Chapter 78 Limit Breaker

[Lingyuan 806 China's national unified college admissions examination officially ended. ]

[World Event: The Huaxia College Entrance Examination ensures basic fairness and is confirmed to be valid. Rewards will be issued to awakened individuals with excellent scores. ]

[Your ranking is: No. 1. ]

[You have obtained the hidden title: Limit Breaker. ]

[Limit Breaker: All combat expertise and skill levels of you and your servants + Level 1. You ignore the shackles of levels and rules and can improve your combat expertise without limit. This title requires no equipment and is permanently passive. ]

Bai Pu sat beside a pile of broken bones and watched the prompt message suddenly sent by the will of Spirit World.

The limit breaker is obviously the hidden title obtained by Bai Pu who broke the 1000-point score limit of the college entrance examination awakening paper.

The first half of the Limit Breaker title is easy to understand. All combat feats and skill levels are increased by Level 1, which is of course an excellent reward.

But the second half is a bit intriguing.

What does "ignoring the shackles of hierarchy and rules" mean?

The level of the awakened person is very important. When a High Level awakened person faces a Low Level awakened person, he or she will receive an additional damage bonus based on the level difference, as well as damage reduction!

On the other hand, level also determines the upper limit of combat expertise——

For example, Bai Pu is a Level 3 awakener. No matter how hard he practices, his combat expertise can only reach Level 399%. He will never be able to pass Level 4 anyway.

But now, with the hidden title ability of [Limit Breaker], Bai Pu can have combat expertise beyond his own level!

This is often the exclusive property of the powerful natives of the Spirit World.

Generally speaking, for the weak template of a Spirit World creature, the feats are lower than its own level; for the standard template, the feats are equal to its own level.

For elite and enhanced elite templates, the expertise is one level higher than the level; for the leader template, the expertise is more than two levels higher than the level!

Of course, there are counterexamples, such as Cao Zhang. Although he is a leader template, his combat expertise is not high, probably because he is young and not proficient in martial arts.

This is also an important reason why Overlord, Kuang Chan and others are confident in killing Cao Zhang alone.

"The passive ability of this title...the improvement itself is already very high, and the growth potential is even more amazing."

Bai Pu made a judgment.

He is not a newbie in combat now, but he has experienced many battles. He knows very well how important combat expertise is.

It can be said that four-dimensional attributes and combat expertise are the two legs that constitute the strength of an awakened person, and one is indispensable!

If an awakened person has a powerful attribute panel but does not have matching combat expertise, he will easily be defeated by strong men of the same level.

Bai Pu is quite satisfied with this title. He also noticed that [Limit Breakers] could not only ignore the shackles of levels, but also the shackles of rules!

Although Bai Pu could guess the second half of the meaning, he didn't have a firm idea yet, so he put it aside for the time being.

He can be sure that ignoring the shackles of rules is definitely a very strong ability, and the effect will be greater the further you get to the Late Stage.

The reminders of Spirit World’s will continue to come:

[Congratulations on winning the first prize in the Chinese College Entrance Examination in Lingyuan 806. ]

[You have won a lottery opportunity for the No. 1 pick in the roulette wheel. Do you want to extract now? ]

Bai Pu chose Yes, and a huge dark gold roulette wheel quickly appeared in front of him, shining with a low-key and noble dark gold luster, and only the central pointer was purple.

The dark gold roulette wheel is evenly divided into four areas, each area has a different pattern.

Bai Pu checked them one by one.

The first pattern is a humanoid silhouette with arms bent upward and showing biceps. It represents "personal attribute enhancement". If you win, you should be rewarded with free attribute points.

The second one is the pattern of weapons and armor, which naturally represents "equipment". It is said that the highest level of equipment is dark gold level.

The third one is the pattern of scroll and inkwell, which represents "props".

The fourth is the pattern of the coin, which represents the Psionic point.

This should be something that no one wants to draw. Although the reward is a lot of Psionic points, a large number of free attribute points, dark gold equipment and rare props cannot be bought with Psionic points!

"As long as it's not Psionic."

Bai Pu moved the purple pointer.

The pointer started to rotate whirringly, and after an unknown number of revolutions, it gradually slowed down.

Bai Pu's heart was inevitably raised - he could not affect the pointer at this time. Seeing the pointer crossing the prop area step by step and entering the Psionic point area, his anxious mood was really indescribable!

Fortunately, although the pointer is as slow as a turtle, it still crawls tenaciously through the Psionic point area and enters the area of ​​personal attribute enhancement.

"The personal attributes are very good." In fact, this is what Bai Pu wants most.

Because the equipment will be full one day, but the attribute points will not. Wan Zhen, the top pick last time, drew 20 points of free attributes, which Bai Pu felt was more precious than a piece of dark gold equipment.

However, the pointer failed to meet expectations, slowly but resolutely entering the "equipment" area, and finally stopped.

In the equipment area, a burst of dark golden light surged, mixed with halos of white, green, blue, gold and other colors.

Bai Pu felt something bad in his heart. Should he give himself a piece of whiteboard equipment? Thinking about it, it can't be so outrageous.

Finally, the green light took over. In the flash of green light, a piece of equipment was suspended in front of Bai Pu.

[You have obtained the set: Iron Waistguard of the Immortal King. ]

[Iron Guard of the Immortal King (Encapsulated)]

[Equipment quality: green (set)]

[Equipment requirements: Basic strength 20]

[Equipment field: waist]

[Attributes: Strength +2, Endurance +5]

[Additional skill 1: Expansion: The wearer's storage space is increased by (10) cubic meters. ]

[Additional Skill 2: Quick Arming: Allows the wearer to obtain two quick equipment areas and be able to quickly switch weapons during combat (the backup weapon needs to be put in in advance)]

[Durability: 40/40]

[Explanation: The mountains are flattened, the oceans are exhausted, but I am immortal. ]


Bai Pu narrowed his eyes. The suit was a level independent of the white, blue, and gold equipment system, and was identified by a unique green color.

Generally speaking, the attributes of the green suit itself are not outstanding and are equivalent to the level of a piece of golden equipment. But if you can assemble the suit parts and light up the suit's special effects, it will be very scary!

Bai Pu put this piece of equipment away temporarily.

He felt that the greatest value of this suit was the transaction. Judging from his currently impoverished Psionic Points account and empty storage space, he was unable to purchase other parts of the [Immortal King] suit.

On the contrary, if you sell it to a strong second generation who is in urgent need of [Immortal King] set parts, you may sell it at a very high premium, allowing you to develop faster and better in the early stage.

The dark gold roulette has not disappeared, and the reminder of Spirit World's will comes again.

[You have drawn green equipment: Iron Waistguard of the Immortal King. The valuation of this equipment has not reached the expected reward standard of the No. 1 pick roulette. ]

[The remaining valuation will be quantified and awarded to you. You can choose to quantify in terms of Psionic points or free attribute points. ]

No need to ask, Bai Pu decisively chose the quantification method of free attribute points.

[Quantification completed. You have obtained 7 free attribute points. Please complete the addition within 1 minute, otherwise the free attribute points will disappear. ]

Bai Pu originally wanted to keep the free attribute points and use them at critical moments. With this one-minute limit, he didn't think much about it and just added strength.

His basic strength climbed to 19 points, and including equipment bonuses, it reached a high of 29 points! It is 3 points higher than the main attribute endurance.

It’s not that Bai Pu doesn’t value endurance, but the equipment requirement of 20 points of basic strength for this [Immortal King’s Iron Waistguard] reminds Bai Pu——

The high-quality equipment that will appear in the future will often have high basic strength requirements, so preparations must be made for rainy days.

As for endurance, you can wear endurance attribute equipment to make up for it.

The Dark Gold Roulette turned into a stream of smoke-like particles and dissipated.

"It turns out that the No. 1 Scholar Roulette is like this. It will reward the awakened person with the corresponding valuation! Even if you are very unlucky and get the whiteboard equipment, you should be able to compensate the awakened person in the way of valuation. The final benefit is equivalent to a piece of dark equipment. Valuation of gold equipment.”

Bai Pu stood up and continued fighting and training on the third level of the White Bone Cave.

(End of chapter)

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