Chapter 8 Admiration: Heartbeat

The sense of urgency rose, and Bai Pu took a deep breath: "It seems that we need to kill the Bloody Hand Golem as soon as possible. I am very curious, since the Duke has great strength, why not kill the Bloody Hand Golem before returning?"

"Because we don't know the exact location of Bloody Hand Golem. If we know the exact location, it would be no problem for the Duke to stay here for a day or two, deal with Golem and then leave... But aimless search will only delay his assembly. Army’s precious time!”

Qin said, "The coastline on the northern shore of the Baltic Sea is too long. Although the militiamen formed a search team, they could not find Golen in a short time."

Bai Pu raised his hand and said: "The three blood ring strongholds that have been destroyed, where are the secret orders found? Can you let me take a look?"

Qin glanced at Bai Pu strangely. She felt that Bai Pu's temperament seemed to be a little different, like a sharp sword that had just been polished off and its sharp edge was revealed.

"Adjutant Zweig, please let Mr. Dio read the secret order. He is trustworthy." Qin suppressed the strange feeling in her heart and helped speak.

If Qin's favorability towards Bai Pu is very low, she will not pay attention to Bai Pu at all, let alone ask for help. But she is now "friends" with Bai Pu, and it is normal for her to offer help.

Adjutant Zweig, who was beside Duke William, nodded in agreement and handed the three secret orders to Bai Pu.

Above is a series of obscure symbols, and below is a Latin translation written in delicate handwriting.

"This is the secret order of the Blood Ring Fortress. Even if the enemy captures it, they can't read it without the code book. Fortunately, Ms. Yvette can help decipher it." Qin came close to Bai Pu, her breath carrying a hint of sweetness. the taste of.

"Judging from the wording, these three secret orders should have been issued by Bloody Hand Column at the same time, right after he successfully landed in Branden's territory!"

Bai Pu raised his head and looked at Zweig, "Do you have a map? Can you mark the locations of these three blood ring strongholds on the map?"

Duke William became somewhat interested. He motioned to Adjutant Zweig to fetch a map and hang it up. He marked three locations with "X" in his own handwriting.

Bai Pu's eyes glanced at the map. Mountains, hills, basins, village settlements...the terrains of each place passed through his mind and turned into parameters.

The difficulty of transmigrating complex terrain such as mountains, hills, basins, etc., the possibility of detours, and the time spent on additional journeys...

Bai Pu once again requested daily military intelligence reports from various local village militia groups. He flipped through several thick piles of reports page by page, as fast as counting banknotes, making people wonder if he had read the text of the report carefully.

The credibility of military intelligence reports, the likelihood of encounters between village militias and Blood Circle soldiers, the time spent...

A large amount of information gathered in Bai Pu's mind and turned into dry and cold numbers, which were rapidly calculated in Bai Pu's brain.

Finally, Bai Pu's finger pointed to a coordinate.

"Since Bloody Hand Column came across the sea, the most likely place for him to land is here."

Several senior Aboriginal people gathered around.

"Bolheim?" Qin called out a place name with a hint of surprise on her face, "Is it so close to us?"

Adjutant Zweig shook his head and said: "It's impossible. Borheim is very close to Stettin. Ever since the Duke arrived here, Borheim's militiamen have come to report military information every day. There is no trace of the Blood Ring invasion."

"Everyone, please take a look at the military intelligence report from Bolheim Village. These reports are very interesting..."

Bai Pu spread a few pages of paper on the table, and Duke William and others gathered around.

After carefully reading the report, several senior Aboriginal officials frowned.

They also saw the clues.

It’s not that there are flaws in the military intelligence report from Bolheim Village.

On the contrary, these reports are too professional and perfect!

The data is detailed, the inspection is comprehensive, and the wording is professional... It is like a fake flower with perfect color, shape, and layer. There is no fault in all aspects, except for the lack of a sense of reality.

If these military intelligence reports were sent one every day and filed together with the military intelligence reports from other villages, it would indeed be difficult to arouse suspicion. But now that it was taken out alone, several senior aboriginal officials carefully considered it and immediately saw the flaw.

"It seems that Dio's judgment is correct. Borheim is most likely the hiding place of the Blood Ring Vanguard Army headquarters. From a pessimistic point of view, that village may have been controlled by the Blood Ring..." Qin said in a heavy tone. .

Control is a euphemistic term. Judging from the bloodthirsty level of the blood ring monster, the villagers of Borheim may have become food for the army of the dead plague.

"Since Qin's judgment is the same, it is worth my delay for a day." Duke William said sonorously, "Without further delay, let's set off now!"

As soon as Duke William finished speaking, Bai Pu received an update prompt from Spirit World's will.

[Main Mission II: The difficulty of cutting off the bloody hand has been adjusted to D level (downgraded from S Level). ]

[Since your analysis is the main reason for the reduction in mission difficulty, the scheduled rewards for main mission II remain unchanged. ]

Bai Pu looked at Duke William in surprise. Although he expected that Duke William's participation in the war would drastically reduce the difficulty of the main mission, he did not expect that the decrease would be so exaggerated. It seemed that the strength of Duke William and his party exceeded expectations! He is worthy of being the chief BOSS of Branden’s camp.

After several hours of trekking through the snow, the group finally arrived at Borheim.

After a short investigation, it was found that the headquarters of Bloody Hand Column was indeed located in Borheim. To be precise, it is a 50-meter-long sailing battleship!

This battleship is called the "Pioneer" and is the flagship of Bloodhand Golem. It has been moored on the seaside at the entrance to the village of Bolheim.

Bai Pu's calculation proved accurate. He received a reminder message from Spirit World's will, and his reputation in Branden's camp was +200, and several high-level officials' favorability towards him increased.

The most precious favorability is undoubtedly that of Duke William, which has actually increased by 100 points - this is the favorability of the camp's total boss and is worth thousands of dollars.

It is worth mentioning that after Qin’s favorability increased again, Bai Pu actually received another additional message:

[Brandon Court Advisor: Qin’s favorability towards you has increased. ]

[Your affinity with a Spirit World character of the opposite sex (Brandon Court Advisor: Qin) goes beyond the level of ordinary friends. You can already view the ‘infatuation’ level between you and her. ]

[Currently Branden’s court advisor: Qin’s level of attraction to you is: heart-pounding. ]

Bai Pu inquired about it, and Spirit World will provide relevant information:

Infatuation, generally the relationship between opposite sexes, is divided into 5 levels. The normal level of attraction is "normal", and the higher levels are "appreciation", "heartbeat", "admiration", and "love". Only when the "heartbeat" relationship is reached, the will of Spirit World will give prompts.

Bai Pu is a little overwhelmed. In the real world, he has never experienced a relationship between a man and a woman and lacks experience in this.

Now is not the time to think about it. The Sting Team, the Awakening Mission, the Super Group... Bai Pu's survival still faces serious threats.

Taking a deep breath, Bai Pu chose to be rational.

Jean is a very important senior Aboriginal person, and her words have influence on Duke William. Her favorable impression and adoration for herself increased, which made Bai Pu more confident about the next plan.

A group of people sneaked into the battleship, destroyed the rudder and cut off the sails, then emerged and began to wreak havoc.

Qin recited a spell and swayed out a bottle of blood-red liquid. Before the latter hit the ground, it evaporated into a light red mist and spread to most areas of the Pioneer.

This is the "blood magic" cast with the help of a spell-casting medium - the cursed blood mist, which can weaken the enemy in a large area.

The effect was very obvious. The blood-ring aberration soldiers on the ship were choking and coughing. Even the modified elite soldiers like the blood-ring hammer warriors were obviously affected. It is conservatively estimated that the combat effectiveness will be reduced by one-third!

During this period, Duke William always respected his identity and did not participate in the fighting.

His bodyguard, Zweig, was already quite powerful, and his attacks were devastating. Even the Blood Ring Hammer couldn't take more than two moves in front of Zweig. Although Qin's "Curse Blood Mist" has weakened him, Zweig's strength is still evident.

The court wizard Jialan is good at blood magic and can directly drain the blood from the enemy's body. He is anomaly and tyrannical.

Bai Pu knows that the strong people in Spirit World are graded according to the strength growth template, which can be divided into different levels such as ordinary, elite, enhanced elite, leader, etc. He estimated that Zweig and Jialan might be elite level warriors, a higher level than the Blood Ring Hammers.

Yvette should be at the Elite Level, and her strength is comparable to that of the Blood Ring Hammer.

Everyone fought all the way to Bloodhand Gollon's captain's cabin. The fog of cursed blood gradually dissipated, and they finally encountered an obstacle.

A deformed person with an enlarged right arm and gnarled muscles appeared in front of him. The aberrant wielded a bronze pillar, and when he struck, the evil wind hit his face. The first blow knocked Adjutant Zweig flying out, and he fell straight into the sea.

Of course, Zweig was not injured. He climbed onto the ship with a black face and went into battle again.

However, this aberration is really difficult to solve in the narrow deck passage. His right arm is deformed and has a powerful strength bonus that exceeds the current level. The bronze pillar he wields is too huge, and there is no room for everyone to dodge!

Zweig was knocked into the sea for the second time, and Duke William finally couldn't sit still.

"Everyone, stand down."

Duke William seemed to disdain the siege, and even the wizard of Gloria wanted to activate blood magic, but he was stopped by him. The Duke slowly stepped forward and drew out the sword engraved with the eagle emblem on his waist.


Duke William drew his sword and struck, and a bloody light that was several meters long shot out from the sword's edge. With just one blow, the giant right arm that the aberrant was proud of was cut off!

Afterwards, Duke William wiped his sword gracefully with a handkerchief, sheathed it, and didn't even bother to touch up the sword.

Everyone rushed forward.

Bai Pu was not polite, he rushed up and beat the drowned dog hard, hitting him with a bone mallet.

The aberration died, and a dark blue treasure box floated out from his body.

Just looking at the color, it is High Level compared to the blue treasure chest of the Blood Ring Heavy Hammer. Bai Pu thought to himself that this aberration should also be an "enhanced elite" level strongman.

Another good news is that Bai Pu's basic equipment (one-handed hammer type) branch has experienced continuous battles and has integrated the newly learned skills into a basic level 3.

"Who dares to break into my ship!"

There was a roar, and the heavy wooden door of the captain's cabin was kicked open!

A giant man, more than two meters tall and wearing heavy black armor, rushed out.

The right arm of this giant man is very special. It is broken at the wrist, and a blood-red giant ax is connected to the broken arm! The handle of the giant ax was densely covered with blood-red lines, like blood vessels, connected to the blood vessels of the giant man's severed arm.

(End of chapter)

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