Chapter 68 Just as Bojo expected

Duo! Duoduo!

Three consecutive vibrating sounds of a bow string came.

The blood spider's figure suddenly fell out and hit the camp door!

She was hit by an arrow in each of her left and right shoulders, and her left leg was also hit by an arrow. The three arrows pinned her body firmly to the camp gate, making her unable to struggle at all.

Blood gurgled along the wooden pillars of the camp gate.

Gan Ning put away his big bow and walked over slowly.

"I missed her vitals and left her alive."

Gan Ning snorted and said, "As expected by Bo Yue, the enemy did send an assassin specifically to kill the rookie in our army who has become famous recently! I want to see who sent her."

Bai Pu shook his head and said, "I'm afraid I can't ask."

Sure enough, when Gan Ning walked to the camp gate, he found that the blood spider had died! A stream of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth.

"I don't know who sent the dead soldiers. They are so powerful." Gan Ning looked solemn.

Bai Pu, however, could not say that the Blood Spider was an awakened candidate and that he came to kill him just to eliminate his competitors.

From his and Cuttlefish's perspectives, they could see the slightly illusory figure of the blood spider disappearing into light, apparently returning to the real world.

"General Gan, although he didn't get the chance to survive, killing the assassin was a great achievement. At least our soldiers no longer have to worry about being attacked by assassins."

Bai Pu could only console him.

Gan Ning looked a little regretful. He had been defecting to the Sun family in Jiangdong for a long time, but he had never had any good opportunities to make meritorious deeds.

At that moment, Gan Ning waved his hands indifferently and said, "Forget it, Bo Yue is frightened, go and have a good rest!"

"How did you know that the Blood Spider would come to assassinate you?" When Cuiyu cleaned Bai Pu's chest to stop the bleeding and tied a bandage, he couldn't help but ask the same question as the Blood Spider.

Her eyes were filled with surprise and admiration.

Bai Pu said: "Remember what I mentioned to you and Tie Crocodile that a few familiar names are missing from the top ten in the score list?"

Cuttlefish nodded and said: "There are a few names that have not been used, and they were quickly surpassed by others."

"The scores of those people are tied to the Overlord's score, and they have been increasing proportionally with the Overlord. Therefore, those people must be members of the Overlord team.

"At that time, I was thinking that Bawang's score was obviously still rising. How could his team members keep their scores fixed and be surpassed by others one after another."

Bai Pu breathed a sigh of relief, "And the most important thing is that Blood Spider's score rushed to the second place on the list overnight. Combining these two points, I guessed that the silent members of the Overlord team were probably assassinated... ...Being driven back to the real world! And the one who did this was the Blood Spider!"

Squid opened his eyes wide: "You mean, blood spiders can get points by killing awakened candidates?"

"Not just the blood spiders, we can too."

Bai Pu then set a Spirit World will prompt message to the exhibition state.

[伱forces the Blood Spider to escape from Three Kingdoms: Red Cliff Plane scene. You will receive a score bonus equal to (20)% of your opponent's current total score. ]

[As of the time of separation, the Blood Spider's score is: 266 points. ]

[You have been awarded 53 points, and the current total score is: 325. ]

"Obviously, the rules of Spirit World will have changed this year, and such a hidden rule has been added."

Bai Pu said slowly, "Not only can you get points for exploring the Spirit World, but you can also get points for 'killing' Awakened candidates! The Blood Spider has killed several candidates from the Overlord Team. After tasting the benefits, it will naturally increase its hunting intensity!

"As for me, a rookie who ranks first in the score list but is only level two or three, it is normal for me to be her priority target."

"There was no such rule in the past..." Cuttlefish murmured.

Bai Pu said: "If Spirit World's will is to operate rules for a certain goal, then it must have its purpose in designing such a hidden rule. The college entrance examination is the weather vane of education, and future combat class education is likely to turn the awakened ones into The internal fighting among the students has been listed as a key course."

"Could it be that... the purpose of Spirit World is to cultivate the ability of awakened people to fight among themselves?" Cuttlefish said, "Why?"

"Actually, this is very true, because if you kill the Awakened in the Spirit World, you can get the bloody treasure chest, which is a profit in itself."

Bai Pu is quite sensible, "I think that maybe the will of Spirit World will at some point... need us awakened people to take action to fight for His interests in certain situations where it is inconvenient for Him to take action. I'm afraid what we will face then is yes……"

Bai Pu stopped here. He felt he had said enough.

"It's impossible..." Cuiyu felt like she was reshaping her outlook on life. In her impression, the will of the Spirit World should be omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. How could it need the help of a little awakened person?

Bai Pu stopped talking and returned to the house.

The blood spider's trouble has been solved, and Bai Pu's score has also risen to a high score of 325. If there are no unexpected events, he is already the first place at this stage, and is 59 points ahead of the second blood spider and ahead of the third overlord. 80 points!

The next suspense depends on the upcoming storyline of the Battle of Chibi and how many points other candidates can get.

Bai Pu restarted refining medicine and continued to accumulate proficiency in his sub-profession. He glanced at Cuttlefish and said, "If you are willing, you can go to Gan Ning's direct troops first. I will handle this matter for you."

Cuiyu asked in confusion: "Why choose Gan Ning? Judging from the plot, Huang Gai is the military commander who has the most scenes of burning Red Cliff."

Bai Pu said: "At the beginning, Bawang strongly participated in the plot, killed Kan Ze, and seized Huang Gai's false surrender letter. Zhou Yu imprisoned Huang Gai just to make a show! Therefore, Huang Gai could not continue to falsely surrender. The implementer."

"Do you think Gan Ning will be the one who carried out the false surrender plan?" Cuiyu responded.

Bai Pu hummed and said: "Yes, if I were Zhou Yu, Gan Ning is indeed a good substitute. He does not belong to the Huaisi Group, is not a veteran who followed Sun Ce to conquer the world, and has changed his masters many times. Records, his current reputation may not be much better than Lu Bu's, and it is easier for Cao Cao to believe in his surrender.

"As for the evidence... At that time, Gan Ning once interceded for Huang Gai and was punished by Zhou Yu. This is a piece of evidence. How could a Confucian commander like Zhou Yu punish an innocent man when the enemy was in front of him if he didn't use tricks? The general at fault?"

Cuiyu was sincerely convinced and smiled sweetly: "Thank you so much for thinking of me. Well, I will go to Gan Ning's command tomorrow."

"I have a must deliver the news on the battlefield to me in a timely manner, especially the Overlord's movements!"

Bai Pu said calmly that he has always believed that fair trade is the long-term solution. Even donating a set of virtual combat equipment was to thank the old principal of Xicheng No. 17 Middle School for giving him the college entrance examination qualification.

Cuttlefish was a little embarrassed and felt that he was being sentimental. But looking at Bai Pu's bright and handsome face, she couldn't dislike it, so she could only agree in a low voice, turn around and leave.

For the next time, Bai Pu has been quietly refining medicine in Xidaying. News from the battlefield came one after another through Cuttlefish's channels.

Pang Tong presented a series of tricks, Gan Ning presented a letter of false surrender, Zhuge Liang ascended the Seven Star Altar...

The southeast wind picked up, Gan Ning led 20 fire boats, took advantage of the wind and threw them to the north of the Yangtze River, burning Red Cliff!

[There are still twenty-four hours until the exam ends. ]

[The next list scores will be updated in real time, and every hour, the candidates' positions on the list will be announced to all candidates. ]

Bai Pu had no expression on his face after hearing this announcement.

As early as when Spirit World announced the top ten list, Bai Pu predicted that this day might come. From all indications, Spirit World clearly encourages candidates to compete with each other.

Therefore, Bai Pu returned to the Sanjiangkou camp in advance and placed himself under the protection of aboriginal military officers. In this way, even if other awakened candidates want to touch him, they have to think twice!

"The Battle of Chibi is on schedule, and the final drama is coming..." Bai Pu murmured to himself.

"Steel Heart! Overlord's remnant team is on the move. They are gathering strength and preparing to surround and kill an aboriginal general!" Squid hurriedly arrived to deliver the news.

"Who to kill?" Bai Pu looked up.

"Cao Zhang."

(End of chapter)

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