Global Evolution: I Transplanted The Supreme Deity Heart

Chapter 85 Eat The Heart? (Second Update Of Three)

Chapter 85 Eat the heart? (Second update of three)

[Welcome to Inner Demon: The Plane World of Oath. ]

[Would you like to spend 180 Psionic points to temporarily acquire the common language of this plane and adjust your appearance and clothing? ]

Bai Pu chose yes.

The first time he entered the world of [Flesh Plague: Origin] was a trial mission, and the second time he entered the world of [Three Kingdoms: Red Cliff] was a college entrance examination subject. Spirit World will automatically help him acquire language and adjust his appearance for free. apparel.

This [Inner Demon: Oath] plane trip is Bai Pu’s first time using a ticket (anchor) to enter the Spirit World. Nothing is free.

After an invisible ripple, Bai Pu's mind temporarily gained a new language, and his appearance and clothing also changed significantly.

Needless to say, appearance is another kind of handsomeness without affecting the hidden attribute: charm, just like Bai Gu and Yanzu in the AD era.

Bai Pu paid close attention to his transformed clothes, which were made of burlap with a slanted lapel, a hemp rope tied around his waist, and a pair of straw sandals on his feet.

It's a bit like ancient civilian clothing that is a mixture of Chinese and Japanese styles, but it goes well with the civilian identity corresponding to Bai Pu's tickets.

The information about Spirit World's will slowly spread out, providing Bai Pu with simple information about this world.

[Inner Demon: Oath]

[Time: Yongzheng period]

[Region: Inner Demon Continent-Black Tortoise Mountain Plains]

[Strength: 1.8]

[Background: This is a world where humans and demons coexist. The Martial Artist absorbed the power of demons and ghosts as weapons, lost himself in the killing, and the terrifying demon appeared. The war between humans and demons has begun, and the oath to eliminate demons has been passed down from generation to generation. ]

Bai Pu's foothold is a slightly dark jungle.

Bai Pu's first impression of the world of inner demons was that it was dull.

The sky has lead-grey clouds, as if there is always a cold mist. The sun can be seen occasionally, but its color is pale, and mortal eyes can look directly at it for a long time.

In Bai Pu's palm, the worn scabbard floated up, turning into tiny points of light and blending into Bai Pu's body.

[The grade of the anchor you use is: D grade. ]

[Your status level is: civilian. ]

[The initial time you can stay freely in this world is: 3 days. Please try to trigger and complete the main quest within 3 days. Failure to trigger the main quest within the time limit will result in your being exiled. ]

The word "exile" is in blood-red font. The punishment for failure in the main mission is the same as being exiled to the turbulent space.

Within 3 days, trigger the main quest of Rank One.

This is not too difficult. After all, the main quest in Rank One is easy to trigger. Basically, you just need to join a "main camp" in this world and complete the tasks given by the camp's top management.

The main camp refers to Cao Jun, Liu Bei Jun and Sun Quan Jun in the Red Cliff scene, which are large forces that play a decisive role in the progress of the plot.

Small forces like the Wu Jun Lu Family and even the Sihe Gang will only trigger side missions and will not count.

"According to the data, the world of Inner Demon: The Oath has two major camps: the oath camp that favors justice and protects mankind, and the completely evil demon camp."

It is extremely difficult to join the demon camp.

Because in the background of the world, "demon ghosts" are bloodthirsty spirit bodies that only know killing. Their thirst for human flesh and blood penetrates deep into the bone marrow, and there are huge numbers of them.

"Devils" are demons that occupy human bodies and devour human souls. Because he devoured human souls, the demon possessed wisdom, but he inherited the demon's desire for human flesh and blood, and he could only kill.

In this case, unless the initial entry identity of the awakened person is a demon - which of course requires other High Level ticket affixes - it will be difficult to join the demon camp as a human being.

The demon camp has a great advantage in this world, because most of the strong men in the guardian camp use the power of demons to fight. During the killing process, they will be subtly affected by the power of demons.

Once the soul is lost, the strong man in the guardian camp will fall to the side of the demon and become a demon.

Every time a strong person degenerates into a demon, the damage caused to the guardian camp is far greater than losing a strong person himself!

Therefore, joining the demon camp is good for the general trend of the world.

Generally speaking, the awakened people who join the demon camp have more or less dark personalities, and can slaughter their own kind without hesitation, and even enjoy killing them.

Bai Pu has a calm and rational personality. If necessary, he will not exclude joining the demon camp, but he will not go out of his way to squeeze in.

Regardless of the general trend of the world, awakened people do not necessarily need to join a strong camp.

The victory of the camp does not equal the victory of the awakened ones.

In Bai Pu's opinion, there are a lot of good things that the guardian camp can get. According to intelligence, there are four major inheritance families in the guardian camp, guarding the four sides of the Inner Demon Continent.

Each inheritance family has been passed down for hundreds of years, using legendary beasts as totems, and has a profound heritage.

The inherited family that guards the Black Tortoise Mountain Plain in the north is the Beiming Family, which uses the mythical beast Black Tortoise as its totem. If you can get a high-level reputation in Beiming's family, there will definitely be many benefits.

Bai Pu moved forward, feeling a little soft under his feet.

Between the gloomy trees, there is a thick layer of humus, which is a layer of lichen formed by the accumulation and decay of unattended fallen leaves and animal remains, providing a steady stream of nutrients to this gloomy forest.

Suddenly, Bai Pu's footsteps stopped.

The bark of a big tree next to him was torn in half, revealing yellow-white woody tissue, and there was a black-red dotted mark on the surface of the woody tissue.

Ordinary people might not be able to detect this subtle anomaly, but Bai Pu's observation ability is as strong as that of a high-definition camera. Coupled with his powerful information analysis capabilities, he can see everything clearly.

He walked over, gently twisted the tree trunk, and quickly made a judgment.

"This black-red trace... should be dried blood. Judging from the long point distribution, it should be blood splashed on it, at least a day ago!"

Bai Pu narrowed his eyes, and when he looked up again, he had chosen a direction and strode over!

A layer of light blue ripples that only Bai Pu could see spread out, extending ten meters around.

This is the mental scanning ability that Bai Pu opened after his mental attributes reached the standard after he possessed [Wujun Lu's Identity Jade Tablet].

At the end of the road, Bai Pu saw a body.

A headless corpse.

Bai Pu looked calm and had no worries in his heart. He squatted down and checked the condition of the corpse.

The clothes of this headless corpse are quite exquisite, with a turtle body and snake tail pattern embroidered on its back, and a dark green jade ring on its finger. It looks like an aboriginal figure with great status.

The cross-section of the neck was smooth and neat, as if it had been struck on the head by some extremely sharp weapon.

When Bai Pu touched the corpse, the Spirit World will suddenly sent a message:

[You have encountered an opportunity to choose your faction. ]

[A: Take the headless corpse to one of the main cities in the guardian camp. ]

[B: Eat the heart of a headless corpse. ]

[Select countdown: 10, 9, 8, 7...]

As soon as the countdown appeared, Bai Pu was already ready for battle and drew out the sharp long knife!

He did not choose to eat the heart of the headless corpse - this was obviously a prerequisite for joining the demon camp.

So extrapolating from this, after eating the heart, how to join the demon camp?

It is very possible that there is a demon watching nearby!

The lurking monsters, seeing Bai Pu's anti-human act of eating the heart, will step forward to interact with Bai Pu out of curiosity, recognition and other emotions, giving Bai Pu a real test to join the monster camp!

Thinking about it on the other hand, if Bai Pu's choice is to bring the headless corpse back to the main city, that is, he chooses to join the guardian camp.

So how will the monster lurking in the dark react?

These thoughts went through Bai Pu's mind several times in just one moment! So Bai Pu was ready for battle immediately.

laugh! A very thin sound sounded, like the sound of a crossbow.

Bai Pu suddenly rolled to avoid it. A small hole was penetrated into a big tree behind him! It is conceivable that if Bai Pu had not avoided in advance, his body would have been like a big tree.

The monster has arrived!

(End of chapter)

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