Chapter 74 You’re cheating!

[Your poison effect caused 9 points of damage to Cao Zhang. ]

[Cao Zhang dies. ]

After Cao Zhang died, a golden treasure box engraved with dark golden patterns floated out.

Bai Pu, Kuang Chan and Ba Wang almost reached out their hands and pressed on the treasure chest at the same time!

However, no one has the right to directly pick up the treasure chest!

This situation means that the kill contributions of the three are similar, and no one has absolute dominance!

The three of them chose to pick up the treasure box at the same time, and the result was——


With a soft sound that only the awakened could hear, the treasure chest turned into three. In the rich golden light, it condensed into three keys, which fell into the palms of Bai Pu, Kuang Chan and Overlord respectively.

Bai Pu checked the prompt information of Spirit World's will.

[You have obtained the golden key (Cao Zhang). Use this golden key to summon Cao Zhang's loot chest. You only have one chance to draw a loot card. ]

[Warning: There are (3) golden keys that belong to Cao Zhang’s loot chest. Items drawn by other Awakeners first will not appear in your loot card list. ]

Bai Pu understood that these three golden keys are equivalent to the three passages leading to Cao Zhang's treasure chest!

All three are eligible to draw. If Bai Pu draws Fang Tian Hua Ji first, then Fang Tian Hua Ji will not appear in the remaining loot cards, and Overlord and Kuang Chan will definitely not be able to draw.

In fact, regardless of special circumstances, the probability of the three of them drawing Fang Tian's Painted Halberd is the same. There is no difference whether they draw it first or later.

However, Overlord is obviously not a character who leaves his destiny to others. After he got the golden key, he immediately chose to summon the treasure chest and extract it!

Bai Pu calmed down. He wanted to see the extraction process of the golden key first and see if there were any secrets that he didn't know.

Overlord clicks on the loot card first.

The card is flipped over, revealing the image of a helmet.

Kuang Chan laughed loudly, but the Overlord looked as usual. Three bright silver dice images appeared above his head, spinning in the air!

Three sixes! leopard!

Kuang Chan's face changed sharply, and he lost his voice and said: "You are cheating!"

Bai Pu narrowed his eyes, what could have made Kuang Chan, who was in a deep state in the city, so excited?

[Duke Wei's lead-filled dice], silver famous relic jewelry.

There are no additional attributes, only one additional skill——

[Repent: When drawing loot from treasure chests with quality below the boss level (including leader level), if you are not satisfied with the loot, you can draw it again before the item appears. ]

[+4 Special Effect: Cheating: When loot cards are redrawn, a special secret mark will appear on the back of high-valued cards. ]

[Warning: Using the regret skill will completely damage the lead-filled dice. ]

This is equipment, not props.

Props are not allowed into the examination room, but equipment does not have this restriction!

Therefore, Bawang's move was not considered cheating and would not affect the fairness of the college entrance examination. Kuang Chan's angry shouting was only aimed at the skill effects of lead-filled dice.

With a click, the shadow of the silver dice above the Overlord's head cracked and disappeared into fragments. This silver famous relic jewelry was destroyed.

At the same time, in the loot card list, the helmet was forcibly flipped back! The loot cards whizzed around again, and rows of cards reappeared.

Four of the cards that appeared this time had the silver marks of lead-filled dice on the backs!

Kuang Chan had already used the golden key with a sullen face. He wanted to draw the card before the Overlord's second draw, and try his best to get the chance to draw Fang Tian's painted halberd!

The same goes for Bai Pu, his reaction is even faster than Kuang Zen.

When Kuang Chan turned pale and exclaimed, Bai Pu had already chosen to use the key to extract.

Therefore, Bai Pu's card drawing speed is faster than Overlord's secondary drawing.

In front of Bai Pu, the cards were flipped.

Unfortunately, it was not the halberd drawn by Fang Tian, ​​but the pattern of a book.

The Overlord laughed heartily, and a black-red halberd appeared in his hand.

[Lü Bu’s Fangtian Painted Halberd·Pseudo]!

Kuang Chan was the last one to draw the card, and a heart-protecting mirror appeared in his palm. Although it was also valuable life-saving equipment, his face looked extremely foul.

Why is there a word (pseudo) behind Fang Tian’s painted halberd?

Bai Pu figured it out after a moment of thought.

When I first entered the Three Kingdoms: Chibi Plane, Spirit World’s will reminded me:

"In this plane, you can obtain all loot normally (except items that are unique in the world)."

Obviously, Lu Bu's Fangtian Painted Halberd - tentatively regarded as a dark gold-level famous relic equipment - is a unique item in the world.

The piece of equipment that Overlord drew should be considered a replica of Lu Bu's Fang Tian Painted Halberd. Compared with the only genuine item in the world, it must be missing something.

Of course, looking at the expressions of Overlord and Kuang Chan, it is not surprising that the (pseudo) word behind Fang Tian’s painted halberd was already known to them.

What makes Overlord and Kuang Chan value it so much is that, in addition to the considerable power of this Fangtian Painted Halberd (fake), it can also be converted into a large number of points!

On the real-time list, Bawang's score suddenly jumped by 200 points, reaching a high of 514 points.

200 points, what is the concept?

Bai Pu completed an S Level sub-professional job transfer task and successfully took up the hidden sub-professional "Taoist Alchemist", which only increased by less than 200 points.

In comparison, Kuang Chan's score only increased by 35 points - the score converted from the heart-protecting mirror was not bad, but it was incomparable to Fang Tian's Painted Halberd.

The item Bai Pu drew was a fragment of a scroll.

The converted score is 40 points. Current total score: 414.

Bai Pu glanced at it and quickly put the book away.

"Gangxin, what did you draw? Show it to me?"

Bawang, who topped the score list, was very proud and said to Bai Pu with a smile.

At this time, he not only returned to first place, but also led Bai Pu by a full 100 points!

Seeing that the exam time is coming to an end, Bai Pu cannot make up for this 100-point gap no matter what.

Although Bawang did not get full marks in the cultural subjects, the weight of Spirit World exploration subjects is as high as 60%, and the weight of cultural subjects is only 20%!

"In the final calculation of the total score, I will definitely be the first!" Overlord felt pleased with himself.

Bai Pu ignored it and opened blue treasure boxes one after another with the cuttlefish, and the score began to rise slowly.

"Don't distribute these treasure boxes, all the points will be given to you." Cuiyu obviously knew that Bai Pu was at a critical moment in the fight for the top prize.

"No need." Bai Pu shook his head and refused.

After dividing the treasure box, Bai Pu's score increased by 42 points to 456.

Overlord breathed a sigh of relief. He had almost missed Bai Pu and there were still a few treasure chests that he had not drawn. He almost opened the champagne in the middle of the game.

Now it seems that Bai Pu's score is still 58 points behind, and the first place is still his own.

Gan Ning finally arrived.

However, Gan Ning's face looked very ugly when he looked at Cao Zhang who was still staring at death.

He hurriedly followed slowly, but was still a step too late and missed the opportunity to kill Cao Jun's general!

At this time, the remnants of the Yellow Turbans had escaped, and Gan Ning could only vent his anger on Cao Zhang's remaining soldiers, killing them all without leaving any prisoners.

Something happened that made Gan Ning even more unhappy.

"General Gan, let me tell you something." Bai Pu walked to Gan Ning.

"What's going on?" All Gan Ning could think about now was finding another general from Cao's army to kill.

"Before I went to the war, I taught Liu Yizheng how to make first-aid ointment." Bai Pu said softly.

"Yes." Gan Ning nodded. After all, Liu Yizheng was the army physician at the West Camp and could be regarded as Gan Ning's subordinate. What Bai Pu taught Liu Yizheng did not mean that Gan Ning could still control the spread of the first-aid ointment.

"I also wrote the method of making first-aid ointment into a letter and sent it to Lord Zijing." Bai Pu said calmly, "Counting the time, Lord Zijing should have found Liu Yizheng."

As if to confirm Bai Pu's words, Bai Pu's reputation with Sun Quanjun began to soar, and his scores also began to rise!

This chapter fixes a BUG:

Duke Wei's lead-filled dice is a silver relic, not a golden relic.

In terms of settings:

Azure Bronze Level famous relic equipment is between blue equipment and gold equipment.

White Silver Level famous relic equipment is between gold equipment and dark gold equipment.

Yellow Gold Level relic equipment is worth more than dark gold equipment.

(End of chapter)

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