Chapter 70 Kan Ze’s headscarf

Before Bai Pu could speak, Overlord took out something and set it to exhibition status.

It was a scribe's scarf. At first glance, it looked gray and inconspicuous, but if you look closely, it seemed to be separated by a layer of fog, giving off a hazy sense of beauty.

[Kan Ze’s headscarf (encapsulated)]

[Quality: Azure Bronze Level]

[Equipment requirements: 10 points of basic spirit]

[Equipment slot: head]

[Attribute: Spirit +4]

[Additional skill 1: Circle cutting: Passive, the wearer recovers an additional 1 point of mental power every minute. ]

[Additional skill 2: Chapter Nine: Detect targets through mathematical calculations. The stronger the wearer's mental power, the more accurate the detection results will be. ]

[Durability: 32/35]

[Explanation: Kan Sheng is outstanding, and he is the leader of Shu. ]

Azure Bronze Level famous relic?

Bai Pu was shocked, he didn't expect the overlord to be so generous.

Named relics, only the source plane and a few fantasy planes will produce them.

To be precise, only after the death of a "celebrity" in this plane world, there is a certain probability that famous relics will appear!

According to the celebrity's fame and the spread of famous relics, it can be divided into Azure Bronze Level, White Silver Level, Yellow Gold Level, etc.

For example, Guan Yu's Azure Dragon Yanyue Sword. If an awakened person can kill Guan Yu, then the Azure Dragon Yanyue Sword will appear in the drawable cards as a famous relic equipment (whether you can draw it depends on your luck).

Famous relics are generally related to the deeds of historical celebrities. Famous relics above White Silver Level generally have the characteristics of being "unique in the world" and are much more sophisticated than ordinary equipment.

For example, this [Kan Ze's headscarf], as an Azure Bronze Level famous relic, not only has 4 attributes added, but also has two skills! Almost beyond ordinary hero-level equipment.

Bai Pu, who originally refused to trade, quickly changed his mind: "How are you going to trade?"

If it does not affect the ranking of the top pick in the college entrance examination, Bai Pu is still inclined to trade. After all, the Overlord has given too much.

But if Bawang takes this as a condition and asks Bai Pu to help him get the top prize in the college entrance examination, Bai Pu will definitely not agree.

Because the benefits of being the top scorer in the college entrance examination are huge, not to mention this Azure Bronze Level famous relic, even ten pieces are not enough!

"My request is very simple. You cannot encourage Gan Ning to intervene in Cao Zhang's battle." The Overlord thought for a while and then said, "Neither other aboriginal generals! Also, I will persuade Gan Ning later to divide the troops to search. You You have to express your approval.”

"So simple?" Bai Pu narrowed his eyes, feeling more and more unusual.

In order to eliminate Bai Pu's interference, Overlord was actually willing to pay for such a famous relic and equipment, which shows how seriously he attached importance to killing Cao Zhang.

After thinking carefully, Bai Pu nodded: "I agree."

"Let Spirit World's will be notarized, and I'll pay for it." Overlord followed and said.

Spirit World will notarization is an effective means to prevent awakened people from breaking their promises. The more severe the punishment measures agreed upon by both parties, the higher the notarization fees will be.

The punishment agreed upon by the Overlord is very clever - defaulters will lose their qualifications for the college entrance examination. The cost of such notarization is not high.

Bai Pu readily agreed. He got a bronze relic [Kan Ze's headscarf] in exchange for a promise, and he felt like he had made a lot of money.

Of course, this is also because Bai Pu has an important official position. As Gan Ning's lieutenant, his affinity with Gan Ning is the highest in the game, and it is worthy of the Overlord's efforts to "buy it"!

The overlord's mind is so straightforward that Bai Pu can completely grasp it.

The purpose of persuading Gan Ning to divide his troops was to facilitate the Overlord and his men to move freely, avoid Gan Ning's eyes and ears, and pursue Cao Zhang!

As for why it was only agreed that "not to encourage the indigenous people to intervene" but not restrict Bai Pu's intervention?

This may be the arrogance of the Overlord. In his heart, he does not regard Bai Pu as an opponent that can threaten him - maybe he secretly hopes that Bai Pu will come over and steal Cao Zhang's kill without mercy!

When Gan Ning is not present, Bawang is confident that he will teach Bai Pu a good lesson.

The reason why Bai Pu agreed was very simple. He wanted to know what secrets Cao Zhang had hidden in him that made the Overlord pay so much attention to him!

In other words, Bai Pu also wanted to kill Cao Zhang.

Of course, Bai Pu did not forget the importance of being the top scorer in the college entrance examination. He agreed to the Overlord's request because he had already arranged a backup plan.

No matter what Overlord can get from Cao Zhang, Bai Pu can guarantee himself the first place Spirit World exploration score!

When the warship docked, Gan Ning led his army on a walking boat and landed in the north of the Yangtze River.

The river was covered with ashes of burned boats and oars, and Cao Jun's corpses piled up in mountains on the north bank. In order to avoid immune diseases, Sun Quanjun had to recruit civilians and transport corpses for burial.

In this battle, Cao's army suffered extremely heavy losses.

It is said that there are 800,000 troops, but now there are only a few thousand people left, and they are still scattered under the command of Cao Jun generals. There are at most a few hundred personal guards around Cao Cao!

The Overlord suddenly said: "General Gan! Why don't we divide our troops to search for traces of Cao Cao's thieves? If we find any traces of Cao Cao's thieves, we will immediately set off a signal. The general will lead his troops to come. We can capture Cao Cao with one blow!"

Gan Ning hesitated and looked at Bai Pu: "What do you think Bai Pu?"

Bai Pu said with a smile: "What I'm saying is that if we divide our troops to search, even if we can't find Cao Cao, we are very likely to find the remnants of Cao Cao's army."

Gan Ning nodded heavily: "Okay!"

He immediately ordered several hundred generals under his command to lead their troops into the dense forests north of the Yangtze River and search for Cao Cao's traces along the way.

The Overlord was one of the hundred generals (tunnel commander), so he took the order and left.

Seeing the Overlord disappear, Bai Pu also asked Gan Ning for orders. Gan Ning readily agreed and asked Bai Pu to lead a hundred personal guards to search for the enemy.

These one hundred personal guards were basically direct descendants of Gan Ning.

Bai Pu requested that two generals, Zhu Qiang and Zhou Meng, accompany him. Gan Ning smiled and agreed.

In fact, even if Bai Pu didn't say anything, Gan Ning planned to send a confidant to follow him.

This is both protection and surveillance. Bai Pu is the inventor of first aid ointment, which is very important! Although the possibility was slim, Gan Ning still wanted to prevent Bai Pu from surrendering to the enemy.

Fortunately, Bai Pu was from a noble family in Jiangdong and could not join the defeated Cao Cao, so Gan Ning was willing to let him go. Otherwise, Gan Ning would never let Bai Pu leave his side, or even let him leave the Sanjiangkou camp!


Zhou Meng frowned and gathered a group of soldiers.

This group of soldiers belongs to the Overlord. In the words of the soldiers: The commander (overlord) thought that the target of the Centurion was too large and the search efficiency was too poor, so he broke it into parts and asked each corps commander to lead five soldiers to search for the enemy.

This is already the fifth team of soldiers that Zhou Meng has gathered.

Bai Pu squinted his eyes, he was becoming more and more curious.

You know, it is impossible for Cao Zhang not to have personal guards around him - as Cao Cao's biological son, it is completely normal to have several personal guard leaders like Zhu Qiang and Zhou Meng around him!

Originally, Bai Pu thought that the Overlord was going to use these 100 Jiangdong soldiers to stop Cao Zhang's personal guard leader and create an opportunity for himself to challenge Cao Zhang.

Overlord participated in the plot in a high-profile manner and deliberately planned to climb up. Wasn't it just for this day?

Bai Pu frowned and thought. The Overlord dismissed his subordinates, obviously because he was afraid that he would plant spies and find out his location! But for this reason, is it possible to abandon such a powerful aboriginal support?

Unless... the Overlord has found a new helper!

Cuttlefish followed Bai Pu and whispered: "What should I do?"

"It doesn't matter if we can't find the Overlord's location, we just need to find Cao Zhang."

Bai Pu took the army map, called two soldiers who participated in the Battle of Fenjiang, and asked Cao Jun about the location of Hanzhai.

The two soldiers didn't know much, but they knew the location of Cao Cao's central army tent! This is enough.

As Cao Cao's own son, if Cao Zhang goes on an expedition, he will definitely be stationed in the Chinese army's tent.

Cao Zhang is from the north and is not used to water and soil. There is no record of his appearance in the Battle of Red Cliff in the novel, and there is no mention of his existence in various descriptions such as Huarong Dao...

Considering various possibilities, Cao Zhang did not follow Cao Cao into the water village, and staying in the dry village is the most reasonable explanation.

So what will Cao Zhang do when the fire breaks out?

Cuiyu said excitedly: "Chibi is defeated. Cao Zhang, who is in the middle army, will be able to evacuate safely as soon as possible. How about we stay on the road to Nanjun?"

Bai Pu shook his head: "No, Cao Zhang's first choice should be to go to the battlefield to find his father, Cao Cao!"

During the Han Dynasty, the country was founded on filial piety. Chibi was defeated, if Cao Zhang only focused on escaping for his own life, and if word spread among those around him, he would definitely be ridiculed!

Even Cao Cao would be disappointed with his son after he escaped from trouble.

Therefore, whether it is subjective intention or not, Cao Zhang will immediately move closer to the flagship of Cao Jun's water village, where is Cao Cao's main battleship!

(End of chapter)

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