Global Evolution: I Transplanted The Supreme Deity Heart

Chapter 58 Difficulty Of S Level Missions (Additional Updates After Reading 500)

Chapter 58 Difficulty of S Level Missions (Additional updates after reading 500)

The giant cat is quite domineering and does not allow other offspring to eat after it appears.

There was a smaller crocodile that looked like a "baby" and was still tearing at a pig's intestines. Suddenly, the giant crocodile's tail swept away and flew the little crocodile away. Bai Pu could even hear it clearly. The bone crackling sound!

The little crocodile rolled on the spot several times, not knowing whether it was alive or dead.

What a strong explosive power!

Bai Pu's eyes twitched. He immediately used the investigative skills of the title [Eagle Eye] on the giant deer.

[Jiang Tao’s Mother (Leader Level 5)]

[Race: Beast/Reptilian]

[Attribute: Strength? ? ? , Agility 24, Stamina 89, Spirit 21]

[Skill 1: Thick Skin: Passive, the mother of Jiang Tao gains 1000 extra health points. ]

[Skills 2~4:? ? ? ]

Up to 89 points of endurance!

Bai Pu's eyes shrank. Such a high endurance attribute means strong defense - 89 points of natural armor and natural magic resistance!

As for the health points, Bai Pu couldn't guess how many health points Jiang Tao's mother would have.

It stands to reason that the bigger the body, the stronger the vitality. With such a huge body, every point of endurance attribute can derive at least thirty points of health, right?

Including the skill 1 [Thick Skin] that has been explored and the additional 1,000 health points gained, this giant cat probably has three to four thousand health points!

Bai Pu smiled bitterly and muttered to himself: "S Level difficulty."

Compared with the last main mission [Cut off the Bloody Hand], the difficulty of killing this mother river cat is also S Level, but the "objective difficulty" is very different.

Mission difficulty is calculated based on world strength.

The world strength of [Flesh Plague: Origin] is only 1.5, while the world strength of [Three Kingdoms: Red Cliff] is as high as 2.4!

It is also an S Level mission. One is to deal with the Level 3 boss, and there are also native masters such as Qin Scholar, Adjutant Zweig and others to help. The other is to deal with the Level 5 boss, which must be completed independently!

The body of Zhang Gu, the second leader of the Red Lotus Society, trembled slightly. He retained his independent consciousness and thinking ability, so he naturally felt fear!

"Not urgent."

Bai Pu's calm voice comforted Zhang Gu, "Let this big guy eat and drink first."

Zhang Gu turned his head and said in a trembling voice, "My lord, you added poison to the bodies of live pigs and sheep in advance, right?"

Bai Pu smiled and said: "I added some ingredients, but it's not's an aphrodisiac!"

At this time, the crocodiles in the field were already agitated! The crocodile offspring, who had eaten and drank enough at first, crawled irritably, and the frequency of their noses trembled significantly accelerated. This was a sign of estrus!

There was a crocodile offspring about three meters long, which hungrily climbed onto the back of the mother river cat with evil intentions——

Of course, in its eyes, the extremely strong body of the mother river cat is so sexy and beautiful, and she is definitely the first choice among all the female river cat cats present!

This is the evolutionary instinct of survival of the fittest in animals, and the genetic selection of natural selection!

The mother of the river cat swung her body impatiently and swung it seven or eight meters away with a flick of her tail.

The crocodile offspring seemed to be awake, wagging its head and tail to look for other females of its kind. The group of crocodiles in the field were excited for a while, and collectively staged a restricted action movie!

And after Jiang Tao's mother had eaten and drank enough, she naturally joined in!

"it's time."

Bai Pu let out a sigh of relief and strode to the valley pass! He raised his arm shield with his left hand, but took out a scarlet dagger with his right hand.

+3 crimson curved dagger! The dagger with a 10% life stealing effect has been shelved by Bai Pu because it requires 10 points of basic agility.

Now it comes in handy! Bai Pu used the third drop of pure blood that he had just "eaten" in the past two days to strengthen himself, gain 7 points of free attributes again, and allocate them all to agility!

Bai Pu's agility value has now reached 16 points, and his movement speed is equivalent to 21 agility points. Using the combination of dagger + arm shield will undoubtedly take advantage of his small size and flexibility!

Also activated is the quenching effect of the Manticore's Sting!


Bai Pu slashed his mother's flank with a knife, kicking off the battle.

[Your normal attack caused 2 points of sharp damage to Mother Jiang. ]

The corner of Bai Pu's mouth twitched slightly, which was what he expected - Mother Jiang's armor up to 89 and level 3 suppression are not just decorations!

Being able to break through defenses is already pretty good.

Direct damage is not the point, the Spirit World will prompt message that appears later is the key!

[Your attack causes a poisoning effect on the mother of Jiang Tao. The current number of poison layers: 1 layer, causing 3 points of poison damage per second! ]

[Manticore's Sting]'s +4 special effect: Toxin purification: Makes the Manticore's poison ignore the opponent's resistance and can cause full damage!

Unreduced damage is Bai Pu's confidence in killing Jiang Tao's mother!

Jiang Tao's mother just thought she was being tickled and didn't care about the weak enemy beside her! Its long tail swung and struck like a whip.

This attack looks slow, but it's actually very fast!

Bai Pu couldn't dodge this strike. He immediately activated [Fluid Skeleton] and raised his arm shield to block!

Fortunately, his agility is now comparable to that of Mother Jiang, otherwise he would not even be able to block in time.


There was a sound like a metal collision, Bai Pu's body shook violently, and his health dropped by 42 points!

"If successfully blocked, Mother Jiang Tao can still cause more than 80 points of theoretical damage to me..." Bai Pu took a deep breath and could only say that he was worthy of being a Level 5 leader!

Fortunately, with the toughness of [Heavy Armor Mastery], Bai Pu was only knocked back one step, otherwise he would have been a trapeze artist.

However, taking this blow gave Bai Pu confidence. He waved the dagger and made another shallow wound on the side of Mother Jiang's mother!

Jiang Mao's mother was stabbed twice in a row, and her flick of the tail failed to kill Bai Pu, and she felt vaguely angry.

It suppressed the rising feeling of estrus in its body, opened its big mouth, quickly turned around and bit Bai Pu!

Bai Pu immediately pulled back! Looking at the two rows of giant jaws that looked like door panels, Bai Pu didn't want to try.

The biting movement of the mother of the river catfish is slower than the tail-sweeping movement, so Bai Pu can still avoid it.

Gege! Mother Jiang's teeth collided with each other, and her fishy breath roared out. With so much energy, Bai Pu's body was a little unsteady.

Relying on the toughness of his proficiency in heavy armor to stabilize his figure, Bai Pu slashed the mother of Jiang's nose with another slash!

This knife completely angered Jiang Ma's mother!

The crocodile's nose is inherently a weak point. Bai Pu's knife was like scratching a man's most important male characteristic.

The mother of the river cat roared, and a strong wind seemed to rise from the plains, blowing away the sand, gravel, and grass!

[Based on your spirit, you have obtained the following battle information. ]

[Jiang's mother's skill: Activate at the mother's command. ]

[Mother's Order: Give Jiang Tao's heirs within a fifty-meter radius an incentive effect. They will not be afraid of pain. When an attack hits, it will increase (3) points of fixed damage that ignores defense, and its attack speed will increase by (10) points! ]

The mother of the crocodile found that she was too big to deal with the humans in front of her, so she immediately called her descendants of the crocodiles, swarmed up and tore the opponent into pieces!

However, most crocodiles are now in a state of copulation! Even if Jiang Mao's mother ordered them to leave "Gentle Township" immediately and come to fight, they would still be extremely reluctant.

What's more, they have just had enough food and wine, and they are too lazy to move?

So with this roar, only two immature baby crocodiles crawled over!

The two young crocodiles, only about one meter long, attacked Bai Pu one from the left and the other from the right.

Bai Pu raised his arm shield to block one. Hidden behind the shield, the crimson curved dagger suddenly stabbed into the soft belly of the young crocodile, stabbing continuously!

Another young crocodile bit Bai Pu's back and tore off a mouthful of flesh and blood! You must know that Bai Pu is in the state of fluid skeleton at this time, and has no defense against blunt blows, but no defense against sharp injuries.

Bai Pu's face was stern, he turned around and found the young crocodile that was swallowing flesh and blood in its mouth, and struck with his dagger continuously!

The mother of the crocodile and the two young crocodiles were infected with three levels of poison at the same time, and had to withstand 9 points of poison damage per second!

The dense toxins in the bodies of the one large, two small and three crocodiles dispersed wisps of blood-red mist.

The blood lines on the crimson curved dagger seemed to come alive, sucking in the blood mist and injecting it into the body of the holder - Bai Pu!

The life stealing of the crimson curved dagger takes effect, absorbing 10% of the damage value for Bai Pu every second!

Because the toxin is quenched into the crimson curved dagger, the poison damage is considered to be caused by the crimson curved dagger! Naturally, the blood-sucking runes on the curved dagger will be triggered, which will trigger the blood-sucking special effect.

Bai Pu's health increased abnormally, jumping at a rate of 2.7 per second!

I asked the editor today and found that the number of paid follow-up readings has increased to more than 600, which is considered a mid-range score. As promised, Laoya will provide 500 additional updates to all benefactors.

This book will be updated on November 3rd. Due to an electronic contract failure, the signing was a week late, which led to a late recommendation. So far, it has only been on the test push for a week and the smart push for half a week. The exposure is not high, and the collection is only 5,000 or 6,000. . Fortunately, with the support of all my benefactors, old and new, I was able to reach the 600-year mark, and Lao Ya is already very satisfied.

The editor suggested that I put it on the shelf because the recommendation effect of the Science Fiction Channel is weak. Instead of just tepidly adding to the Science Fiction Channel's new book list, it is better to put it on the shelf with more updates, and the client recommendation effect will be better.

In this case, Lao Ya thinks, let’s put it on the shelves. The main reason is that the editor also wants to show off his firepower.

★I won’t write a speech. Those who think it’s too long can read the abbreviation below:

First, there will be a free version at 5 pm on November 30 (today).

Second, this book will be released in the early morning of December 1st (tomorrow), with ten updates. I beg you all to support me and subscribe.

Third, based on the additional order of 500, for every additional 100 additional orders, one update will be added! This commitment is permanent.

ps: The original name of this book is "The Heart of Evolution". It has a completely different style with the same world view as "Eye of Evolution", but it is more refreshing. Lao Ya's original intention of writing this book was to make up for the regrets of the Eye of Evolution. Please rest assured that quality is Laoya’s eternal pursuit.

Please subscribe! Please subscribe! Please subscribe!

(End of chapter)

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