Global Evolution: I'm a god at making items in the end times

Chapter 100 Breaking into the old nest (Subscribe please)

Chu Anqin drove the modified armored vehicle and first sent Wang Dongfu, whose injury had stabilized, back to the community. After telling Xiaoya a few words, he drove the armored vehicle towards Jiangcheng Second Hospital.

This modified armored vehicle was originally supposed to be a motorhome, with a large space in the back and very nice decoration.

But Chu Anqin did not appreciate it. He held the steering wheel tightly, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and rushed directly on the road.

A huge iron shovel was installed in front of the armored vehicle, and ordinary vehicles could not stop it at all and were knocked away.

"Awesome!" Chu Anqin felt a burst of pleasure as he watched it push forward.

This was the second time he drove so recklessly. The last time was when he drove a truck from the market transportation center back to the community.

However, it was cool. Even if he stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, the speed was not very fast, after all, there were too many obstacles.

It took him more than an hour to drive the armored vehicle to the street where Jiangcheng Second Hospital was located.

From a distance, the heavy iron gate slowly opened before the armored vehicle arrived at the hospital gate.

"The district chief is back, hurry up, open the door!"

Several people holding weapons at the door pushed open the iron door in a hurry.

Chu Anqin smiled coldly. He was ready to kill people. It seemed that the other party mistook him for Zhou Youye.

This modified armored vehicle was usually only used by Zhou Youye when he went out. The people below were very familiar with it, especially those guarding the gate. If they didn't have a good eye, they would be in trouble.

The armored vehicle drove to the door and passed through the iron gate. The people at the door didn't even dare to raise their heads. They didn't realize that the person sitting in the car was not their district chief.

Chu Anqin drove the armored vehicle successfully into the hospital, which saved a lot of effort.

He came here to find materials, such as food or gold, especially gold, which was the material he urgently needed.

Although there was no shortage of food for the time being, this kind of thing would definitely be better in the end of the world.

Driving the armored vehicle around the road inside the hospital, he met several people from the "Blood Hand Alliance" on the road. When they saw the car, they were all scared and dodged to the side.

It seems that Zhou Youye has a high prestige here.

Chu Anqin raised his lips, [Black Dragon Cannon] is really awesome, one shot can kill a big shot.

After driving through several small roads, the armored vehicle came to the first floor.

He took a rough look around and didn't see a member of the "Blood Hand Alliance".

He got off the car and quickly got into the building.

This building has only six floors and is located at the back of the hospital.

In memory, Jiangcheng Second Hospital is very large, divided into outpatient building, emergency building, inpatient building, comprehensive building, laboratory building, etc., and the back belongs to the logistics area of ​​the hospital, such as the canteen and warehouse.

He didn't know which building Zhou Youye's old nest was, and stopping here was nothing more than no way forward.

"Staff dormitory."

Chu Anqin looked at the big words on the door building downstairs, and then looked at the corridor. There was not much dust inside, so someone should live here.

"Catch someone and ask them"

When he just met a few people from the 'Blood Hand Alliance', he wanted to catch them and ask for directions, but unfortunately, those people hid far away when they saw the armored vehicle.

As for chasing them in public and exposing their identities, it would be too high-profile.

Although Chu Anqin was not afraid of the people here, even if he was besieged, he was not worried at all with the [Black Dragon Suit].

However, he was afraid of causing panic, and the members of the 'Blood Hand Alliance' fled in all directions, taking away the good things along the way, so he couldn't chase them one by one.

His eyes flickered, and his right hand summoned the [Black Dragon Sword], and walked along the corridor on the first floor.

For a staff dormitory like this, there are eight rooms on one floor, and he quickly checked the first floor.

The rooms on the first floor were extremely messy and dusty, and there must be no one.

He went up the corridor again and came to the second floor, and searched along the corridor as well.

All the way to the sixth floor, Chu Anqin finally found a room with signs of living, but there was no one in it at this time.

Just as he was leaving the room somewhat helplessly, he saw another person coming out of the room at the end of the corridor.

"Who are you?" The man was startled and pointed at Chu Anqin and walked over.

"I am."

Chu Anqin smiled slightly, and his figure suddenly became illusory. The next second, he appeared behind the man, with the [Black Dragon Knife] on his neck.

"What are you doing?"

The man didn't react at all to what happened. This was the Second Hospital of Jiangcheng, the lair of the District Master of the Sixth District of the 'Blood Hand Alliance'. He never thought that someone would dare to make trouble here.

"Shut up!" Chu Anqin shouted coldly, and with a little force, the [Black Dragon Knife] cut the skin on the man's neck.

At this time, the man finally realized that a disaster was coming and his life was in danger.

"Brother. Don't kill me. Don't kill me."

"I ask you, where does Zhou Youye live? And where are your supplies?"

"In the laboratory building, the district master is in the laboratory building, and the supplies are all in the laboratory building." The man trembled and answered hurriedly, fearing that he would lose his life if he answered slowly.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he felt a chill on his neck, followed by difficulty breathing, something gushing out of his throat, his consciousness became blurred, and soon he fell to the ground powerlessly.

Chu Anqin came down from the "staff dormitory" building, got on the armored vehicle, and drove directly to the laboratory building.

The laboratory building is located in the center of Jiangcheng Second Hospital. It is used by the hospital for some scientific research and is not open to the public. For example, the previous virus research and the genetic drugs that were eliminated by the government were all developed in the laboratory building.

He drove the armored vehicle to the laboratory building quickly.

As soon as he got downstairs, Chu Anqin saw that the door of the experimental building was heavily guarded, and seven or eight people with weapons were guarding the door.

However, when these people saw the armored vehicle, they all stood up straight with fear on their faces.

Because the windows of the armored vehicle were anti-peeping, the outside could not see clearly inside.

Chu Anqin parked the car more than ten meters away from the experimental building, looking at these seven or eight people, frowning slightly.

These people thought that the district owner Zhou Youye was sitting in the car, so they were flattering.

"Even if eight people use "guibu", it is impossible to kill them all in an instant."

Chu Anqin was thinking in his heart, how to enter the experimental building without alerting the enemy.

The eight people at the door of the experimental building were terrified, watching the armored vehicle parked not far away and not coming over, and their hearts were even more nervous, not knowing what to do.

"Xuege, what's going on, why doesn't the district owner come over?" One person finally couldn't help but whispered to the person next to him.

"Don't talk!" The face of the man called Xuege changed slightly, and he cursed in a low voice.

The district chief has an unpredictable temperament and can kill people at will. He doesn't want to be targeted by the district chief.

At this moment, the senior suddenly saw the window of the armored vehicle rolled down, and then a hand stretched out and waved at him.

The senior was stunned and hurried over.

As soon as he ran to the side of the armored vehicle, he saw the door open.

Before he could react, he saw a black gun muzzle behind the door.

"Don't talk, get in." Chu Anqin raised his right arm and aimed the [Black Dragon Cannon] at the senior.

The senior felt dizzy and his scalp was numb. Isn't this armored vehicle the district chief's? Why is there someone else sitting in it?

What's going on?

Where is the district chief?

"Get in!" Chu Anqin scolded again.

The senior was cold all over, sweating, and got into the car stiffly.

As soon as he got in the car, a black shadow flashed before his eyes, and the [Black Dragon Knife] wiped his neck.

Then, Chu Anqin repeated the operation, stretched out his hand to call a person to get on the car, and wiped his neck.

After killing four people in a row, only the last four people were left at the door of the laboratory building.

The four people were confused and guessing why the district owner asked them to go one by one, and no one came down.

They were confused, but no one dared to take the initiative to check.

"There are four people left. Activating the 'guibu' should be able to kill them instantly."

The armored vehicle started moving again and approached the door of the laboratory building.

Thanks to Fengya Mingtian for the monthly ticket

Thanks to book friend 1503609 for the reward

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