Global Evolution: I Transplanted The Supreme Deity Heart

Chapter 72 Steel Heart! Do You Dare To Break Your Promise?

Chapter 72 Steel Heart! Do you dare to break your promise?

"General Lu, what should we do?" Zhu Qiang and Zhou Meng asked. Their attitude towards Bai Pu actually stems from Gan Ning's attitude towards Bai Pu.

Gan Ning attaches great importance to Bai Pu, so when the two subordinates face Bai Pu, they will naturally not despise Bai Pu because of his low strength.

"The remnants of the Yellow Turbans seem to be in a stalemate with Cao Jun. Our enemy is Cao Jun! If we want to join the battle, we should kill Cao Jun first, and then turn around to deal with these remnants of the Yellow Turbans!"

In order to prevent Zhu Qiang and Zhou Yuer from becoming interested in Cao Zhang, Bai Pu deliberately did not mention Cao Zhang's origins. "That Cao Jun general has extraordinary strength. I will try to kill him! The two generals will not compete with me for this credit." Bar?"

The two generals looked at each other and Zhou Meng said: "We are generals of General Gan's family. Our honor and disgrace are all tied to the general. Why should we take credit? It's just that this matter is important and needs to be reported to General Gan."

He called several soldiers and gave instructions orally.

Bai Pu did not stop him. After all, it was an agreement in advance to search for the enemy and report any important information to Gan Ning immediately.

Although Cao Zhang's identity has not been announced, any aboriginal can tell that the Fangtian painted halberd he holds is extraordinary, and they can guess that Cao Zhang is a trusted general of Cao's army!

Zhu Qiang and Zhou Meng were originally Jinfan thieves and were loyal to Gan Ning. Even if Bai Pu blocked them, they would insist on passing on the news.

Bai Pu joined the battle, while Zhu Qiang and Zhou Meng led their troops to attack and kill Cao's army.

Cuttlefish also joined the battle group. Beside her, there are two other powerful elite leaders with bandages on their bodies, cooperating with her in fighting.

Cuttlefish specially selects the elite leaders among Cao's army, such as the captain of Cao Zhang's personal soldiers, and activates the puppet silk thread and spider web skills to slow down the opponent's speed! The two bandaged elite leaders took the opportunity to attack.

Some Awakened candidate candidates nearby saw this scene, and they all gloated a little - being co-operated by the aboriginal elites in fighting sounds very cool, but in fact, you know the pain, the probability of the treasure box falling is ridiculously low, and the rewards will be huge. shrink!

But the cuttlefish had a calm expression and was not impatient.

Strangely enough, every time Cuttlefish participated in killing an elite enemy, he received a blue treasure chest. He actually obtained three blue treasure chests in a row, and never failed! This made other candidates secretly puzzled, and they could only attribute it to Cuttlefish's good luck.

These are all trivial details, the core battlefield where Cao Zhang is located——

Overlord and Kuang Chan had already discovered Bai Pu. The Overlord even found out that Gan Ning's soldiers had gone to summon him.

"Steel Heart! How dare you break the promise?" Overlord shouted angrily in a low voice.

"The agreement between you and me is that I cannot encourage Gan Ning or other aboriginal generals to intervene in the battle to kill Cao Zhang! Now that I am Gan Ning's trusted general, I must tell Gan Ning about this matter. Naturally, it cannot be regarded as a violation on my part. Agreement."

Bai Pu looked calm and said in a calm tone, "It will take time for the soldiers to find Gan Ning, and it will also take time for Gan Ning to get here! In my estimation, it will take at least twenty minutes. If within twenty minutes, it will still take If you can’t deal with Cao Zhang, you might as well wipe your neck.”

Although Cao Zhang's current explosive strength is quite terrifying, Bai Pu is sure that neither Overlord nor Kuang Chan used their full strength!

You must know that they had made a plan to kill Cao Zhang alone before chasing him here.

If the think tank teams behind the two companies are not stupid, they should know Spirit World’s principle of equal risk and return! Since Cao Zhang possesses such an important treasure as Lu Bu's relics, his strength cannot be inferred by common sense!

Overlord and Kuang Chan looked at each other, but neither took action against Bai Pu.

Overlord was in the same camp as Sun Quan's army, so under the watchful eye of Gan Ning's generals, it was difficult for him to attack.

Kuang Chan had other thoughts - based on his current scores, he had the smallest chance of winning the top spot in the college entrance examination. He also wanted to win over Bai Pu, so he was unwilling to come forward at this time.

In the eyes of the two of them, Bai Pu, a Low Level awakener, would not be able to make much contribution to the battle even if he participated in the battle, and would definitely not get any benefits in the end.

Bai Pu's output ability is indeed not strong, but when he participates in the battle, his idea is not to achieve high output, but...

Touching porcelain defense!

Cao Zhang struck out with one strike, and Bawang and Kuangchan simultaneously stepped back and jumped away.

Their agility is much higher than that of Bai Pu, so they can handle it with ease. As a result, Bai Pu was the first to bear the brunt and faced that terrifying black-red painted halberd!


The vibrating sound sounded, and Bai Pu's figure swayed. After taking two steps back, he actually stabilized his figure! Step over to the top again.

Overlord and Kuang Chan’s eyes widened.

Can he actually carry Cao Zhang holding Fang Tian's painted halberd? !

Even if the block is successful, the strong counterattack force is not something that ordinary tank professions can withstand.

Their minds were spinning. Could it be that Bai Pu had some powerful defensive shield that could reduce damage in an extremely exaggerated way?

But if you look carefully, you will see that in Bai Pu's hand, there is only an ordinary iron shield. It was hit by Fang Tian's painted halberd, which has left broken cracks and its durability dropped sharply.

This shield is the regular equipment of the shield commander at the bottom of Sun Quan's army. In terms of quality, it is only white! Spend ten merit points and redeem them at the quartermaster's office, and there's no limit!

Cao Zhang strikes out again! Bai Pu once again raised a shield to meet him, but this time the shield broke into four or five pieces, and the fragments flew out.

Bai Pu was also knocked out!

But this time he was knocked away, it was Bai Pu who did it deliberately. He took the opportunity to distance himself from Cao Zhang!

It took about three seconds for him to take out a new iron shield from the storage space.

Then he pushed it up again!

Judging from his calm appearance, I don't know how many similar shields he had prepared.

These shields themselves are nothing. Bai Pu's real strength is the ability stored in his [Adaptive Evolution]: Fluid Skeleton!

After successfully blocking with a shield, most of the sharp damage of Fang Tian's painted halberd will be offset, and the remaining counter-shock force will be converted into blunt damage, which will be reduced by 50% again by [Fluid Skeleton]!

Bai Pu's shield mastery is only advanced to Level 2. Why can he block successfully every time?

This is due to Bai Pu's abnormal observation and memory.

Through observation, Bai Pu found that it was quite difficult for Cao Zhang to control Fang Tian's painted halberd. He should have relied on the halberd technique left by Lu Bu, but he had not mastered it yet, and he felt rigid in every move.

Although it is powerful, its shortcomings are also obvious, that is, it is rigid, inflexible, and lacks flexibility!

So Bai Pu memorized Cao Zhang's routine of wielding a big halberd!

For example, if you raise your right shoulder and expand your left foot, it must be a counterattack at an angle of 30 degrees from above; another example is a lunge attack, which must be a big halberd smashing down and a mountain pressing down on top!

With such a memory, Bai Pu can predict the enemy's plans first, master the expertise with a relatively Low Level shield, and block successfully every time!

Of course, using a shield to block polearm attacks, if you only defend without attacking, has certain advantages, but you don't need matching combat expertise to do it.

Based on the above reasons, even if Cao Zhang had up to two levels of suppression on Bai Pu and had a terrifying relic weapon like the Fang Tian Painted Halberd, he would not be able to kill Bai Pu in a short time.

Bawang and Kuangchan no longer doubted Bai Pu's defensive ability. One time might be a fluke, and blocking twice in a row meant that Bai Pu did have the ability to withstand Cao Zhang!

When Spirit World calculates combat contribution, it not only calculates output contribution, but also calculates defensive contribution!

If the two of them hesitate any longer, even if they manage to kill Cao Zhang in the end, most of their contribution to the battle will be taken away.

(End of chapter)

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