Chapter 90 Ugly Scars

Seeing the skinny awakened person "Yu Guang" with a big pumpkin head pushing over and sitting next to him, Dong Bo Chengzhi frowned slightly, but did not say anything to drive him away.

What he was thinking at this time was probably: Ugly, don’t touch me.

But "Yuguang" helped him find a long-lost token of the Dongbo family, which was considered a credit. Dongbo Chengzhi had a certain fondness for him, so he could only tolerate the visual discomfort a little.

"Lord Dong Bo, you have to be careful about this person, he doesn't have the oath seal!" Youguang said.

Dong Bo Chengzhi said "Yes": "I know...didn't you say that this person is a lurking demon and might attack you on the spot? But the result is not what you said."

Youguang gritted his teeth and said, "He knew that Master Dongbo was on the side and didn't dare to take action!"

Dong Bo Chengzhi's eyes slowly glanced over.

But Bai Pu smiled softly and directly opened his coarse clothes (the transformed clothing of Spirit World's will)!

On the shoulders and chest, the mottled scars left by the Demon Spider Girl are still clearly visible.

In particular, the Demon Spider Girl's spider claws are poisonous. Although the blood will not be continuously deducted, it will reduce the upper limit of health by 10% before the poison is removed - a long-term chronic poison effect that is not fatal but is disgusting.

The manifestation of Bai Pu's body is that every place where he was poked was slightly swollen, showing purple bloodshot eyes and white pus!

When Bai Pu returned to the city, he did not immediately deal with the toxins. He did not even activate the adaptive evolution ability of "Inactivation Blood Image" to reduce the impact of toxins on the body.

The purpose is to leave the scar of his battle with the Demon Spider Girl in front of the aboriginal people. This is the medal of the demon slayer.

"This is the scar left by the poison of the Demon Spider Girl... It's such an ugly scar."

Dong Bo Chengzhi frowned slightly. He obviously had a slight mysophobia and disliked the scars on Bai Pu's body.

However, the look in Dong Bo Chengzhi's eyes was not that he hated Bai Pu, but that he hated Bai Pu's scars——

That kind of look is like seeing a piece of exquisite porcelain stained with bird droppings, and you want to ask someone to clean the bird droppings immediately, leaving the exquisite porcelain for appreciation!

So Dong Bo Chengzhi directly took out a bottle of detoxifying ointment and said to Bai Pu: "Clean up the scars quickly. Such a gorgeous body should not coexist with such ugly scars."

Bai Pu took the ointment and got the hint of Spirit World's will.

[Evergreen Cream (temporarily borrowed): A-level props, it immediately relieves the user of all abnormal conditions below priority (5), eliminates scars, and increases the user's hidden attribute: charm by (10) points for 24 hours. The number of remaining uses of this item: 10/10, it cannot be taken out of this world. ]

Apparently Dong Bo Chengzhi was lent to Bai Pu for use.

A-level props with such powerful effects cannot be given to Bai Pu for free according to the principle of Spirit World that only one who wills will will reap the rewards.

Unless Dong Bo Chengzhi is a woman and has a high degree of attraction for Bai Pu. A woman who is in love cannot use common sense to infer that it is possible to give [Evergreen Cream] to Bai Pu.

But even if Dong Bocheng is willing to give it away, Bai Pu cannot take him out of this world.

Otherwise, in the world of [Flesh Plague: Origin], Bai Pu has put the noble piano in eighteen different postures. If he asks for a few pieces of golden equipment and A-level props, wouldn't it be easy to get them?

The key is that the items obtained in this way cannot be taken out of this world and are completely meaningless.

Bai Pu took the Evergreen Cream, picked up a small amount the size of a matchstick tip with her fingernail, and applied it on her chest.

The medicinal power automatically travels on the surface of Bai Pu's skin, and the areas originally swollen by toxins quickly reduce swelling and calm down.

"These wounds can prove my position and strength."

Bai Pu returned the evergreen ointment to Dongbo Chengzhi and asked at the same time: "Lord Dongbo, I wonder if you are willing to give me a seal of oath?"

The main quest only says "obtain a copy of the Oath Seal" and does not specify that you must obtain the Black Tortoise Seal. It is also possible to obtain the Azure Dragon Seal.

However, according to Bai Pu's speculation, the possibility that Dong Bocheng carries the "Azure Dragon Oath Seal" is no more than 30%, and the possibility that he is willing to give himself the Oath Seal is even lower than 10%.

But he always had to try.

Sure enough, Dong Bo Chengzhi shook his head and said: "I went on a trip and didn't bring any extra oaths with me. Besides, this is the Black Tortoise Mountain Plains. If I gave you the Azure Dragon oath, it would be against the rules."

To put it simply, this is the territory of the Beiming family. It is fine for Dong Bocheng to travel here, but it is too much to develop his power here.

Youguang sneered. If he was not completely sure that Dong Bocheng would not help Bai Pu complete the main mission, how could he possibly lead Dong Bocheng here and give Bai Pu the possibility of meeting him?

Bai Pu's face remained as calm as before, and he said to Dong Bo Chengzhi: "It's me, Meng Lang. Even though I don't have the oath seal and can't get the trust of the guardians, I am still willing to serve the guardians. If Lord Dong Bo is in need, , I’ll do my best now.”

This is an excavation of possible side missions on Dong Bocheng.

Youguang was filled with hatred and jealousy, and interjected: "Don't waste your efforts. Without the oath seal, who would dare to believe that you are not a demon? Even if you are not now, if you fall into the devil, without the oath's warning, we will all have the possibility Eat the knife you stabbed me in the back!"

The biggest advantage of the demon camp is that the strong people guarding the camp may fall into the devil's trap.

Therefore, in order for the guardian camp to trust each other, the four major inheritance families developed the method of oath. Obtaining a certain oath is equivalent to being recognized by a certain inheritance family.

Once the Martial Artist holding the oath is possessed, the oath seal will self-destruct, and other Martial Artists holding the oath will also be warned.

The significance of the oath is so deep-rooted that even the dashing Dong Bo Chengzhi cannot ignore it.

Bai Pu smiled lightly and said: "Before I obtain the Oath Seal, I will not act collectively with other guardians. But I think there will always be tasks that I can complete alone."

Dong Bocheng nodded slightly: "Well, if you insist. Originally, Mr. Bei Mingchuan entrusted me to go to the Black Swamp to explore the information about the demon stronghold... I will leave this matter to you."

Spirit World will prompt message came:

[Side mission: Exploring the Black Swamp]

[Task description: Go to the Black Swamp in the Black Tortoise Mountain Plain to explore the distribution information of the monsters. ]

[Task Difficulty: Unknown]

[Task duration: equal to your remaining residence time in this plane]

[Task reward: Guardian camp merit value:? ? ? (Subject to task completion)]

[Failure penalty: none]

This is a side task discovered by Bai Pu relying on his personal charm. The difficulty itself is floating, and the rewards are also floating.

It is estimated that the difficulty of the task and the extent of the reward are related to the detailed level of Bai Pu's intelligence.

If Bai Pu were just wandering around the edge of the Black Swamp, the difficulty would probably be very low and the rewards would be few. But if Bai Pu goes deep into the Black Swamp and ascertains the detailed information of most areas of the Black Swamp, he can obtain a large amount of merit points. Of course, the difficulty is also extremely high.

The guardian camp includes strong men like Beiming Jihu and Dongbo Chengzhi, and the demon camp naturally also has them. Even in terms of high-level combat power, they have to stabilize the guardian camp!

It is said that blackening is ten times stronger and whitening is three times weaker. This statement is really appropriate in the world of [Inner Demon: Oath].

Ghost Martial Artists who have fallen into demons are often able to give full play to the power of demonized weapons, and their combat power often rises instead of falling. What's more, demons heal their wounds very quickly. As long as their heads are not cut off, they can often regenerate quickly.

In the Black Swamp, in addition to elite demons like the Demon Spider Girl, there are also "general" level demons, or demon generals, who can take charge of one side! This is an existence that can rival an aboriginal strongman like Dong Bocheng.

And the most powerful demon in Black Swamp - Black Emperor, even Beiming Jihu dared not defeat.

(End of chapter)

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