Chapter 54 Unknown Black Glue

"Steel Heart!"*2

The sounds of surprise from Iron Crocodile and Cuttlefish sounded low.

Bai Pu sat across from the two of them, raised his hand to stop their questioning, and said, "Time is tight. I know all the questions you want to ask. Let me show you the answers directly."

While he was talking, Bai Pu had already taken out the [Identity Jade Plaque of the Lu Family in Wu County] and set it to exhibition status.


Their eyes suddenly intertwined with desire.

"How did you get it?"

"Can we get it?"

The two spoke almost at the same time. After discovering the problem and crashing the car, the two laughed awkwardly again.

Cuiyu forced himself to calm down and took a breath: "Gang Xin, Tie Crocodile and I tried to find some small tasks among the gangs in Chaisang City yesterday, but found nothing."

Bai Pu said calmly: "This is normal. You are Sun Quanjun's medical doctors, and you are in officialdom. You are in subtle opposition to the Jianghu gangs in Chaisang City! Of course they will not accept you, let alone assign you tasks. .”

After taking a sip of tea, Bai Pu continued: "Fortunately, the main camp in the current plane scene is the confrontation between Cao Jun and Sun Liu's coalition forces. The conflict between Sun Quanjun and Jianghu gangs is in a hidden state. Otherwise, you will come to find us, It’s possible to be directly attacked.”

"Then how can you join the Lu family of Wu County?" Tie Crocodile was puzzled.

Bai Pu smiled and did not mention that his original identity was a descendant of the Lu family. This is a privilege for him, a Level 2 awakener, to enter the difficult Middle Level plane scene (4~Level 6)!

"I have a way for you to join the Sihe Gang." Bai Pu said, "The premise is that you will obey my command."

"Okay!" Neither of them had any objections. At this time, they did not dare to underestimate Bai Pu's level.

Bai Pu was not surprised by the actions of Iron Crocodile and Cuttlefish to understand current affairs.

This is the personality and behavior of the two people that he deduced based on their hard-working and dirty behavior in the wounded barracks the day before yesterday!

Bai Pu took the two of them and bought several herbal medicines in the medicine shop. They also purchased the goods from the shop selling donkey glue next to them, and then used alchemy to mix them.

His identity is Sun Quanjun's medical doctor who is responsible for purchasing large quantities of medicines. Stores do not dare to sit down and raise prices.

Even so, there are two precious materials that still cost Bai Pu a full one hundred dollars!

Bai Pu used the money to purchase large quantities of medicinal materials, and this hundred dollars was not much compared to military expenditures! If you go back and make an account of the money and spread it evenly among the expenses of various large purchases, there will definitely be no clues.

In order to gain the trust of Liu Yizheng, in addition to meeting the favorable opinion level, it is also crucial that Bai Pu comes from a well-known family.

An unknown boy from a poor family would definitely not be able to shoulder such a big task as purchasing military supplies.

Anyway, this military expenditure cannot be brought out of this plane, so it will not be wasted.

After two hours of experimentation, Bai Pu finally created a gel that was extremely sticky and had a pungent smell.

The prompt of Spirit World’s will came:

[Unknown black glue: E-class prop. Special items prepared using alchemy combined with Chinese traditional medicine knowledge. Sprinkling this item forms a large-scale deceleration field, reducing the movement speed of everyone in the field by (3) points. Duration: 15 minutes]

[Warning: If the strength attribute of the affected person does not exceed 5 points, he will be completely fixed by the glue and enter a state where he cannot move. ]

Literally speaking, reducing movement speed by 3 points represents a change in movement speed by 3 points of agility.

In this difficult Middle Level scene, the strong aboriginals often need dozens of points of agility, and the movement speed deduction of 3 points of agility is actually quite useless.

The key is that this thing doesn't distinguish between friend and foe. Anyone who steps on it will have to slow down.

However, Bai Pu went to great lengths to deploy this thing, and the purpose was not to deal with the strong aborigines.

But it is used to deal with miscellaneous soldiers!

South of Chaisang City, there is a large stronghold of the Red Lotus Society. Bai Pu and three other people sneaked in and sprinkled [unknown black glue] all over the floor directly outside the door of the meeting hall where the enemy's strong men gathered!

In the meeting hall, there is the reclusive second-in-command of the Red Lotus Society, a Level 6 elite!

There are also five middle-level cadres who were summoned, all with levels four to five. Their templates are between the standard template and the elite template. They can be called "quasi-elite" level characters.

When the battle started, there were a large number of Red Lotus people outside (weak template). After hearing the alarm, they just wanted to rush into the meeting hall, but they were stuck to the black glue on the ground. Every time they raised their feet, there were countless elongated ones. Black filaments, struggling to move.

Only gang members with a strength value of more than 5 points and a certain level of strength can break into the meeting hall.

However, Bai Pu blocked the door and directly activated the flesh and blood armor!

The imprisoned Red Lotus Society weakened the gang and became a constant source of shield value for Bai Pu! Those elite gang members slashed at Bai Pu's back with knives. They could only cut ripples on the shield, but could not break the shield at all!

Even the middle-level cadres of the Red Lotus Society who wanted to rush out of the hall, the attack fell on Bai Pu who was blocking the door, but it was not painful or itchy!

Only the second master is a rare person with spiritual specialties. He opens a yellowed Confucian classic and recites small words and righteous words. His words of sages are like a bell and a big Lu, constantly impacting Bai Pu, causing magic damage without attributes!

This is one of the abilities of this face scholar: verbal confrontation!

But Bai Pu struggled to withstand these injuries by relying on the flesh and blood armor shield that was replenished in time.

In the meeting hall, Iron Crocodile and Cuttlefish finally wiped away their evil spirits, showing the powerful fighting power of the awakened geniuses.

Iron Crocodile is a Level 4 enhanced elite profession "Savage Slayer". He wields a large ax and jumps in the air to slash. With the cooperation of Cuttlefish, he forcibly split a middle-level cadre into two pieces!

Cuttlefish is an enhanced elite professional "puppet master" with a control type. Her fingers stretch out thin transparent lines, like operating a puppet, and the thin lines tightly wrap around the enemy's joints.

Even if the opponent passes the dual determination of strength and agility and is immune to the manipulation of the cuttlefish's puppet spider silk, he will still be disturbed, making his movements stiff and slow!

Iron Crocodile and Cuttlefish wanted to show their worth in front of Bai Pu, so they fought particularly hard. With Bai Pu in front to block the enemy, they can also deal as much damage as they want.

However, Bai Pu secretly marveled at Level 4's enhanced elite output and control capabilities. Iron Crocodile and Cuttlefish were even more surprised by Bai Pu's ability to withstand beatings!

You must know that Bai Pu is only Level 2. Facing the second-in-command at Level 6, he will even have to bear 40% extra damage based on level suppression! With such a terrifying additional damage bonus, even a tank of this level may not dare to say that it can escape unscathed, but Bai Pu was able to withstand it.

Soon, the first batch of weak gang members behind Bai Pu fell.

The rest of the gang did not dare to step forward. In their eyes, the black glue on the ground is like an invitation from the Lord of Hell!

Without these weak helpers to provide a source of shield, Bai Pu's pressure suddenly increased.

This is also the weakness of the professional skill "Flesh Armor". As long as the enemy is a little smarter and knows how to avoid it temporarily, Bai Pu will be able to do nothing. Although the flesh and blood armor lasts for up to 120 seconds, once it is turned on, it will last until the end of the time. There is no operation to turn it off and on again.

"If you go in, you will be helpless, and if you go out, you will be invincible to foreign patients, and the country will perish!"

The second master of the Red Lotus Society shouted another verbal attack, this time it was a long sentence, it took a long time to accumulate power, and it was full of power!

As soon as he shouted out one sentence, there seemed to be transparent Literary Aura gathering. The second master was panting slightly, obviously he had spent a lot of money.

Transparent ripples rippled in the air, and a series of substantive words crashed into Bai Pu's chest.

Bai Pu seemed to have been hit by a battering ram, his sternum cracked, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

This blow... the damage exceeded 100 points!

Fortunately, Bai Pu saw that the situation was not going well and activated [Unstable Shield], which offset 57 points of damage. Otherwise, if he received more than 100 points of spell damage in a single time, he would have been seriously injured and disabled.

[Your natural ability: Adaptive Evolution can store a new form: Negative Body. It is detected that your saved form is 4/4. Please delete one of the existing forms and save a new form. ]

Bai Pu did not hesitate to delete [Icy Body], which was used to deal with frost damage, and then directly activated the Negative Body!

(End of chapter)

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