Global Evolution: I Transplanted The Supreme Deity Heart

Chapter 92 You Have Been To The Demon Abyss, Right?

Chapter 92 You have been to the Demon Abyss, right?

Bai Pu took the letter.

In fact, he could guess the content of the letter without reading it. It was nothing more than that the dojo was attacked by demons, a large number of accumulated Black Tortoise oath seals were burned, and the producer Beiming Tieyue was also killed...

There should be another one, Beimingchuan is planning revenge.

If it weren't for revenge, why would Beimingchuan ask Dong Bocheng to explore the enemy situation in Black Swamp?

It's not surprising that there is no Black Tortoise seal on Phantom's body. The Super Star Alliance team sent him to follow Bai Pu, and they must make a plan in case he is discovered by Bai Pu.

The Oath Seal has the characteristic that it cannot be brought out of the plane world and must be dropped. If the Phantom is killed by Bai Pu, Bai Pu can directly obtain the Black Tortoise Oath Seal, and half of the early preparations of the Super Star Alliance will be wasted.

Then the prompt message of Spirit World’s will came:

[Phantom gives you 3481 Psionic points. Whether to accept? ]

The code name that the awakened person gives himself will be recognized by the will of the Spirit World.

Some common code names for crashes do not cause audio-visual confusion.

Bai Pu could clearly detect that when Spirit World's will mentioned "phantom", a hazy red light flashed across the phantom's body in front of him. This should be a reminder of Spirit World's will.

Even if there are a hundred awakened people codenamed "Phantom" in front of him, Bai Pu will not misjudge the prompt information of Spirit World's will.

"Can you let me go?" Phantom's eyes were full of hope.

"You still need to do one more thing...tell everything about the Transcendent Star Alliance's arrangements in the world of inner demons."

Bai Pu threatened, "You know very well how powerful the intelligence network of the military special service team is. I have actually obtained a lot of information. Now I let you tell me, just for verification! Once you hide something, or what you say is wrong, Number..."

The Demon Spider Girl licked her plump lips with her tongue, opened her cherry mouth, and her sharp canine teeth shone coldly.

"I'll explain!"

Phantom was spineless and kept saying: "The Super Star Alliance has experts in both camps. There are two experts in the guardian camp, one is codenamed 'Goshawk', and the other is codenamed 'Light'... In the demon There is only one master arranged by the camp, codenamed 'Owl'!"

"What are their professions and what powerful methods do they have?" Bai Pu asked.

Phantom obviously didn't know much, but he tried his best to tell the truth.

"Beiming Tieyue, who was good at making the Black Tortoise oath seal, was probably kidnapped and killed by the 'Owl'. Maybe there were also two young men from the two guardian camps, 'Goshawk' and 'Yuguang', who cooperated inside and outside. .”

Phantom said dejectedly: "I can't hide anything from you. But Goshawk didn't participate. It was mainly because Du Guang helped him take away the patrolling aboriginal Martial Warrior."

"last question."

Bai Pu raised a finger, "You have been to the Demonic Abyss, the junction of the Super Star Alliance, right?"

"Okay, let's go."

After some interrogation, Bai Pu signaled the Spider Girl to put down the phantom.

The phantom was startled for a moment, and then the ecstasy of the rest of his life quickly surged out! He walked around behind the big tree and took out a crumpled cigarette box with a series of numbers scrawled on it.

This cigarette box is obviously the Phantom's forced escape tool, and its name is also called [Stowaway's Token].

Ten seconds later, the phantom's body was wrapped in white light and disappeared.

The Demon Spider Girl roared with dissatisfaction. She obviously didn't understand why Bai Pu let the enemy go.

"Killing this person will only yield a low-quality bloody treasure chest at most... and there may even be nothing to explode." Bai Pu knew that the Demon Spider Girl understood, "Even if there is a treasure chest, I want the tatters on his body to be there." What's the use? If I let him go, what I will gain is three thousand Psionic points, as well as important information about the Super Star Alliance!"

Whether it is the layout of the Super Star Alliance in this world or the information about the "Demon Abyss" at the junction, it is very crucial.

As for whether Phantom escapes back to the real world alive and reveals Bai Pu's information, it actually has little impact.

First of all, this batch of awakened ones have either already entered the [Inner Demon: Oath] plane world, or are still in the queue, and cannot obtain new information.

Secondly, Bai Pu’s target is Mo Yuan. This was obvious when Bai Pu and You Guang encountered each other. The Super Star Alliance is not a fool and must have arranged a plan for information transmission.

If the phantom doesn't go back, other awakened people will go back to inform. Maybe as early as when Youguang provoked Bai Pu, the Super Star Alliance knew that Bai Pu had chosen the [Inner Demon: Oath] world.

As for whether Phantom will take the initiative to report: I'm sorry, in order to survive, I revealed all the details of the junction area...

Bai Pu thinks not, Phantom is not that loyal.

"Let's go, chase away the stalker, it's time to get down to business."

Bai Pu comforted the unhappy Demon Spider Girl until the latter squinted her eyes and made a comfortable hum before retracting her palm.

"I called you out not just to drive him away. You should be familiar with the demons in the Black Swamp, right? Use the demon's communication method to help me lure some out."

Bai Pu did not choose to kill the Demon Spider Girl to obtain the treasure chest, but spent a drop of pure blood to turn her into a slave, which was regarded as an investment. Now, it's time to harvest.

The Black Swamp is a vast swamp with intricate secret passages, and only demons know the path.

The black swamp is filled with thin gray fog, the visibility is relatively low, and even the range of the mental scan has been reduced to 1/3.

According to the information, this gray mist is called "Monster Qi".

For monsters and ghosts, Monster Qi is like a fish that cannot live without water. Within the Monster Qi area, they can move freely, but outside the Monster Qi area, they will soon weaken and die.

The devil is different - the devil is a terrifying monster created by demons residing in human bodies and devouring human consciousness! You can leave the Monster Qi area and lurk in human settlements.

The theory is that demons pose a greater threat, but demons cannot be left alone. Because the number of monsters and ghosts increases, the Monster Qi area will gradually expand, threatening human settlements!

Therefore, the strong men in the guardian camp must regularly organize teams to enter the Monster Qi area and kill monsters and ghosts to curb the expansion of the Monster Qi area.


Along with a dull roar, a sturdy bull-headed monster appeared. It roared and followed behind the Demon Spider Girl. It was obviously communicating with the Demon Spider Girl in a language that only demons understand!

This bull-headed monster looks like a giant bull walking upright! It is nearly three meters tall, with a wide upper body and a narrow lower body. It has a deformed figure in the shape of an inverted triangle.

Its arms are extremely strong, and its hooves have evolved into large hands with four fingers, holding a thick wooden stake as a weapon.

A pair of blood-red eyes were filled with undisguised red murderous intent when looking at Bai Pu.

Bai Pu was bound by spider silk and lying alone on the smelly black water. He even had time to be thrown out by the Minotaur to explore.

[Niugui (Elite Level 3)]

[Race: Demon race/Ghost race]

[Attributes: Strength 23, Agility 12, Endurance 30, Spirit 9]

[Skill 1: Endurance Specialty: Niu Gui's health is increased by an additional 300 points. ]

[Skill 2: Horn Impact: Niu Gui challenges the opponent with two thick horns, causing a mixture of sharp + bludgeoning physical damage and knocking the target back. ]

[Skill 3:? ? ? ]

The cow ghost strode towards Bai Pu. Its thick nostrils spurted out streams of air, and it couldn't wait to raise the giant wooden stake!

(End of chapter)

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