Global Evolution: I'm a god at making items in the end times

Chapter 105 Yuling Chip (Happy New Year, Year of the Dragon)

Chu Anqin looked at the [Third-order Essence Core] in his hand, and his consciousness entered the [Miniature Black Dragon Space].

Take out ten E-class energy crystals and use the panel to make one D-class energy crystal.

Then his consciousness moved and his eyes stayed on the [Elementary Spirit Control Chip] option.

[Elementary Yuling chip, after being inserted into the brains of third-level alien creatures and below, can forcibly control their thoughts and behaviors. Materials required: 1 third-level sperm core + 1 D-level energy crystal + 1 black dragon chip + 10 units of self blood】

"Make it!"

The advantage of having the [Micro Black Dragon Space] is that you can carry the materials with you and be able to make items at any time.

In the blink of an eye, a palm-sized chip appeared in his hand, which was the [Elementary Yuling Chip].

Chu Anqin looked at the chip carefully and checked the specific usage.

The [Elementary Yuling Chip] can only control third-level alien species and below, and requires the alien species to not resist before the chip can be successfully implanted.

The method of implantation is also very simple. You only need to stick the chip between the alien's eyebrows for more than one minute, and the chip will automatically integrate into the alien's brain.

In fact, just from the method of implantation, it can be seen that if you want to successfully stick the chip between the eyebrows of the alien species, the prerequisite is that the alien species cannot resist.

Chu Anqin took the [Elementary Yuling Chip] and walked quickly towards the underground vault where the Mouse King was hiding.

As soon as they entered the area where the Mouse King was, a 'chirp' sound came from the darkness.

Then, the Mouse King came out with two slightly larger mutated mice and looked at him pitifully.

Chu Anqin knelt down, took out some alien flesh and blood, and placed it in front of the Mouse King.

When the mouse king saw the food, he immediately ran to the flesh and started to gnaw on it.

Chu Anqin turned on the life detection system of the [Black Dragon Suit], and more than a hundred mutant mice had gathered here.

Most of the mutated mice were non-level, and only four were first-level mutants.

The Mouse King itself is already at the peak level of the first level, and the two that come out with it are at the ordinary level of the first level, and the other two are hiding in the dark.

He looked at the two slightly larger mice, and then at the mouse king who was eating a big meal, his eyes shining with light.

I saw him gently stroking the Mouse King's silky hair, holding the [Primary Yuling Chip] in his right hand, leaning towards the Mouse King's eyebrows.

Just when the chip was only a palm away from the center of his eyebrows, the Mouse King's hair suddenly exploded all over his body. He didn't care about his flesh and blood, and swooped to a place more than ten meters away.

Two slightly larger first-order mutated rats nearby also immediately rushed to the side and made a hostile gesture towards him.

"Don't be afraid, little one."

Chu Anqin paused inwardly, put on a smile on his face, and took out a whole alien corpse directly from the [Miniature Black Dragon Space].

This was a black-haired, first-order dog mutant that he had hunted in the North Lake District before. He didn't even take out the sperm core.

Although the Mouse King was not hostile to Chu Anqin, its exploding hair showed that it had felt threatened.

Its big eyes were faintly red with blood, much like the original Green-haired Rat King.

The Mouse King stared warily at the [Elementary Yuling Chip] in Chu Anqin's hand, and looked longingly at the alien corpse next to him.

Chu Anqin was amused. The Mouse King was now afraid of the chip in his hand, but at the same time wanted to come over and eat alien flesh.

"Come here, I'll give you all this."

He directly tore off a leg of the alien corpse and threw it at the Mouse King, allowing the blood to permeate the air better.

The Mouse King actually showed a very anthropomorphic expression of confusion on his face. A pair of blood-red eyes glanced at the thrown leg, and finally stared at the position of the corpse's head.

With Chu Anqin's constant temptation, the Mouse King finally couldn't resist the temptation of flesh and blood, and swooped over to the corpse at Chu Anqin's feet.


Chu Anqin exhaled a breath and tried to apply the [Elementary Yuling Chip] again.

This time, the Mouse King only ate the flesh and blood from the head of the corpse and did not escape again.

When the chip was completely attached to the Mouse King's eyebrows, Chu Anqin slowly let go of his hanging heart.

He didn't expect that the Mouse King, who had always been quite close to him, could actually feel the threat of the [Elementary Spirit Control Chip].

If the Mouse King still refuses to come, then he may have no choice but to use violence in the end.

Fortunately, the Mouse King still trusted him very much, and finally, under the temptation of flesh and blood, he obediently let him wear a chip.

Within a minute, the [Elementary Spirit Control Chip] miraculously disappeared completely.

Chu Anqin moved his right hand and his eyes stayed on the Mouse King.

After successfully implanting the [Primary Yuling Chip], he gained more control over the Mouse King in his consciousness.

Look at the mouse king himself, munching on flesh and blood, as if nothing happened.

On the other hand, the two slightly larger rat mutants next to him showed their teeth and were very afraid of him.

Chu Anqin smiled slightly and stood up.

"Go up!"

He said softly and pointed to an iron shelf not far away.

The mouse king's body suddenly stiffened and then relaxed again.


The mouse king jumped onto the iron shelf naturally.

Chu Anqin's eyes lit up. Through this [Elementary Yuling Chip], he had completely controlled the Mouse King.

"Ha ha."

Compared with the previous attempts to establish a relationship with the Mouse King through various temptations, the [Elementary Spirit Control Chip] is more violent and direct.

On top of that, the former mouse king could only understand very few words.

Now through the chip, basic instructions can be understood and executed.

"Go and eat."

He issued several commands in succession, and the mouse king was able to understand them and make corresponding actions.

The mouse king swooped over to the corpse and began to devour the alien corpse again.

Not long after, the Mouse King actually dug out the head of the corpse and took out a ball from inside.

This round bead is nothing else, it is the essence core that Chu An and Qin did not take away.

"give it to me."

Chu Anqin stretched out his hand, pointed at the sperm core and said.

However, after the order was given this time, the Mouse King hesitated.

Chu Anqin frowned. Although the hesitation was short-lived, he was still keenly aware of the Mouse King's reluctance.

"you want?"

A thought occurred to him. Humans improve their physical evolution by swallowing sperm cores. Could it be that alien species can do the same?

When the Mouse King heard this, he nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"for you."

Chu Anqin threw the sperm core he had just obtained into the air. The Mouse King's illusory figure bit towards the sperm core.

He wanted to see if alien species could also eat sperm cores.

The Mouse King jumped out, opened his mouth, and swallowed the sperm core in mid-air.

"Do you want more?" Chu Anqin took out another [First-order Essence Core] and asked.

The Mouse King nodded immediately and looked at him pitifully.


Chu Anqin has dozens of [First-order Essence Cores] in his hands. Apart from making exotic hunting wine, they are of little use for the time being.

If the mouse king likes to eat, you can feed a few.

After giving out three sperm cores in a row, when he took out another one, the mouse king showed that he no longer had much desire.

He guessed that the current mouse king could only swallow three sperm cores at one time.

After the Mouse King swallowed three sperm cores, he rubbed Chu Anqin's feet very affectionately.

The other two alien species that had been hiding aside were devouring the remaining flesh and blood with the permission of the Mouse King.

Chu Anqin played with the Mouse King for a while before slowly exiting the underground vault.

When I got home, I ate something and changed into clean clothes.

He sat on the sofa and observed the pot of spider plants.

Today's spider plants have changed a lot. There are more or less blood-red stems on each leaf, and some can be seen even on the rhizomes.

While he was fiddling with the leaves with great interest, the satellite phone left by Yang Lisheng suddenly rang.

Happy New Year to everyone, and good luck in the Year of the Dragon

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