Global Evolution: I Transplanted The Supreme Deity Heart

Chapter 63: Combining Chinese And Western Elements To Break Down Barriers

Chapter 63: Combining Chinese and Western elements to break down barriers

"you're awake?"

Taoist Master Xiuqing's voice sounded, "I thought you were going to sleep for two more hours."

After a deep sleep, Bai Pu's mental strength and blood fighting spirit have been fully replenished, and his health points have also returned to full value, and he is full of energy.

He hurriedly got out of bed, bowed and said, "I am glad that I have fulfilled my duty. Please give me some advice from the Taoist Priest!"

Taoist priest Xiuqing sighed: "After this battle, you have realized how difficult Alchemy Technique is. Just collecting medicinal materials involves the risk of life and death! Do you still want to learn it?"

Bai Pu was overjoyed, half-kneeling on the ground, and said sincerely: "If I am eager to learn, I hope that the Taoist master will record it on the door wall, and I will definitely carry forward the Alchemy Technique of Huilongguan in the future!"

Taoist Master Xiuqing shook his head and said: "You are a member of the military. I cannot accept you as my disciple. However, I can still tell you about the method of alchemy. How much you can learn depends on your understanding."

After receiving permission, Bai Pu pretended to suddenly remember and took out the second heart of the mother of the river cat: "Taoist priest, that giant cat has a special physique. It actually has two hearts. I forgot in the middle of my busy work."

Taoist Master Xiuqing showed a look of approval on his face: "You are very careful, which is a necessary condition for becoming a good alchemist. I can't ask for this heart from you in vain. You can exchange it with me for anything you want."

Bai Pu shook his head and said: "I'm afraid that Alchemy Technique is so advanced that I won't be able to learn it properly."

Taoist Master Xiuqing thought for a moment, accepted the second heart, swept the dust and said: "You come with me."

Bai Pu followed Taoist Xiuqing and came to a quiet room. The furnishings inside were simple and neat. The most eye-catching thing was a large cauldron placed in the room!

Taoist priest Xiuqing took out the hearts of two giant foxes, and then took out a jade-like skeleton, took out a batch of medicinal materials from the grid of the medicine shelf next to it, and said slowly:

"Since I got two dragon hearts today, plus Pindao's treasured demon tiger bone, I can refine a batch of dragon and tiger pills. Just keep an eye on it..."

At the moment, Taoist Xiuqing opened the furnace and explained the medicine to Bai Pu.

Bai Pu was pleasantly surprised. Obviously, if Taoist Xiuqing was given only the heart of Mother Jiang, he would only be able to verbalize the experience of Alchemy Technique, and what he would impart to Bai Pu was unknown.

But after all, it is a job transfer task approved by the will of Spirit World. Bai Pu has achieved the task goal, so even if Taoist Xiu Qing is not satisfied, he has to agree to pass on the secrets of Alchemy Technique orally.

At this time, Bai Pu took out a second heart and gave Taoist Xiuqing an unexpected surprise! Taoist Xiuqing naturally could not remain silent, so he naturally wanted to improve his "treatment" a bit, from oral transmission to personal demonstration.

If he had taken out two hearts from the beginning, he might not have been treated like this.

Bai Pu carefully watched Taoist Master Xiuqing refining the elixir, and listened to his detailed key points, and could not feel the passage of time.

After a day and a night, a faint morning light appeared in the east.

The medicine cauldron vibrated slightly, and with a swish sound, blue and white gas was sprayed out from the mouth of the cauldron, forming two tangled monster patterns!

One monster is slender, like a crocodile and a lizard; the other monster is a tiger with two wings on its back.

"See clearly, the elixir is now ready, and it's time to collect it with the elixir formula."

Taoist Priest Xiuqing came out with both palms and slapped them on both sides of the tripod mouth! Under the surging force, the lid of the medicine cauldron rose up.

Under the stimulation of the heat of the medicine cauldron, several green and white elixirs shot out into the air!

Taoist Master Xiuqing made a secret with his right hand, and the blue and white elixir seemed to be pulled by energy, flying towards his palm and automatically falling into a black wooden box.

"Dragon Tiger Pill is dry in nature and needs to be stored in a special willow box so as not to lose its potency."

Bai Pu nodded repeatedly when he heard this, and many realizations flashed through his mind.

The Alchemy Technique of the Chinese Dao Sect and the alchemy knowledge he learned in Flesh Plague: Origin World have similarities in many places and can be combined and understood.

Spirit World will prompt message came:

[You learned the Taoist Alchemy Technique from the natives. ]

[S Level job transfer mission: Alchemist, completed. ]

The moment he got this tip, Bai Pu felt warm all over, and all his attributes were enhanced to varying degrees!

Bai Pu's level went straight to Level 3 in an instant! The experience gauge even reached around Level 320% before stopping.

It is indeed an S Level mission, and the professional experience it provides is extremely rich!

Bai Pu couldn't help but remember that he also completed several tasks in the plane world of Flesh Plague: Origin. However, it seemed that the promotion had not been completed through the trial at that time, and the experience points given by the main mission were wasted.

The message of Spirit World’s will continues.

[Your secondary profession: Alchemist has a job change option: Taoist Alchemist. ]

[You can choose to transfer to a hidden sub-profession: Taoist Alchemist, or choose to give up the transfer and keep the Alchemist sub-profession. ]

[To change classes, please pay 20,000 Psionic points. ]

Bai Pu first checked the description of [Taomen Alchemist].

[Taoist Alchemist: A hidden sub-professional that combines ancient Chinese Taoist Alchemy Technique and ancient European alchemy. ]

[Professional ability 1: Combining Chinese and Western medicine: You can learn ancient Chinese elixir recipes and ancient European alchemy recipes, and have a probability of combining them to create new products. The conditions for you to refine elixirs are relaxed, and the efficacy of alchemy potions is increased. ]

[Professional Ability 2: Breaking Barriers: You have a certain probability of learning the Transcendent drug production method of the 'Phantom Plane'. ]

When Bai Pu saw the two major professional abilities, he directly paid 20,000 Psionic points to switch to a sub-professional class!

Although he only saved less than 30,000 Psionic points in total, he did not hesitate. Fortunately, after killing Jiang Tao's mother, I gained 5,000 Psionic points from the opponent's treasure chest, otherwise I would really be destitute.

After a significant reduction in Psionic points, Bai Pu finally became a glorious "Taoist Alchemist"!

Just the first professional ability "Combination of Chinese and Western" already has all-round advantages over the original alchemist.

The second professional ability "Breaking Barriers" is even more incredible.

The fantasy plane is opposite to the "source plane".

The source plane is a plane world formed by intercepting the true history of a certain era and a certain region of the earth and adding the power of Transcendent to evolve.

Therefore, much of the Transcendent knowledge in the Source Plane is closely related to the basic disciplines of the Earth. For example, alchemy and Alchemy Technique are inextricably linked to the pharmacology of the Earth.

The fantasy plane is based on the fantasy of human collective consciousness as a blueprint, adding the power of Transcendent to evolve, and fill in the perfect plane world!

For example, the ancient mythical fantasy of human collective consciousness, or heaven and hell, and the future of starships traveling the universe...

I haven’t heard of any awakened person successfully obtaining the sub-profession of the fantasy plane. Even the props (including drugs) from the fantasy plane are rarely able to bring back reality.

Now Bai Pu has changed his profession to the hidden profession "Taoist Alchemist", and has a probability of learning the formula of the phantom plane!

No one has it but I have it, this is irreplaceable!

"This pill is for you." Taoist Master Xiuqing took out a Dragon Tiger Pill and handed it to Bai Pu.

Bai Pu was a little embarrassed. When he first met Taoist Xiuqing and was rejected, he even thought about whether he could kill him and reveal the books and items needed for the job transfer mission...

The polite words were almost on his lips. Bai Pu glanced at the introduction of Longhu Dan and couldn't help but widen his eyes! He coughed to hide his embarrassment.

[Dragon Tiger Pill (Middle Grade): A Spirit Pill that can enhance the body of a mortal. Taking Dragon Tiger Pill for the first time can increase strength, agility, and endurance by up to 3 points each. The effectiveness of the medicine will decrease significantly with subsequent use. ]

Taoist Priest Xiuqing raised his hand to stop Bai Pu's modest movements, and said gently: "It doesn't matter, this pill is the second dragon heart given to you as a reward. Practitioners pay attention to not having any worries, so don't refuse. .”

(End of chapter)

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