Global Evolution: I'm a god at making items in the end times

Chapter 112 Leaving the City (Happy New Year, Year of the Dragon)

For the next few days, Chu Anqin would hunt alien species in Jiangcheng every day.

But for many consecutive days, the harvest was not satisfactory, and he did not encounter a second-level alien species.

If he could not hunt a second-level alien species, he would not be able to obtain the [Second-level Essence Core] to swallow and improve the degree of physical evolution.

"This is not a solution."

Chu Anqin sat on the sofa, fiddling with the mutant spider plant.

There must be high-level alien species in Jiangcheng, but if you want to encounter them, you can only rely on luck.

But luck is something illusory. He may hunt several in a day, or he may not encounter a second-level one for several days.

He suddenly thought of the wilderness and sea areas outside the city that Yang Lisheng had mentioned, where there are countless alien species.

Thinking of this, Chu Anqin's eyes lit up.

Although he is not a third-level mutant now, he has the [Black Dragon Suit] and several major upgrade components. His combat power is not worse than that of the third level. The feasibility of going out of the city to hunt alien species is very high.

He picked up the satellite phone and dialed:

"Commander Yang, I want to go out of the city to hunt aliens"

The other end of the phone was stunned at first, and then Yang Lisheng answered excitedly:


The defense pressure in Jiangcheng is getting bigger and bigger now, and the few third-level psychics in Jiangcheng are gradually unable to hold on.

Chu Anqin, who can wipe out the third-level rat tide, is willing to volunteer, and it is hard for Yang Lisheng not to be excited.


"The wilderness area in the west?"

"Okay, got it."

Chu Anqin quickly hung up the phone again, with a thoughtful look on his face.

He learned from Yang Lisheng that the pressure in the west of Jiangcheng is very high now, and the infrastructure work of the steel wall is underway there, and a lot of machinery and personnel are deployed.

These people are all officially trained psychic warriors, who are capable of both combat and construction.

However, due to the lack of high-level psychics and the frequent attacks of aliens, infrastructure work is often hindered and even destroyed, machinery and equipment are seriously damaged, and casualties are also very tragic.

Chu Anqin sighed. He originally thought that he could relieve the pressure by hunting more alien species in the city, but he didn't expect that the situation outside the city was more severe than he imagined.

He knew that he couldn't stay in the city forever, whether it was the essence core required for body evolution, the alien flesh and blood, or the 100 units of third-level alien feathers required to make [Black Dragon Mechanical Wings].

He was no longer allowed to stay in the city to make small fights.

Chu Anqin looked at the time. It was more than ten o'clock in the morning. The "Star" team had gone out to collect materials.

In fact, the current "Star" team is no longer of much use. Most of the materials found are metal materials, and a few gold and other materials.

But for metal materials, to be honest, he now has the [Micro Black Dragon Space], which is completely capable of searching by himself, and he has also collected all the pure gold materials.

The reason why the "Star" team still exists is to prevent these people from suddenly having no way out and cutting off their food source.

His current strength and mentality are no longer the same as when he first came to this world. He thinks more about long-term development.

These people have temporarily lost their value, but maybe the panel will start to need various materials again, and these people can come in handy again.

After several months of running-in, the more than 20 people in the "Star" team are all united and respect him very much. It is a good small group.

It will take some time to come back this time, and he has to explain some things to Wang Dongfu and Xiaoya.

He took out a mobile phone from the [Micro Black Dragon Space], unlocked it, charged it, and wrote down the things that needed to be explained on it.

Then, he came to Xiaoya's house.

Because he knocked on the door every time he came before, Xiaoya finally gave him a key.

Chu Anqin opened the security door, walked into the living room, and put the phone on the dining table.

Then, he went to the underground warehouse and found the Little Mouse King.

The little guy has been growing rapidly due to his constant hunting of alien species during this period. His size is almost catching up with his father or mother, and his pupils are becoming more and more obvious.

"Xiao Qingzi, come with me."

Since we are going to the wilderness area, take the Little Mouse King with us.

The second-level rat king is a powerful assistant anyway.


The little mouse king nodded obediently, raised his claws a few times, and six first-level mutant rats came out of the darkness.

The little mouse king made a "chirp" sound at these mutant rats, as if he was instructing them.

These six first-level mutant rats are all under the little mouse king. He originally wanted to take them with him, but then he thought that the first-level alien species might not be presentable in the wilderness area.

If he went out, he would probably die.

Not long after, Chu Anqin and the little mouse king came outside.

He summoned an armored vehicle, took the little mouse king in the car, and drove towards the western periphery of Jiangcheng.

On the western periphery of Jiangcheng, Chu Anqin drove an armored vehicle along the highway.

Far in front of him, there was a steel wall as high as 100 meters on the edge of Jiangcheng. It should be the shelter wall of the survival base that Yang Lisheng was talking about.

This wall is made entirely of steel, and its current length makes him unable to see the end.

Yang Lisheng said that the final steel wall will surround the entire Jiangcheng, and the wall will be continuously reinforced, defenses will be set up on the wall, and heavy firepower weapons will be installed.

Outside the wall is the wilderness area, where alien species often appear.

The parts of the steel wall that have been successfully built are fine, and the frequency of alien species appearing is not high.

However, near the city wall under construction, the alien species attack is very crazy.

Chu Anqin drove an armored vehicle and drove along the steel wall.

It took him more than half an hour to find an exit from the city.

At the exit, seven or eight soldiers were fully armed.

Chu Anqin just drove the car over. When one of them saw him, he suddenly straightened his body and saluted, as if he knew him.

Seeing this, the others also straightened their bodies and saluted.

Chu Anqin nodded and drove away from the exit in the armored vehicle.

These people had already received a notice from Yang Lisheng that once they saw Chu Anqin, they would let him go directly.

Chu Anqin drove out of Jiangcheng and looked through the rearview mirror. The steel wall behind him was like a steel behemoth, majestic and magnificent.

"No wonder Yang Lisheng firmly believed that only by building a survival base could Jiangcheng be saved"

Even he was shocked by the steel wall.

It's a pity that the current construction work has not even completed one-tenth.

It is very difficult to successfully build a steel wall to protect the entire Jiangcheng.

He drove the car on the dilapidated and withered abandoned road.

This road was originally a highway out of the city, and it would take more than 20 to 30 kilometers to reach the county below.

But since the outbreak of the doomsday, except for big cities like Jiangcheng, the county, towns, and rural areas below have all been occupied by alien species and turned into so-called wilderness areas.

As for the humans in these places, they either huddled in a corner and survived with difficulty, or fled to big cities early.

Chu Anqin sighed and drove the armored vehicle two or three kilometers away.

If Jiangcheng cannot successfully establish a survival base, the final outcome will be that it will completely become a wilderness area.

According to Yang Lisheng, the best warning range is two or three kilometers outside the city. It is very dangerous to go further away and it is easy to be surrounded by alien species.

Chu Anqin got off the car, took back the armored vehicle, summoned the [Black Dragon Suit], turned on the life detection system, and completed the charging of the [Black Dragon Cannon] on his right arm, while holding the [Black Dragon Knife] tightly in his hand.

The Mouse King also made a vigilant defensive posture and stayed close to him.

The first time you come to the wilderness area, you must not take it lightly.

He began to search for alien species along the road, his heart always hanging.

After walking for about ten minutes, he came to a small forest.

There were gusts of cold wind in the small forest, and dark shadows were swaying.

Chu Anqin looked at the red dots moving quickly on the virtual screen and smiled.

The life detection system showed that there were five second-level alien species in this small forest.

The environment in the wilderness area was harsh, and the alien species fought each other, causing the alien species in the wilderness area to be more bloodthirsty and brutal than the alien species in the city.

He took a deep breath and entered the small forest with the [Black Dragon Sword].

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