individual soldiers and small team combat. This kind of group-based large-scale battlefield needs to be avoided at all costs. Bai Pu has made up his mind to escape from the frontal battlefield of Chibi!

Passing by a wounded soldiers camp, there were many wounded soldiers in the camp. They were the unlucky ones who were injured by arrows when the Soochow Navy and Cao Jun shot across the river last time. Several medical officers were busy inspecting the camp, treating injuries and changing dressings.

Bai Pu suddenly raised his hand and said to Zhang Neng, the leader of the green-armored army: "Shangguan, I know how to make medicine and can help Master Yizheng deal with the injuries!"

Zhang Neng turned around and saw that Bai Pu had set the "Alchemist" sub-occupation in his personal panel to exhibition status.

In the eyes of the aborigines, this act of displaying one's secondary profession will automatically transform into the act of taking out an alchemist's certificate or showing off books in one's professional field.

In short, it is a way to prove that one has the professional skills of a certain sub-professional without arousing suspicion among the indigenous people.

Zhang Neng wanted to scold him, but when he saw the "medicine book" Bai Pu took out, he couldn't help but said with joy: "The war is tense now. If you really have such skills, it will be a good thing! I will take you to see a doctor right away." Sir. However, if you are cheating, don’t blame the military law for being ruthless."

Bai Pu said loudly: "I am a branch of the Lu family in Wu County. I have been literate since I was a child and have read medical books thoroughly. If the superior official does not believe me, you can ask the doctor to test it at any time."

"The Lu family of Wu County?" Zhang Neng was suddenly surprised. This is a famous family in Jiangdong.

Zhang Dalang, who was standing next to him, said, "Yes, Lu Aniu... Lu Pu is indeed from the Lu family in Wu County. I heard from my grandfather that Lu Pu's grandfather also studied at the Lu family school."

This is a small piece of evidence that adds to the credibility of Bai Pu's statement.

Commander Zhang Neng then ordered two captains wearing half-body armor to lead the rest of the sailors into the camp. He personally took Bai Pu to the wounded camp to see a doctor.

The doctor, whose surname was Liu, was an old man wearing a blue shirt and a gray beard. He was impatient at first, but when he heard that Bai Pu was from the Lu family in Wu County, he was in awe and said: "Since he is a child of the Lu family in Wu County, he must be talented and learned. However, treating the wounded is not a trivial matter, and one or two things need to be proven.”

Liu Yizheng then gave Bai Pu a bunch of dry weed-like things and said: "This golden flower is very effective in treating wounds caused by swords and guns. Let's make some with it."

Bai Pu took the bunch of dry weeds. He had learned the knowledge of an alchemist in Plague of Flesh: Origin Plane, and had knowledge of many medicinal herbs.

Although Flesh Plague: The Origin Plane is Europe and the Three Kingdoms Plane is Asia, after all, they are all "original planes" intercepted and generated in the long history of the earth, and the principles of medicinal materials are the same! There will only be certain differences when it comes to local specialty medicinal materials.

Bai Pu took out the seeds of Jianjinhua and ground them into fine powder in a small bowl. Then he put the stems and leaves in a soup pot and fried them into a small thick bowl. He said: "The powder is applied externally and the concoction is taken internally." , can stop bleeding and relieve pain.”

Doctor Liu was stroking his beard and said with a smile, "Of course."

Zhang Neng, the commander of the green armor, was also quite happy. He patted Bai Pu on the shoulder and said, "You follow Liu Yizheng to make medicine. I will report to the army and transfer you to the wounded soldiers camp for treatment."

The sword has no eyes, and Zhang Neng is also worried about what to do if he is injured. Now that there is an acquaintance named Bai Pu among the doctors in the wounded barracks, it is undoubtedly an extra layer of insurance.

(End of chapter)

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